이름 |
설명 |
DynamicModelTypeProvider |
Base class for type providers that expose properties dynamically but leverage base type providers for core functionality. |
DynamicModelTypeProvider.DynamicModelType |
DynamicModelTypeProvider.DynamicModelType.DynamicReferenceProperty |
DynamicModelTypeProvider.DynamicModelType.DynamicValueProperty |
ModelContextDefaultPool |
Default implementation of IModelContextPool |
ModelContextProvider |
Implementation of IModelContextProvider that initializes a thread or web-request scoped ModelContext subclass, and allows subclasses to perform additional initialization work when new contexts are created. |
ModelContextProvider.CreateContextEventArgs |
Event arguments for the CreateContext event. |
ModelContextProvider.PoolModule |
ModelContextProvider.Storage |
Reference class used to provide storage for the context. |
ModelDeleteEvent |
Represents a change in the status of an instance being pending deletion. |
ModelEvent |
Base class for classes that represent specific events with an object model. |
ModelEventScope |
Represents and tracks the scope of an event within the model. |
ModelEventScope.ScopeException |
Represents an exception that occurs while prematurely exiting a model event scope due to an exception that occurred within the scope of work. |
ModelEventScopeExitedEventArgs |
ModelException |
Wrap exceptions in this type to control the information displayed in the UI when a more abstracted or informative message is desired. See ServiceHandler.ProcessRequest for implications |
ModelFilterChangedEventArgs |
ModelFormatAttribute |
ModelInitEvent |
Represents the creation of a new or existing model instance. |
ModelInitEvent.InitExisting |
Represents the creation of an existing ModelInstance. |
ModelInitEvent.InitNew |
Represents the creation of a new ModelInstance. |
ModelListChangeEvent |
Represents the additional or removal of instances from a list associated with a parent model instance. |
ModelMethodParameter |
ModelPath |
Represents a property path from a root ModelType with one or more steps. |
ModelPath.PathBuilder |
Builds a ModelPath based on the specified Expression. |
ModelPathChangeEvent |
Represents a change the a property along a path in the model. |
ModelPropertyGetEvent |
Represents the retrieval of a property in the model. |
ModelReferenceChangeEvent |
Represents a change to an reference property in the model. |
ModelReferenceProperty |
ModelSaveEvent |
Represents the creation of a new or existing model instance. |
ModelSource |
Utility class that supports accessing the value of a property along a static or instance source path. |
ModelSource.SourceStep |
ModelStep |
ModelValueChangeEvent |
Represents a change to a value property in the model. |
ModelValueProperty |
Represents a property that exposes strongly-typed data as leaves of a model hierarchy. |
TypeInitEventArgs |