Méthode | Description | |
DoRopCall ( ISerializable ropRequest, uint insideObjHandle, object &response, byte &rawData, GetPropertiesFlags getPropertiesFlag ) : List
Send ROP request with single operation.
DoRopCall ( ISerializable ropRequest, uint insideObjHandle, object &response, byte &rawData, GetPropertiesFlags getPropertiesFlag, uint &returnValue ) : List
Send ROP request with single operation.
GetNamedPropertyValues ( List |
Get the named properties value of specified Message object.
Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void |
Initialize the adapter.
Reset ( ) : void |
Reset the adapter.
RpcConnect ( ConnectionType connectionType, string user, string password, string userDN ) : bool |
Connect to the server.
RpcDisconnect ( ) : bool |
Disconnect from the server.
Méthode | Description | |
VerifyDataStructureRopCreateAttachmentResponse ( |
Verify the message of RopCreateAttachmentResponse
VerifyDataStructureRopOpenEmbeddedMessageResponse ( |
Verify the message of RopOpenEmbeddedMessageResponse
VerifyGetMessageStatusResponse ( |
Verify the message of RopGetMessageStatus.
VerifyMAPITransport ( ) : void |
Verify MAPIHTTP transport.
VerifyMessageSyntaxDataType ( PropertyObj propertyObj ) : void |
Verify the DataType of Messages.
VerifyMessageSyntaxHasMessageId ( int hasMessageId ) : void |
Verify the property of HasMessageId
VerifyMessageSyntaxMessageStatusFlags ( |
Verify the property of MessageStatusFlags
VerifyMessageSyntaxPidLidCommonStartAndPidLidCommonEnd ( PropertyObj propertyObjPidLidCommonStart, PropertyObj propertyObjPidLidCommonEnd ) : void |
Verify the value of PidLidCommonStart and PidLidCommonEnd
VerifyMessageSyntaxPidTagArchiveDate ( PropertyObj pidTagArchiveDateObj, System.DateTime pidTagStartDateEtc ) : void |
Verify the message of PidTagArchiveDate
VerifyMessageSyntaxPidTagAttachmentLinkIdAndPidTagAttachmentFlags ( PropertyObj propertyObj ) : void |
Verify the message of PidTagAttachmentLinkIdAndPidTagAttachmentFlags
VerifyMessageSyntaxPidTagDisplayName ( PropertyObj pidTagDisplayName, PropertyObj pidTagAttachLongFilename ) : void |
Verify the value of PidTagDisplayName
VerifyMessageSyntaxPidTagSubjectPrefixAndPidTagNormalizedSubject ( PropertyObj propertyObjPidTagSubjectPrefix, PropertyObj propertyObjPidTagNormalizedSubject ) : void |
Verify the length of PidTagSubjectPrefix and PidTagNormalizedSubject
VerifyMessageSyntaxReadStatusChanged ( |
Verify the property of ReadStatusChanged
VerifyMessageSyntaxRowCount ( |
Verify the property of SyntaxRowCount
VerifyPidTagObjectTypeAndPidTagRecordKey ( PropertyObj pidTagObjectType, PropertyObj pidTagRecordKey ) : void |
Verify requirements related with PidTagObjectType and PidTagRecordKey
VerifyPropertiesExistOnAllAttachmentObject ( PropertyObj pidTagAccessLevel, PropertyObj pidTagRecordKey ) : void |
Verify properties PidTagAccessLevel and PidTagRecordKey exist on any Attachment object.
VerifyPropertiesExistOnAllMessageObject ( PropertyObj pidTagAccess, PropertyObj pidTagAccessLevel, PropertyObj pidTagChangeKey, PropertyObj pidTagCreationTime, PropertyObj pidTagLastModificationTime, PropertyObj pidTagLastModifierName, PropertyObj pidTagSearchKey ) : void |
Verify properties PidTagAccess, PidTagAccessLevel, PidTagChangeKey, PidTagCreationTime, PidTagLastModificationTime, PidTagLastModifierName, PidTagObjectType, PidTagRecordKey and PidTagSearchKey exist on all Message objects.
VerifyRopOpenMessageResponse ( |
Verify the property of HasNamedProperties
VerifyRopSetReadFlagsResponse ( |
Verify the message of RopSetReadFlags.
public DoRopCall ( ISerializable ropRequest, uint insideObjHandle, object &response, byte &rawData, GetPropertiesFlags getPropertiesFlag ) : List
ropRequest | ISerializable | ROP request objects. |
insideObjHandle | uint | Server object handle in request. |
response | object | ROP response objects. |
rawData | byte | The ROP response payload. |
getPropertiesFlag | GetPropertiesFlags | The flag indicate the test cases expect to get which object type's properties(message's properties or attachment's properties). |
Résultat | List
public DoRopCall ( ISerializable ropRequest, uint insideObjHandle, object &response, byte &rawData, GetPropertiesFlags getPropertiesFlag, uint &returnValue ) : List
ropRequest | ISerializable | ROP request objects. |
insideObjHandle | uint | Server object handle in request. |
response | object | ROP response objects. |
rawData | byte | The ROP response payload. |
getPropertiesFlag | GetPropertiesFlags | The flag indicate the test cases expect to get which object type's properties(message's properties or attachment's properties). |
returnValue | uint | An unsigned integer value indicates the return value of call EcDoRpcExt2 method. |
Résultat | List
public GetNamedPropertyValues ( List |
longIdProperties | List |
The list of named properties |
messageHandle | uint | The object handle of specified Message object. |
Résultat | byte[]>.Dictionary |
public Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void | ||
testSite | ITestSite | Test site. |
Résultat | void |
public RpcConnect ( ConnectionType connectionType, string user, string password, string userDN ) : bool | ||
connectionType | ConnectionType | The type of connection |
user | string | A string value indicates the domain account name that connects to server. |
password | string | A string value indicates the password of the user which is used. |
userDN | string | A string that identifies user who is making the EcDoConnectEx call |
Résultat | bool |