C# Class MAVLink.mavlink_data_transmission_handshake_t, MissionPlanner

ファイルを表示 Open project: ArduPilot/MissionPlanner Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
height System.UInt16
jpg_quality byte
packets System.UInt16
payload byte
size System.UInt32
type byte
width System.UInt16

Property Details

height public_oe property

Height of a matrix or image
public UInt16,System height
return System.UInt16

jpg_quality public_oe property

JPEG quality out of [1,100]
public byte jpg_quality
return byte

packets public_oe property

number of packets beeing sent (set on ACK only)
public UInt16,System packets
return System.UInt16

payload public_oe property

payload size per packet (normally 253 byte, see DATA field size in message ENCAPSULATED_DATA) (set on ACK only)
public byte payload
return byte

size public_oe property

total data size in bytes (set on ACK only)
public UInt32,System size
return System.UInt32

type public_oe property

type of requested/acknowledged data (as defined in ENUM DATA_TYPES in mavlink/include/mavlink_types.h)
public byte type
return byte

width public_oe property

Width of a matrix or image
public UInt16,System width
return System.UInt16