이름 | 설명 |
Block | Managed implementation of the blocks as defined in the Language Specification for Blocks[1]. Even if the implementation strictly follows the Block Implementation Specification[2], it is restricted to global block for the moment. The block bridging allow a delegate function or action to be marshalled as a native block. Its implementation points to a proxy invoker that will forward the native block invocation to the delegate function or action. Currently, any delegate can be passed to create a block. For example:
[1] Language Specification for Blocks (http://clang.llvm.org/docs/BlockLanguageSpec.html) [2] Block Implementation Specification (http://clang.llvm.org/docs/Block-ABI-Apple.html) |
BlockMarshaler | Custom marshaller for Block instances. This makes interop a breeze as it cuts a lot of code. |
BlockTests | |
CategoriesMessagingTests | |
Class | |
ClassLookupTests | |
ClassesIVarTests | |
ClassesMessagingTests | |
EncodingBasicTests | |
EncodingGenerationTests | |
EncodingGenerationTests.TestClassForMethodWithReturnType | Test class for selector string and encoding |
EncodingGenerationTests.TestClassForMethodWithoutReturnType | Test class for selector string and encoding |
FrameworkLoadingTests | |
IVarTest01 | |
IVarTest02 | |
IVarTest03 | |
IVarTest04 | |
InheritanceTest01 | |
InheritanceTest02 | |
InheritanceTest03 | |
InheritanceTests | |
Logger | Very basic logger that handles four levels of log. The levels are set through an environment variable The levels are :
MessageTest01 | |
MessageTest02 | |
MessagingTests | |
NSArray_Retrieve | |
NSObject_Exceptions | |
NSObject_Retrieve | |
NSString_Retrieve | |
NativeMethods | Exports native methods exposed in Thanks to .NET P/Invoke system, most of the marshalling work is automatic. The following methods are safe for use on both Mac OS X 10.4 and later. |
ObjectiveCCategoryAttribute | |
ObjectiveCCategoryMappingException | |
ObjectiveCClassAttribute | |
ObjectiveCClassCastException | |
ObjectiveCClassMappingException | |
ObjectiveCCodeGenerationException | |
ObjectiveCEncoding | Utility class to handle encoding of types and methods. |
ObjectiveCException | |
ObjectiveCFrameworkAttribute | |
ObjectiveCIVarAttribute | |
ObjectiveCMessageAttribute | |
ObjectiveCMessagingException | |
ObjectiveCProtocolAttribute | |
ObjectiveCRuntime | |
ObjectiveCUnderlyingTypeAttribute | |
RuntimeTests | |
SelectorExtensions | Contains extension methods to ease the selector transformations. |
SelectorTests | |
SymbolTests | |
WrapperMessagingTests | |
WrapperTest01 |