C# 클래스 Engine.Objects.MapEngineHandler

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Radnen/sphere-sfml

공개 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
FPSToggle bool

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
BindToEngine ( ScriptEngine engine ) : void
CheckLineObstruction ( Vector2f &position, Person person ) : bool
CheckTileObstruction ( Vector2f &position, Person person ) : bool
DoTalk ( ) : void
GetLayerHeight ( int layer ) : int
GetLayerWidth ( int layer ) : int
GetTileHeight ( ) : int
GetTileWidth ( ) : int
SetColorMask ( ColorInstance color, int frames ) : void
ToggleFPSThrottle ( ) : void

Toggles the FPS throttle.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddPersons ( ) : void

Adds the persons and triggers in this map instance to the person handler.

AreZonesAt ( int x, int y, int layer ) : bool
AttachCamera ( string name ) : void
AttachInput ( string name ) : void
CallDefaultMapScript ( int which ) : void
CallMapScript ( int which ) : void
ChangeMap ( string filename ) : void
CheckMapEdgeScript ( int x, int y ) : void
CompileMapScripts ( ) : void

Compiles the loaded default map scripts for this map.

ConstructFastAtlas ( ) : void

Turns the tileset into a tile atlas and then put it into a wrapper for fast tetxure manipulation.

DetachCamera ( ) : void
DetachInput ( ) : void
DrawPersons ( int layer ) : void

Draws the persons for the requested layer.

DrawVerts ( Vertex in_verts, int x, int y, uint scan ) : void
ExecuteTrigger ( double x, double y, int layer ) : void
ExecuteZoneScript ( int zone ) : void
ExecuteZones ( int x, int y, int layer ) : void
ExitMapEngine ( ) : void
GetCameraPerson ( ) : string
GetCameraX ( ) : int
GetCameraY ( ) : int
GetClampedCamera ( ) : Vector2f
GetCurrentMap ( ) : string
GetCurrentZone ( ) : int
GetInputPerson ( ) : string
GetLayerName ( int layer ) : string
GetMapEngineFrameRate ( ) : int
GetNextAnimatedTile ( int tile ) : int
GetNumLayers ( ) : int
GetNumTiles ( ) : int
GetNumZones ( ) : int
GetTile ( int x, int y, int layer ) : int
GetTileDelay ( int tile ) : int
GetTileImage ( int tile ) : ImageInstance
GetTileName ( int tile ) : string
GetTriggerAt ( double x, double y ) : Entity
GetZoneHeight ( int zone ) : int
GetZoneLayer ( int zone ) : int
GetZoneWidth ( int zone ) : int
GetZoneX ( int zone ) : int
GetZoneY ( int zone ) : int
IsCameraAttached ( ) : bool
IsInputAttached ( ) : bool
IsLayerReflective ( int layer ) : bool
IsLayerVisible ( int layer ) : bool
IsMapEngineRunning ( ) : bool
IsTriggerAt ( double x, double y, int layer ) : bool
LoadMap ( string filename, bool removePeople, bool useBase ) : void

Loads the map, and optionally removes those that may die when changing map.

MapEngine ( string filename, [ fps = 60 ) : void
MapEngineHandler ( ) : System
MapToScreenX ( int layer, int x ) : int
MapToScreenY ( int layer, int y ) : int
ParseAnimations ( ) : void

Goes through the tiles and finds those that animate and Puts their index references into an easily managed class.

RenderMap ( bool self ) : void
RenderMapHandle ( ) : void
ReplaceTilesOnLayer ( int layer, int from, int to ) : void
ScreenToMapX ( int layer, int x ) : int
ScreenToMapY ( int layer, int y ) : int
SetCameraX ( int x ) : void
SetCameraY ( int y ) : void
SetDefaultMapScript ( int type, object code ) : void
SetDelayScript ( int frames, object code ) : void
SetLayerReflective ( int layer, bool value ) : void
SetLayerRenderer ( int layer, object code ) : void
SetLayerVisible ( int layer, bool visible ) : void
SetMapEngineFrameRate ( int rate ) : void
SetRenderScript ( object code ) : void
SetTile ( int x, int y, int layer, int tile ) : void
SetTileImage ( int tile, ImageInstance image ) : void
SetUpdateScript ( object code ) : void
UpdateCutout ( ) : void

Updates the max num of vertices that the size of the screen can handle.

UpdateInput ( ) : void
UpdateMapEngine ( bool self ) : void
UpdateMapEngineHandle ( ) : void

메소드 상세

BindToEngine() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static BindToEngine ( ScriptEngine engine ) : void
engine ScriptEngine
리턴 void

CheckLineObstruction() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static CheckLineObstruction ( Vector2f &position, Person person ) : bool
position Vector2f
person Person
리턴 bool

CheckTileObstruction() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static CheckTileObstruction ( Vector2f &position, Person person ) : bool
position Vector2f
person Person
리턴 bool

DoTalk() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static DoTalk ( ) : void
리턴 void

GetLayerHeight() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static GetLayerHeight ( int layer ) : int
layer int
리턴 int

GetLayerWidth() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static GetLayerWidth ( int layer ) : int
layer int
리턴 int

GetTileHeight() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static GetTileHeight ( ) : int
리턴 int

GetTileWidth() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static GetTileWidth ( ) : int
리턴 int

SetColorMask() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static SetColorMask ( ColorInstance color, int frames ) : void
color ColorInstance
frames int
리턴 void

ToggleFPSThrottle() 공개 정적인 메소드

Toggles the FPS throttle.
public static ToggleFPSThrottle ( ) : void
리턴 void

프로퍼티 상세

FPSToggle 공개적으로 정적으로 프로퍼티

public static bool FPSToggle
리턴 bool