C# Class SobekCM.Library.HTML.Statistics_HtmlSubwriter

Statistics html subwriter renders all the basic statistics pages, such as the number of items per aggregation, usage statistics, and recent searches.
This class extends the abstractHtmlSubwriter abstract class.
Inheritance: abstractHtmlSubwriter
ファイルを表示 Open project: MarkVSullivan/SobekCM-Web-Application Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Statistics_HtmlSubwriter ( RequestCache RequestSpecificValues ) : System

Constructor for a new instance of the Statistics_HtmlSubwriter class

Write_HTML ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Writes the HTML generated by this statistical html subwriter directly to the response stream

Write_Within_HTML_Head ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void

Write any additional values within the HTML Head of the final served page

Private Methods

Method Description
Month_From_Int ( int Month_Int ) : string
add_collection_history ( TextWriter Output, string Collection, DataTable StatsCount, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
add_collection_history_text ( TextWriter Output, string Collection, DataTable StatsCount, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
add_collections_by_date ( TextWriter Output, DataTable Stats, int FirstMonth, int FirstYear, int SecondMonth, int SecondYear, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
add_item_count_arbitrary_html ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
add_item_count_html ( TextWriter Output, bool IncludesFytd, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
add_item_count_textual ( TextWriter Output, bool IncludesFytd, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
add_item_views_by_date ( TextWriter Output, DataTable Stats, int FirstMonth, int FirstYear, int SecondMonth, int SecondYear, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
add_items_by_collection ( TextWriter Output, string Collection, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
add_overall_usage ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
add_recent_searches ( TextWriter Output ) : void

Adds the list of recent searches as a HTML table for display online to the output stream

add_titles_by_collection ( TextWriter Output, string Collection, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
add_usage_by_date_text ( TextWriter Output, DataTable Stats, int FirstMonth, int FirstYear, int SecondMonth, int SecondYear, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
add_usage_definitions ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void

Method Details

Statistics_HtmlSubwriter() public method

Constructor for a new instance of the Statistics_HtmlSubwriter class
public Statistics_HtmlSubwriter ( RequestCache RequestSpecificValues ) : System
RequestSpecificValues RequestCache All the necessary, non-global data specific to the current request
return System

Write_HTML() public method

Writes the HTML generated by this statistical html subwriter directly to the response stream
public Write_HTML ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
Output System.IO.TextWriter Stream to which to write the HTML for this subwriter
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Write_Within_HTML_Head() public method

Write any additional values within the HTML Head of the final served page
public Write_Within_HTML_Head ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
Output System.IO.TextWriter Output stream currently within the HTML head tags
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return void