C# 클래스 Sparrow.Textures.Texture

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: fmotagarcia/sparrow-sharp 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AdjustPositions ( VertexData vertexData, uint startIndex, uint count ) : void

Moves the position coordinates stored at the given memory region into the format required for rendering. This happens for SubTextures that contain a 'frame'.

AdjustTexCoords ( VertexData vertexData, uint startIndex, uint count ) : void

Converts texture coordinates stored at the given memory region into the format required for rendering. While the texture coordinates of an image always use the range [0, 1], the actual coordinates could be different: you might be working with a SubTexture. This method adjusts the coordinates accordingly.

AdjustVertexData ( VertexData vertexData, uint startIndex, uint count ) : void

Converts texture coordinates and vertex positions of raw vertex data into the format required for rendering.

메소드 상세

AdjustPositions() 공개 메소드

Moves the position coordinates stored at the given memory region into the format required for rendering. This happens for SubTextures that contain a 'frame'.
public AdjustPositions ( VertexData vertexData, uint startIndex, uint count ) : void
vertexData Sparrow.Utils.VertexData
startIndex uint
count uint
리턴 void

AdjustTexCoords() 공개 메소드

Converts texture coordinates stored at the given memory region into the format required for rendering. While the texture coordinates of an image always use the range [0, 1], the actual coordinates could be different: you might be working with a SubTexture. This method adjusts the coordinates accordingly.
public AdjustTexCoords ( VertexData vertexData, uint startIndex, uint count ) : void
vertexData Sparrow.Utils.VertexData
startIndex uint
count uint
리턴 void

AdjustVertexData() 공개 메소드

Converts texture coordinates and vertex positions of raw vertex data into the format required for rendering.
public AdjustVertexData ( VertexData vertexData, uint startIndex, uint count ) : void
vertexData Sparrow.Utils.VertexData
startIndex uint
count uint
리턴 void