C# Class LightSource, UnderworldExporter

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
Brightness int
IsOn bool
ItemIdOff int
ItemIdOn int
LightTimer float
LightTimerMax float
MagicBrightness int

Public Methods

Method Description
ActivateByObject ( GameObject ObjectUsed ) : bool
LookAt ( ) : bool
PutItemAwayEvent ( int slotNo ) : bool
SetOff ( ) : void

Turns the light off

SetOn ( ) : void

Turns the light on if there is a free inventory slot to hold it in.

Update ( ) : void

Ticks down the light source

UseVerb ( ) : string
use ( ) : bool

Private Methods

Method Description
lightStatusText ( ) : string

Returns a string identifying the state of the light source

Method Details

ActivateByObject() public method

public ActivateByObject ( GameObject ObjectUsed ) : bool
ObjectUsed GameObject
return bool

LookAt() public method

public LookAt ( ) : bool
return bool

PutItemAwayEvent() public method

public PutItemAwayEvent ( int slotNo ) : bool
slotNo int
return bool

SetOff() public method

Turns the light off
public SetOff ( ) : void
return void

SetOn() public method

Turns the light on if there is a free inventory slot to hold it in.
public SetOn ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

Ticks down the light source
public Update ( ) : void
return void

UseVerb() public method

public UseVerb ( ) : string
return string

use() public method

public use ( ) : bool
return bool

Property Details

Brightness public property

public int Brightness
return int

IsOn public property

public bool IsOn
return bool

ItemIdOff public property

public int ItemIdOff
return int

ItemIdOn public property

public int ItemIdOn
return int

LightTimer public property

public float LightTimer
return float

LightTimerMax public property

public float LightTimerMax
return float

MagicBrightness public static property

public static int MagicBrightness
return int