C# 클래스 LinFu.IoC.Interceptors.ProxyInjector

Represents a class that automatically injects a proxy instance instead of an actual service instance.
상속: IPostProcessor
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: philiplaureano/LinFu 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
PostProcess ( IServiceRequestResult result ) : void

A method that injects service proxies in place of the actual IServiceRequestResult.ActualResult.

ProxyInjector ( bool>.Func filterPredicate, object>.Func createProxy ) : System

Initializes the class with the filterPredicate and the createProxy factory method.

메소드 상세

PostProcess() 공개 메소드

A method that injects service proxies in place of the actual IServiceRequestResult.ActualResult.
public PostProcess ( IServiceRequestResult result ) : void
result IServiceRequestResult The instance that describes the service request.
리턴 void

ProxyInjector() 공개 메소드

Initializes the class with the filterPredicate and the createProxy factory method.
public ProxyInjector ( bool>.Func filterPredicate, object>.Func createProxy ) : System
filterPredicate bool>.Func The predicate that will determine which service requests will be proxied.
createProxy object>.Func The factory method that will generate the proxy instance itself.
리턴 System