C# Class KerbalEngineer.Flight.FlightEngineerCore

Inheritance: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
ファイルを表示 Open project: CYBUTEK/KerbalEngineer

Public Methods

Method Description
AddSectionEditor ( SectionModule section ) : SectionEditor

Creates a section editor, adds it to the FlightEngineerCore and returns a reference to it.

AddSectionWindow ( SectionModule section ) : SectionWindow

Creates a section window, adds it to the FlightEngineerCore and returns a reference to it.

AddUpdatable ( IUpdatable updatable ) : void

Adds an updatable object to be automatically updated every frame and will ignore duplicate objects.

SwitchToVessel ( Vessel vessel ) : void

Switches the active vessel. This is delayed until the next Update call to avoid issues when called from OnGUI in KSP 1.2

Private Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void

Create base Flight Engineer child objects.

FixedUpdate ( ) : void

Fixed update all required Flight Engineer objects.

FlightEngineerCore ( ) : System
OnDestroy ( ) : void

Force the destruction of child objects on core destruction.

Start ( ) : void

Initialises the object's state on creation.

Update ( ) : void

Update all required Flight Engineer objects.

UpdateModules ( ) : void

Update all updatable modules.

Method Details

AddSectionEditor() public method

Creates a section editor, adds it to the FlightEngineerCore and returns a reference to it.
public AddSectionEditor ( SectionModule section ) : SectionEditor
section SectionModule
return SectionEditor

AddSectionWindow() public method

Creates a section window, adds it to the FlightEngineerCore and returns a reference to it.
public AddSectionWindow ( SectionModule section ) : SectionWindow
section SectionModule
return SectionWindow

AddUpdatable() public method

Adds an updatable object to be automatically updated every frame and will ignore duplicate objects.
public AddUpdatable ( IUpdatable updatable ) : void
updatable IUpdatable
return void

SwitchToVessel() public static method

Switches the active vessel. This is delayed until the next Update call to avoid issues when called from OnGUI in KSP 1.2
public static SwitchToVessel ( Vessel vessel ) : void
vessel Vessel
return void