C# 클래스 GoTweenConfig, GoKit

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: prime31/GoKit 1 사용 예제들

공개 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
delay float
easeCurve UnityEngine.AnimationCurve
easeType GoEaseType
id int
isFrom bool
isPaused bool
iterations int
loopType GoLoopType
onBeginHandler Action
onCompleteHandler Action
onInitHandler Action
onIterationEndHandler Action
onIterationStartHandler Action
onUpdateHandler Action
propertyUpdateType GoUpdateType
timeScale float

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
addTweenProperty ( AbstractTweenProperty, tweenProp ) : GoTweenConfig,

adds a TweenProperty to the list

anchorMax ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

anchorMax tween

anchorMin ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

anchorMin tween

anchoredPosition ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

anchoredPosition tween

anchoredPosition3D ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

anchoredPosition3D tween

clearEvents ( ) : GoTweenConfig,

clears out all the TweenProperties

clearProperties ( ) : GoTweenConfig,

clears out all the TweenProperties

clone ( ) : GoTweenConfig,

clones the instance

colorProp ( string propertyName, Color endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

generic color tween

eulerAngles ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

eulerAngle tween

floatProp ( string propertyName, float endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

generic float tween

intProp ( string propertyName, int endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

generic integer tween

localEulerAngles ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

local eulerAngle tween

localPosition ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

localPosition tween

localRotation ( Quaternion endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

localRotation tween as Quaternion

localRotation ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

localRotation tween

materialColor ( Color endValue, string colorName = "_Color", bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

material color tween

materialFloat ( float endValue, string propertyName, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

material float tween

materialVector ( Vector4 endValue, string propertyName, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

material vector tween

offsetMax ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

offsetMax tween

offsetMin ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

offsetMin tween

onBegin ( Action onBegin ) : GoTweenConfig,

sets the onBegin handler for the Tween

onComplete ( Action onComplete ) : GoTweenConfig,

sets the onComplete handler for the Tween

onInit ( Action onInit ) : GoTweenConfig,

sets the onInit handler for the Tween

onIterationEnd ( Action onIterationEnd ) : GoTweenConfig,

sets the onIterationEnd handler for the Tween

onIterationStart ( Action onIterationStart ) : GoTweenConfig,

sets the onIterationStart handler for the Tween

onUpdate ( Action onUpdate ) : GoTweenConfig,

sets the onUpdate handler for the Tween

pivot ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

pivot tween

position ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

position tween

positionPath ( GoSpline, path, bool isRelative = false, GoLookAtType lookAtType = GoLookAtType.None, Transform lookTarget = null ) : GoTweenConfig,

position path tween

rotation ( Quaternion endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,

rotation tween as Quaternion

rotation ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

rotation tween

scale ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

scale tween

scale ( float endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

uniform scale tween (x, y and z scale to the same value)

scalePath ( GoSpline path, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

scale through a series of Vector3s

setDelay ( float seconds ) : GoTweenConfig

sets the delay for the tween

setEaseCurve ( AnimationCurve easeCurve ) : GoTweenConfig

sets the ease curve for the Tween

setEaseType ( GoEaseType easeType ) : GoTweenConfig

sets the ease type for the Tween

setId ( int id ) : GoTweenConfig

sets the id for the Tween. Multiple Tweens can have the same id and you can retrieve them with the Go class

setIsFrom ( ) : GoTweenConfig

sets if this Tween should be a "from" Tween. From Tweens use the current property as the endValue and the endValue as the start value

setIsTo ( ) : GoTweenConfig

sets if this Tween should be a "to" Tween.

setIterations ( int iterations ) : GoTweenConfig

sets the number of iterations. setting to -1 will loop infinitely

setIterations ( int iterations, GoLoopType loopType ) : GoTweenConfig

sets the number of iterations and the loop type. setting to -1 will loop infinitely

setTimeScale ( float timeScale ) : GoTweenConfig

sets the timeScale to be used by the Tween

setUpdateType ( GoUpdateType setUpdateType ) : GoTweenConfig

sets the update type for the Tween

shake ( Vector3 shakeMagnitude, GoShakeType shakeType = GoShakeType.Position, int frameMod = 1, bool useLocalProperties = false ) : GoTweenConfig

shake tween

sizeDelta ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

sizeDelta tween

startPaused ( ) : GoTweenConfig

sets whether the Tween should start paused

vector2Prop ( string propertyName, Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

generic vector2 tween

vector3PathProp ( string propertyName, GoSpline path, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

generic vector3 path tween

vector3Prop ( string propertyName, Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

generic vector3 tween

vector3XProp ( string propertyName, float endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

generic vector3.x tween

vector3YProp ( string propertyName, float endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

generic vector3.y tween

vector3ZProp ( string propertyName, float endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

generic vector3.z tween

vector4Prop ( string propertyName, Vector4 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig

generic vector4 tween

메소드 상세

addTweenProperty() 공개 메소드

adds a TweenProperty to the list
public addTweenProperty ( AbstractTweenProperty, tweenProp ) : GoTweenConfig,
tweenProp AbstractTweenProperty,
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

anchorMax() 공개 메소드

anchorMax tween
public anchorMax ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector2
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

anchorMin() 공개 메소드

anchorMin tween
public anchorMin ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector2
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

anchoredPosition() 공개 메소드

anchoredPosition tween
public anchoredPosition ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector2
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

anchoredPosition3D() 공개 메소드

anchoredPosition3D tween
public anchoredPosition3D ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector3
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

clearEvents() 공개 메소드

clears out all the TweenProperties
public clearEvents ( ) : GoTweenConfig,
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

clearProperties() 공개 메소드

clears out all the TweenProperties
public clearProperties ( ) : GoTweenConfig,
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

clone() 공개 메소드

clones the instance
public clone ( ) : GoTweenConfig,
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

colorProp() 공개 메소드

generic color tween
public colorProp ( string propertyName, Color endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
propertyName string
endValue Color
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

eulerAngles() 공개 메소드

eulerAngle tween
public eulerAngles ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector3
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

floatProp() 공개 메소드

generic float tween
public floatProp ( string propertyName, float endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
propertyName string
endValue float
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

intProp() 공개 메소드

generic integer tween
public intProp ( string propertyName, int endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
propertyName string
endValue int
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

localEulerAngles() 공개 메소드

local eulerAngle tween
public localEulerAngles ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector3
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

localPosition() 공개 메소드

localPosition tween
public localPosition ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector3
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

localRotation() 공개 메소드

localRotation tween as Quaternion
public localRotation ( Quaternion endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Quaternion
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

localRotation() 공개 메소드

localRotation tween
public localRotation ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector3
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

materialColor() 공개 메소드

material color tween
public materialColor ( Color endValue, string colorName = "_Color", bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Color
colorName string
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

materialFloat() 공개 메소드

material float tween
public materialFloat ( float endValue, string propertyName, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue float
propertyName string
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

materialVector() 공개 메소드

material vector tween
public materialVector ( Vector4 endValue, string propertyName, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector4
propertyName string
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

offsetMax() 공개 메소드

offsetMax tween
public offsetMax ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector2
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

offsetMin() 공개 메소드

offsetMin tween
public offsetMin ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector2
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

onBegin() 공개 메소드

sets the onBegin handler for the Tween
public onBegin ( Action onBegin ) : GoTweenConfig,
onBegin Action
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

onComplete() 공개 메소드

sets the onComplete handler for the Tween
public onComplete ( Action onComplete ) : GoTweenConfig,
onComplete Action
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

onInit() 공개 메소드

sets the onInit handler for the Tween
public onInit ( Action onInit ) : GoTweenConfig,
onInit Action
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

onIterationEnd() 공개 메소드

sets the onIterationEnd handler for the Tween
public onIterationEnd ( Action onIterationEnd ) : GoTweenConfig,
onIterationEnd Action
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

onIterationStart() 공개 메소드

sets the onIterationStart handler for the Tween
public onIterationStart ( Action onIterationStart ) : GoTweenConfig,
onIterationStart Action
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

onUpdate() 공개 메소드

sets the onUpdate handler for the Tween
public onUpdate ( Action onUpdate ) : GoTweenConfig,
onUpdate Action
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

pivot() 공개 메소드

pivot tween
public pivot ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector2
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

position() 공개 메소드

position tween
public position ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Vector3
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

positionPath() 공개 메소드

position path tween
public positionPath ( GoSpline, path, bool isRelative = false, GoLookAtType lookAtType = GoLookAtType.None, Transform lookTarget = null ) : GoTweenConfig,
path GoSpline,
isRelative bool
lookAtType GoLookAtType
lookTarget Transform
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

rotation() 공개 메소드

rotation tween as Quaternion
public rotation ( Quaternion endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig,
endValue Quaternion
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig,

rotation() 공개 메소드

rotation tween
public rotation ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
endValue Vector3
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

scale() 공개 메소드

scale tween
public scale ( Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
endValue Vector3
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

scale() 공개 메소드

uniform scale tween (x, y and z scale to the same value)
public scale ( float endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
endValue float
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

scalePath() 공개 메소드

scale through a series of Vector3s
public scalePath ( GoSpline path, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
path GoSpline
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

setDelay() 공개 메소드

sets the delay for the tween
public setDelay ( float seconds ) : GoTweenConfig
seconds float
리턴 GoTweenConfig

setEaseCurve() 공개 메소드

sets the ease curve for the Tween
public setEaseCurve ( AnimationCurve easeCurve ) : GoTweenConfig
easeCurve AnimationCurve
리턴 GoTweenConfig

setEaseType() 공개 메소드

sets the ease type for the Tween
public setEaseType ( GoEaseType easeType ) : GoTweenConfig
easeType GoEaseType
리턴 GoTweenConfig

setId() 공개 메소드

sets the id for the Tween. Multiple Tweens can have the same id and you can retrieve them with the Go class
public setId ( int id ) : GoTweenConfig
id int
리턴 GoTweenConfig

setIsFrom() 공개 메소드

sets if this Tween should be a "from" Tween. From Tweens use the current property as the endValue and the endValue as the start value
public setIsFrom ( ) : GoTweenConfig
리턴 GoTweenConfig

setIsTo() 공개 메소드

sets if this Tween should be a "to" Tween.
public setIsTo ( ) : GoTweenConfig
리턴 GoTweenConfig

setIterations() 공개 메소드

sets the number of iterations. setting to -1 will loop infinitely
public setIterations ( int iterations ) : GoTweenConfig
iterations int
리턴 GoTweenConfig

setIterations() 공개 메소드

sets the number of iterations and the loop type. setting to -1 will loop infinitely
public setIterations ( int iterations, GoLoopType loopType ) : GoTweenConfig
iterations int
loopType GoLoopType
리턴 GoTweenConfig

setTimeScale() 공개 메소드

sets the timeScale to be used by the Tween
public setTimeScale ( float timeScale ) : GoTweenConfig
timeScale float
리턴 GoTweenConfig

setUpdateType() 공개 메소드

sets the update type for the Tween
public setUpdateType ( GoUpdateType setUpdateType ) : GoTweenConfig
setUpdateType GoUpdateType
리턴 GoTweenConfig

shake() 공개 메소드

shake tween
public shake ( Vector3 shakeMagnitude, GoShakeType shakeType = GoShakeType.Position, int frameMod = 1, bool useLocalProperties = false ) : GoTweenConfig
shakeMagnitude Vector3
shakeType GoShakeType
frameMod int
useLocalProperties bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

sizeDelta() 공개 메소드

sizeDelta tween
public sizeDelta ( Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
endValue Vector2
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

startPaused() 공개 메소드

sets whether the Tween should start paused
public startPaused ( ) : GoTweenConfig
리턴 GoTweenConfig

vector2Prop() 공개 메소드

generic vector2 tween
public vector2Prop ( string propertyName, Vector2 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
propertyName string
endValue Vector2
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

vector3PathProp() 공개 메소드

generic vector3 path tween
public vector3PathProp ( string propertyName, GoSpline path, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
propertyName string
path GoSpline
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

vector3Prop() 공개 메소드

generic vector3 tween
public vector3Prop ( string propertyName, Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
propertyName string
endValue Vector3
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

vector3XProp() 공개 메소드

generic vector3.x tween
public vector3XProp ( string propertyName, float endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
propertyName string
endValue float
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

vector3YProp() 공개 메소드

generic vector3.y tween
public vector3YProp ( string propertyName, float endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
propertyName string
endValue float
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

vector3ZProp() 공개 메소드

generic vector3.z tween
public vector3ZProp ( string propertyName, float endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
propertyName string
endValue float
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

vector4Prop() 공개 메소드

generic vector4 tween
public vector4Prop ( string propertyName, Vector4 endValue, bool isRelative = false ) : GoTweenConfig
propertyName string
endValue Vector4
isRelative bool
리턴 GoTweenConfig

프로퍼티 상세

delay 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public float delay
리턴 float

easeCurve 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public AnimationCurve,UnityEngine easeCurve
리턴 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve

easeType 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public GoEaseType easeType
리턴 GoEaseType

id 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public int id
리턴 int

isFrom 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public bool isFrom
리턴 bool

isPaused 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public bool isPaused
리턴 bool

iterations 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public int iterations
리턴 int

loopType 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public GoLoopType loopType
리턴 GoLoopType

onBeginHandler 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public Action onBeginHandler
리턴 Action

onCompleteHandler 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public Action onCompleteHandler
리턴 Action

onInitHandler 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public Action onInitHandler
리턴 Action

onIterationEndHandler 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public Action onIterationEndHandler
리턴 Action

onIterationStartHandler 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public Action onIterationStartHandler
리턴 Action

onUpdateHandler 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public Action onUpdateHandler
리턴 Action

propertyUpdateType 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public GoUpdateType propertyUpdateType
리턴 GoUpdateType

timeScale 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public float timeScale
리턴 float