C# (CSharp) Cimbalino.Phone.Toolkit.Services 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AddressChooserService Represents an implementation of the IAddressChooserService.
ApplicationLifecycleService Represents an implementation of the IApplicationLifecycleService.
ApplicationManifestService Represents an implementation of the IApplicationManifestService.
ApplicationProfileService Represents an implementation of the IApplicationProfileService.
AsyncStorageService Represents an implementation of the IAsyncStorageService.
CameraCaptureService Represents an implementation of the ICameraCaptureService.
ClipboardService Represents an implementation of the IClipboardService.
DeviceStatusService Represents an implementation of the IDeviceStatusService.
DeviceStatusWithKeyboardService Represents an implementation of the IDeviceStatusService.
EmailAddressChooserService Represents an implementation of the IEmailAddressChooserService.
EmailComposeService Represents an implementation of the IEmailComposeService.
FMRadioService Represents an implementation of the IFMRadioService.
InputBoxService Represents an implementation of the IInputBoxService.
LocationService Represents an implementation of the ILocationService.
LocationServiceBase Base class for device location capabilities.
LocationServicePositionChangedEventArgs Provides data for ILocationService.PositionChanged events.
LocationServiceStatusChangedEventArgs Provides information for the ILocationService.StatusChanged event.
LockScreenService Represents an implementation of the ILockScreenService.
MapDownloaderService Represents an implementation of the IMapDownloaderService.
MapsDirectionsService Represents an implementation of the IMapsDirectionsService.
MapsService Represents an implementation of the IMapsService.
MarketplaceDetailService Represents an implementation of the IMarketplaceDetailService.
MarketplaceHubService Represents a service capable of showing the marketplace hub.
MarketplaceInformationService Represents an implementation of the IMarketplaceInformationService.
MediaLibraryService Represents an implementation of the IMediaLibraryService.
MessageBoxService Represents an implementation of the IMessageBoxService.
NavigationService Represents an implementation of the INavigationService.
NetworkInformationService Represents an implementation of the INetworkInformationService.
PhoneNumberChooserService Represents an implementation of the IPhoneNumberChooserService.
PhotoCameraService Represents an instance of the IPhotoCameraService
PhotoChooserService Represents an implementation of the IPhotoChooserService.
PhotoChooserWithCameraService Represents an implementation of the IPhotoChooserService.
SaveAppointmentService Represents an implementation of the ISaveAppointmentService.
SaveAppointmentServiceParams The settings to be used when SaveAppointmentService.Show is invoked.
SaveContactService Represents an implementation of the ISaveContactService.
SaveContactServiceParams The settings to be used when SaveContactService.Show is invoked.
SaveRingtoneService Represents an implementation of the ISaveRingtoneService.
ScreenInfoService Represents an implementation of the IScreenInfoService.
ScreenshotService Represents an implementation of the IScreenshotService.
SearchService Represents an implementation of the ISearchService.
ShareMediaService Represents an implementation of the IShareMediaService.
ShellTileService Represents an implementation of the IShellTileService.
ShellTileServiceCycleTileData Describes a Tile template that cycles between 1 to 9 background images.
ShellTileServiceFlipTileData Describes a Tile template that flips from the front to the back side. Allows customization of the background image and text for both the front and back Tile.
ShellTileServiceIconicTileData Describes an iconic Tile template.
ShellTileServiceStandardTileData Data for a tile pinned to Start. Tiles have a ‘front’ and ‘back’ to them and this class holds all this data.
ShellTileServiceTile Represents an implementation of the IShellTileServiceTile.
ShellTileServiceTileDataBase Represents an implementation of the IShellTileServiceTileData.
ShellTileWithCreateService Represents an implementation of the IShellTileService.
ShellToastService Represents an implementation of the IShellToastService.
StorageService Represents an implementation of the IStorageService.
SystemTrayService Represents an implementation of the ISystemTrayService.
VibrationService Represents an implementation of the IVibrationService.
VoiceCommandService Represents an implementation of the IVoiceCommandService.
VoiceCommandServiceSet Represents an implementation of the IVoiceCommandServiceSet.