Name |
Description |
AddressChooserService |
Represents an implementation of the IAddressChooserService. |
ApplicationLifecycleService |
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationLifecycleService. |
ApplicationManifestService |
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationManifestService. |
ApplicationProfileService |
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationProfileService. |
AsyncStorageService |
Represents an implementation of the IAsyncStorageService. |
CameraCaptureService |
Represents an implementation of the ICameraCaptureService. |
ClipboardService |
Represents an implementation of the IClipboardService. |
CurrentLocationHelper |
DeviceStatusService |
Represents an implementation of the IDeviceStatusService. |
DeviceStatusWithKeyboardService |
Represents an implementation of the IDeviceStatusService. |
EmailAddressChooserService |
Represents an implementation of the IEmailAddressChooserService. |
EmailComposeService |
Represents an implementation of the IEmailComposeService. |
FMRadioService |
Represents an implementation of the IFMRadioService. |
InputBoxService |
Represents an implementation of the IInputBoxService. |
LocationService |
Represents an implementation of the ILocationService. |
LocationServiceBase |
Base class for device location capabilities. |
LocationServiceExtensions |
LocationServicePositionChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for ILocationService.PositionChanged events. |
LocationServiceStatusChangedEventArgs |
Provides information for the ILocationService.StatusChanged event. |
LockScreenService |
Represents an implementation of the ILockScreenService. |
MapDownloaderService |
Represents an implementation of the IMapDownloaderService. |
MapsDirectionsService |
Represents an implementation of the IMapsDirectionsService. |
MapsService |
Represents an implementation of the IMapsService. |
MarketplaceDetailService |
Represents an implementation of the IMarketplaceDetailService. |
MarketplaceHubService |
Represents a service capable of showing the marketplace hub. |
MarketplaceInformationService |
Represents an implementation of the IMarketplaceInformationService. |
MediaLibraryService |
Represents an implementation of the IMediaLibraryService. |
MessageBoxService |
Represents an implementation of the IMessageBoxService. |
NavigationService |
Represents an implementation of the INavigationService. |
NetworkInformationService |
Represents an implementation of the INetworkInformationService. |
PhoneNumberChooserService |
Represents an implementation of the IPhoneNumberChooserService. |
PhotoCameraService |
Represents an instance of the IPhotoCameraService |
PhotoChooserService |
Represents an implementation of the IPhotoChooserService. |
PhotoChooserWithCameraService |
Represents an implementation of the IPhotoChooserService. |
SaveAppointmentService |
Represents an implementation of the ISaveAppointmentService. |
SaveAppointmentServiceParams |
The settings to be used when SaveAppointmentService.Show is invoked. |
SaveContactService |
Represents an implementation of the ISaveContactService. |
SaveContactServiceParams |
The settings to be used when SaveContactService.Show is invoked. |
SaveRingtoneService |
Represents an implementation of the ISaveRingtoneService. |
ScreenInfoService |
Represents an implementation of the IScreenInfoService. |
ScreenshotService |
Represents an implementation of the IScreenshotService. |
SearchService |
Represents an implementation of the ISearchService. |
ShareMediaService |
Represents an implementation of the IShareMediaService. |
ShellTileService |
Represents an implementation of the IShellTileService. |
ShellTileServiceCycleTileData |
Describes a Tile template that cycles between 1 to 9 background images. |
ShellTileServiceFlipTileData |
Describes a Tile template that flips from the front to the back side. Allows customization of the background image and text for both the front and back Tile. |
ShellTileServiceIconicTileData |
Describes an iconic Tile template. |
ShellTileServiceStandardTileData |
Data for a tile pinned to Start. Tiles have a ‘front’ and ‘back’ to them and this class holds all this data. |
ShellTileServiceTile |
Represents an implementation of the IShellTileServiceTile. |
ShellTileServiceTileDataBase |
Represents an implementation of the IShellTileServiceTileData. |
ShellTileWithCreateService |
Represents an implementation of the IShellTileService. |
ShellToastService |
Represents an implementation of the IShellToastService. |
StorageService |
Represents an implementation of the IStorageService. |
SystemTrayService |
Represents an implementation of the ISystemTrayService. |
VibrationService |
Represents an implementation of the IVibrationService. |
VoiceCommandService |
Represents an implementation of the IVoiceCommandService. |
VoiceCommandServiceSet |
Represents an implementation of the IVoiceCommandServiceSet. |