C# Class UnityEngine.LOD

ファイルを表示 Open project: CarlosHBC/UnityDecompiled Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
fadeTransitionWidth float
renderers UnityEngine.Renderer[]
screenRelativeTransitionHeight float

Public Methods

Method Description
LOD ( float screenRelativeTransitionHeight, Renderer renderers ) : System

Construct a LOD.

Method Details

LOD() public method

Construct a LOD.

public LOD ( float screenRelativeTransitionHeight, Renderer renderers ) : System
screenRelativeTransitionHeight float The screen relative height to use for the transition [0-1].
renderers Renderer An array of renderers to use for this LOD level.
return System

Property Details

fadeTransitionWidth public_oe property

Width of the cross-fade transition zone (proportion to the current LOD's whole length) [0-1]. Only used if it's not animated.

public float fadeTransitionWidth
return float

renderers public_oe property

List of renderers for this LOD level.

public Renderer[],UnityEngine renderers
return UnityEngine.Renderer[]

screenRelativeTransitionHeight public_oe property

The screen relative height to use for the transition [0-1].

public float screenRelativeTransitionHeight
return float