C# 클래스 Monobjc.SecurityInterface.SFCertificatePanel

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Monobjc/monobjc 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
BeginSheetForWindowModalDelegateDidEndSelectorContextInfoCertificatesShowGroup ( NSWindow docWindow, SheetDidEndReturnCodeContextInfoEventHandler modalDelegate, IntPtr contextInfo, NSArray certificates, bool showGroup ) : void

메소드 상세

BeginSheetForWindowModalDelegateDidEndSelectorContextInfoCertificatesShowGroup() 공개 메소드

public BeginSheetForWindowModalDelegateDidEndSelectorContextInfoCertificatesShowGroup ( NSWindow docWindow, SheetDidEndReturnCodeContextInfoEventHandler modalDelegate, IntPtr contextInfo, NSArray certificates, bool showGroup ) : void
docWindow Monobjc.AppKit.NSWindow
modalDelegate SheetDidEndReturnCodeContextInfoEventHandler The delegate object in which the method specified in the didEndSelector parameter is implemented.
contextInfo System.IntPtr A pointer to data that is passed to the delegate method. You can use this data pointer for any purpose you wish.
certificates NSArray The certificates to display. Pass an NSArray containing one or more objects of type SecCertificateRef in this parameter. The first certificate in the array must be the leaf certificate. The other certificates (if any) can be included in any order.
showGroup bool Specifies whether additional certificates (other than the leaf certificate) are displayed.
리턴 void