C# (CSharp) SobekCM.Library.HTML Namespace


Name Description
Aggregation_HtmlSubwriter Aggregation html subwriter renders all views of item aggregations, including home pages, searches, and browses
Contact_HtmlSubwriter Contact html subwriter renders the contact us screen and the subsequent 'Your message was sent' screen
HeaderFooter_Helper_HtmlSubWriter Class is a helper class used for writing the header and footers for HTML responses
Internal_HtmlSubwriter Internal html subwriter renders all of the screens about the collections and items held within this digital library, the list of items edited or recently added, and the current memory profile
Item_HtmlSubwriter Item html subwriter renders views on a single digital resource
MainMenus_Helper_HtmlSubWriter Static class is used to write the main menus used for the aggregation pages and the top-level pages which require a logon.
MySobek_HtmlSubwriter My Sobek html subwriter is used for registration and authentication with mySobek, as well as performing any task which requires authentication, such as online submittal, metadata editing, and system administrative tasks
PagedResults_HtmlSubwriter Accepts a result set of titles and items and renders the correct page of results in the result view the user has requested
Preferences_HtmlSubwriter [TO BE DEPRECATED] Prefernces html subwriter allows the user to set some basic preferences
Print_Item_HtmlSubwriter Print item html subwriter renders a single digital resource in a simplified window for printing purposes
Public_Folder_HtmlSubwriter Public folder html subwriter renders a browse of a public bookshelf folder
Search_Results_HtmlSubwriter Search results html subwriter renders a browse of search results
Statistics_HtmlSubwriter Statistics html subwriter renders all the basic statistics pages, such as the number of items per aggregation, usage statistics, and recent searches.
Web_Content_HtmlSubwriter Simple web content html subwriter acts like a simple content management system, reading in source html files and displaying them within the framework of this digital library and after applying the indicated web skin.
abstractHtmlSubwriter Abstract class which all HTML subwriters must extend. This class contains some of the basic HTML-writing helper values and contains some of the values used by many of the subclasses. HTML subwriters are the top level writing classes employed by the Html_MainWriter.