C# (CSharp) LinFu.IoC 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
BaseFactoryStorage Represents the default base implementation of the IFactoryStorage class.
CompositePostProcessor Represents an IPostProcessor type that processes multiple IPostProcessor instances at once.
CompositePreProcessor Represents an IPreProcessor type that processes multiple IPreProcessor instances at once.
CreatorFromInstance Represents an ICreateInstance type that generates an object instance from an existing instance.
DefaultGetServiceBehavior Represents the default implementation for the IGetService interface.
FactoryExtensions Extends the IFactory instance with a few helper methods.
FactoryRequest Represents the default implementation of the IFactoryRequest interface.
FactoryStorage Represents an IFactoryStorage instance that adds generics support to the BaseFactoryStorage implementation.
FactoryStorageExtensions An extension class that adds a few helper methods to the IFactoryStorage interface.
Scope Represents a class that keeps track of all the disposable objects created within a service container and disposes them when the scope itself has been disposed.
ServiceContainer Represents a service container with additional extension points for customizing service instances
ServiceRequestResult Represents the results returned when a service request is made against an IContainer instance.