C# Class Landis.Extension.BudwormBDA.Epidemic

Inheritance: ICohortDisturbance
ファイルを表示 Open project: LANDIS-II-Foundation/Extensions-Disturbance Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
DisturbSites void
Epidemic Landis.Core
Epidemic Landis.Core
ICohortDisturbance bool
KillSiteCohorts int[]

Public Methods

Method Description
Initialize ( IAgent agent ) : void

Initialize an Epidemic - defined as an agent outbreak for an entire landscape at a single BDA timestep. One epidemic per agent per BDA timestep

Simulate ( IAgent agent, int currentTime, int timestep, int ROS ) : Epidemic

Simulate an Epidemic - This is the controlling function that calls the subsequent function. The basic logic of an epidemic resides here.

Private Methods

Method Description
DisturbSites ( IAgent agent ) : void
Epidemic ( ) : Landis.Core
Epidemic ( IAgent agent ) : Landis.Core
ICohortDisturbance ( ICohort cohort ) : bool
KillSiteCohorts ( Landis.SpatialModeling.ActiveSite site ) : int[]

Method Details

Initialize() public static method

Initialize an Epidemic - defined as an agent outbreak for an entire landscape at a single BDA timestep. One epidemic per agent per BDA timestep
public static Initialize ( IAgent agent ) : void
agent IAgent
return void

Simulate() public static method

Simulate an Epidemic - This is the controlling function that calls the subsequent function. The basic logic of an epidemic resides here.
public static Simulate ( IAgent agent, int currentTime, int timestep, int ROS ) : Epidemic
agent IAgent
currentTime int
timestep int
ROS int
return Epidemic