C# 클래스 Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_OXCMSG.MS_OXCMSGAdapter

MS_OXCMSGAdapter partial class
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
DoRopCall ( ISerializable ropRequest, uint insideObjHandle, object &response, byte &rawData, GetPropertiesFlags getPropertiesFlag ) : List>

Send ROP request with single operation.

DoRopCall ( ISerializable ropRequest, uint insideObjHandle, object &response, byte &rawData, GetPropertiesFlags getPropertiesFlag, uint &returnValue ) : List>

Send ROP request with single operation.

GetNamedPropertyValues ( List longIdProperties, uint messageHandle ) : byte[]>.Dictionary

Get the named properties value of specified Message object.

Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void

Initialize the adapter.

Reset ( ) : void

Reset the adapter.

RpcConnect ( ConnectionType connectionType, string user, string password, string userDN ) : bool

Connect to the server.

RpcDisconnect ( ) : bool

Disconnect from the server.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
VerifyDataStructureRopCreateAttachmentResponse ( RopCreateAttachmentResponse ropCreateAttachmentResponse, int nID ) : void

Verify the message of RopCreateAttachmentResponse

VerifyDataStructureRopOpenEmbeddedMessageResponse ( RopOpenEmbeddedMessageResponse ropOpenEmbeddedMessageResponse, ulong mID ) : void

Verify the message of RopOpenEmbeddedMessageResponse

VerifyGetMessageStatusResponse ( RopSetMessageStatusResponse retuResponse ) : void

Verify the message of RopGetMessageStatus.

VerifyMAPITransport ( ) : void

Verify MAPIHTTP transport.

VerifyMessageSyntaxDataType ( PropertyObj propertyObj ) : void

Verify the DataType of Messages.

VerifyMessageSyntaxHasMessageId ( int hasMessageId ) : void

Verify the property of HasMessageId

VerifyMessageSyntaxMessageStatusFlags ( RopSetMessageStatusResponse retuResponse ) : void

Verify the property of MessageStatusFlags

VerifyMessageSyntaxPidLidCommonStartAndPidLidCommonEnd ( PropertyObj propertyObjPidLidCommonStart, PropertyObj propertyObjPidLidCommonEnd ) : void

Verify the value of PidLidCommonStart and PidLidCommonEnd

VerifyMessageSyntaxPidTagArchiveDate ( PropertyObj pidTagArchiveDateObj, System.DateTime pidTagStartDateEtc ) : void

Verify the message of PidTagArchiveDate

VerifyMessageSyntaxPidTagAttachmentLinkIdAndPidTagAttachmentFlags ( PropertyObj propertyObj ) : void

Verify the message of PidTagAttachmentLinkIdAndPidTagAttachmentFlags

VerifyMessageSyntaxPidTagDisplayName ( PropertyObj pidTagDisplayName, PropertyObj pidTagAttachLongFilename ) : void

Verify the value of PidTagDisplayName

VerifyMessageSyntaxPidTagSubjectPrefixAndPidTagNormalizedSubject ( PropertyObj propertyObjPidTagSubjectPrefix, PropertyObj propertyObjPidTagNormalizedSubject ) : void

Verify the length of PidTagSubjectPrefix and PidTagNormalizedSubject

VerifyMessageSyntaxReadStatusChanged ( RopSetMessageReadFlagResponse ropSetMessageReadFlagResponse, RopSetMessageReadFlagRequest ropSetMessageReadFlagRequest ) : void

Verify the property of ReadStatusChanged

VerifyMessageSyntaxRowCount ( RopReadRecipientsResponse retuResponse ) : void

Verify the property of SyntaxRowCount

VerifyPidTagObjectTypeAndPidTagRecordKey ( PropertyObj pidTagObjectType, PropertyObj pidTagRecordKey ) : void

Verify requirements related with PidTagObjectType and PidTagRecordKey

VerifyPropertiesExistOnAllAttachmentObject ( PropertyObj pidTagAccessLevel, PropertyObj pidTagRecordKey ) : void

Verify properties PidTagAccessLevel and PidTagRecordKey exist on any Attachment object.

VerifyPropertiesExistOnAllMessageObject ( PropertyObj pidTagAccess, PropertyObj pidTagAccessLevel, PropertyObj pidTagChangeKey, PropertyObj pidTagCreationTime, PropertyObj pidTagLastModificationTime, PropertyObj pidTagLastModifierName, PropertyObj pidTagSearchKey ) : void

Verify properties PidTagAccess, PidTagAccessLevel, PidTagChangeKey, PidTagCreationTime, PidTagLastModificationTime, PidTagLastModifierName, PidTagObjectType, PidTagRecordKey and PidTagSearchKey exist on all Message objects.

VerifyRopOpenMessageResponse ( RopOpenMessageResponse openMessageResponse ) : void

Verify the property of HasNamedProperties

VerifyRopSetReadFlagsResponse ( RopSetReadFlagsResponse setReadFlagsResponse ) : void

Verify the message of RopSetReadFlags.

메소드 상세

DoRopCall() 공개 메소드

Send ROP request with single operation.
public DoRopCall ( ISerializable ropRequest, uint insideObjHandle, object &response, byte &rawData, GetPropertiesFlags getPropertiesFlag ) : List>
ropRequest ISerializable ROP request objects.
insideObjHandle uint Server object handle in request.
response object ROP response objects.
rawData byte The ROP response payload.
getPropertiesFlag GetPropertiesFlags The flag indicate the test cases expect to get which object type's properties(message's properties or attachment's properties).
리턴 List>

DoRopCall() 공개 메소드

Send ROP request with single operation.
public DoRopCall ( ISerializable ropRequest, uint insideObjHandle, object &response, byte &rawData, GetPropertiesFlags getPropertiesFlag, uint &returnValue ) : List>
ropRequest ISerializable ROP request objects.
insideObjHandle uint Server object handle in request.
response object ROP response objects.
rawData byte The ROP response payload.
getPropertiesFlag GetPropertiesFlags The flag indicate the test cases expect to get which object type's properties(message's properties or attachment's properties).
returnValue uint An unsigned integer value indicates the return value of call EcDoRpcExt2 method.
리턴 List>

GetNamedPropertyValues() 공개 메소드

Get the named properties value of specified Message object.
public GetNamedPropertyValues ( List longIdProperties, uint messageHandle ) : byte[]>.Dictionary
longIdProperties List The list of named properties
messageHandle uint The object handle of specified Message object.
리턴 byte[]>.Dictionary

Initialize() 공개 메소드

Initialize the adapter.
public Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void
testSite ITestSite Test site.
리턴 void

Reset() 공개 메소드

Reset the adapter.
public Reset ( ) : void
리턴 void

RpcConnect() 공개 메소드

Connect to the server.
public RpcConnect ( ConnectionType connectionType, string user, string password, string userDN ) : bool
connectionType ConnectionType The type of connection
user string A string value indicates the domain account name that connects to server.
password string A string value indicates the password of the user which is used.
userDN string A string that identifies user who is making the EcDoConnectEx call
리턴 bool

RpcDisconnect() 공개 메소드

Disconnect from the server.
public RpcDisconnect ( ) : bool
리턴 bool