C# 클래스 ExoModel.EntityFramework.EntityFrameworkModelTypeProvider

상속: ReflectionModelTypeProvider
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: vc3/ExoModel

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명
GetBuddyClassAttributes System.Attribute[]
GetEntityTypes IEnumerable
GetObjectContext IEntityContext
GetStorage Storage

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
EntityFrameworkModelTypeProvider ( Func createContext ) : System
EntityFrameworkModelTypeProvider ( string @namespace, Func createContext ) : System

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
CreateModelType ( string @namespace, Type type, string format ) : ReflectionModelType
CreateReferenceProperty ( ModelType declaringType, System property, string name, string label, string helptext, string format, bool isStatic, ModelType propertyType, bool isList, bool isReadOnly, bool isPersisted, Attribute attributes ) : ModelReferenceProperty

Overridden to allow the addition of buddy-class attributes to the list of attributes associated with the ModelType

CreateValueProperty ( ModelType declaringType, System property, string name, string label, string helptext, string format, bool isStatic, Type propertyType, TypeConverter converter, bool isList, bool isReadOnly, bool isPersisted, Attribute attributes ) : ModelValueProperty

Overridden to allow the addition of buddy-class attributes to the list of attributes associated with the ModelType

GetUnderlyingType ( object instance ) : Type

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetBuddyClassAttributes ( ModelType declaringType, System property ) : System.Attribute[]

Fetches any attributes on matching properties in an entity's "buddy class"

GetEntityTypes ( object context ) : IEnumerable
GetObjectContext ( ) : IEntityContext
GetStorage ( ) : Storage

Gets thread static or HttpContext storage for the ModelContext.

메소드 상세

CreateModelType() 보호된 메소드

protected CreateModelType ( string @namespace, Type type, string format ) : ReflectionModelType
@namespace string
type System.Type
format string
리턴 ReflectionModelType

CreateReferenceProperty() 보호된 메소드

Overridden to allow the addition of buddy-class attributes to the list of attributes associated with the ModelType
protected CreateReferenceProperty ( ModelType declaringType, System property, string name, string label, string helptext, string format, bool isStatic, ModelType propertyType, bool isList, bool isReadOnly, bool isPersisted, Attribute attributes ) : ModelReferenceProperty
declaringType ModelType
property System
name string
label string
helptext string
format string
isStatic bool
propertyType ModelType
isList bool
isReadOnly bool
isPersisted bool
attributes System.Attribute
리턴 ModelReferenceProperty

CreateValueProperty() 보호된 메소드

Overridden to allow the addition of buddy-class attributes to the list of attributes associated with the ModelType
protected CreateValueProperty ( ModelType declaringType, System property, string name, string label, string helptext, string format, bool isStatic, Type propertyType, TypeConverter converter, bool isList, bool isReadOnly, bool isPersisted, Attribute attributes ) : ModelValueProperty
declaringType ModelType
property System
name string
label string
helptext string
format string
isStatic bool
propertyType System.Type
converter System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
isList bool
isReadOnly bool
isPersisted bool
attributes System.Attribute
리턴 ModelValueProperty

EntityFrameworkModelTypeProvider() 공개 메소드

public EntityFrameworkModelTypeProvider ( Func createContext ) : System
createContext Func
리턴 System

EntityFrameworkModelTypeProvider() 공개 메소드

public EntityFrameworkModelTypeProvider ( string @namespace, Func createContext ) : System
@namespace string
createContext Func
리턴 System

GetUnderlyingType() 보호된 메소드

protected GetUnderlyingType ( object instance ) : Type
instance object
리턴 System.Type