C# Class UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer

The Animation Layer contains a state machine that controls animations of a model or part of it.

ファイルを表示 Open project: CarlosHBC/UnityDecompiled Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetOverrideBehaviours ( AnimatorState state ) : UnityEngine.StateMachineBehaviour[]

Gets the override behaviour list for the state on the given layer.

GetOverrideMotion ( AnimatorState state ) : Motion

Gets the override motion for the state on the given layer.

SetOverrideBehaviours ( AnimatorState state, StateMachineBehaviour behaviours ) : void
SetOverrideMotion ( AnimatorState state, Motion motion ) : void

Sets the override motion for the state on the given layer.

Method Details

GetOverrideBehaviours() public method

Gets the override behaviour list for the state on the given layer.

public GetOverrideBehaviours ( AnimatorState state ) : UnityEngine.StateMachineBehaviour[]
state AnimatorState The state which we want to get the behaviour list.
return UnityEngine.StateMachineBehaviour[]

GetOverrideMotion() public method

Gets the override motion for the state on the given layer.

public GetOverrideMotion ( AnimatorState state ) : Motion
state AnimatorState The state which we want to get the motion.
return UnityEngine.Motion

SetOverrideBehaviours() public method

public SetOverrideBehaviours ( AnimatorState state, StateMachineBehaviour behaviours ) : void
state AnimatorState
behaviours UnityEngine.StateMachineBehaviour
return void

SetOverrideMotion() public method

Sets the override motion for the state on the given layer.

public SetOverrideMotion ( AnimatorState state, Motion motion ) : void
state AnimatorState The state which we want to set the motion.
motion UnityEngine.Motion The motion that will be set.
return void