C# Class LightSource, UnderworldExporter

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
ファイルを表示 Open project: hankmorgan/UnderworldExporter Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Brightness int
IsOn bool
ItemIdOff int
ItemIdOn int
LightTimer float
LightTimerMax float
MagicBrightness int

Public Methods

Method Description
ActivateByObject ( GameObject ObjectUsed ) : bool
LookAt ( ) : bool
PutItemAwayEvent ( int slotNo ) : bool
SetOff ( ) : void

Turns the light off

SetOn ( ) : void

Turns the light on if there is a free inventory slot to hold it in.

Update ( ) : void

Ticks down the light source

UseVerb ( ) : string
use ( ) : bool

Private Methods

Method Description
lightStatusText ( ) : string

Returns a string identifying the state of the light source

Method Details

ActivateByObject() public method

public ActivateByObject ( GameObject ObjectUsed ) : bool
ObjectUsed GameObject
return bool

LookAt() public method

public LookAt ( ) : bool
return bool

PutItemAwayEvent() public method

public PutItemAwayEvent ( int slotNo ) : bool
slotNo int
return bool

SetOff() public method

Turns the light off
public SetOff ( ) : void
return void

SetOn() public method

Turns the light on if there is a free inventory slot to hold it in.
public SetOn ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

Ticks down the light source
public Update ( ) : void
return void

UseVerb() public method

public UseVerb ( ) : string
return string

use() public method

public use ( ) : bool
return bool

Property Details

Brightness public_oe property

public int Brightness
return int

IsOn public_oe property

public bool IsOn
return bool

ItemIdOff public_oe property

public int ItemIdOff
return int

ItemIdOn public_oe property

public int ItemIdOn
return int

LightTimer public_oe property

public float LightTimer
return float

LightTimerMax public_oe property

public float LightTimerMax
return float

MagicBrightness public_oe static_oe property

public static int MagicBrightness
return int