C# (CSharp) Illusion Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AbstractAction Base class of action.
Action A host for action related attached properties.
ActionManager Action Manager is a central class for the Undo Framework. Your domain model (business objects) will have an ActionManager reference that would take care of executing actions. Here's how it works: 1. You declare a class that implements IAction 2. You create an instance of it and give it all necessary info that it needs to know to apply or rollback a change 3. You call ActionManager.RecordAction(yourAction) Then you can also call ActionManager.Undo() or ActionManager.Redo()
ActivationEventArgs EventArgs sent during activation.
ActivationProcessedEventArgs Contains details about the success or failure of an item's activation through an IConductor.
AssemblySource A source of assemblies that are inspectable by the framework.
Bind Hosts dependency properties for binding.
BindingEngine A bind engine supports custom data binding.
BindingScope Provides methods for searching a given scope for named elements.
BooleanToVisibilityConverter An IValueConverter which converts bool to Visibility.
Bootstrapper Instantiate this class in order to configure the framework.
ConventionManager Used to configure the conventions used by the framework to apply bindings and create actions.
Coroutine Manages coroutine execution.
DeactivationEventArgs EventArgs sent during deactivation.
DockScreenBase A base class for various implementations of IDockScreen.
DockScreenManager Default concrete IDockScreenManager with manages IDockScreen items, it uses MEF to construct the IDockScreens.
ElementConvention Represents the conventions for a particular element type.
EventAggregator Enables loosely-coupled publication of and subscription to events.
LogManager Used to manage logging.
Message Host's attached properties related to routed UI messaging.
MessageBinder A service that is capable of properly binding values to a method's parameters and creating instances of IResult.
Mouse A mouse helper utility.
OptionPageBase A base class for various implementations of IOptionPage.
OptionService Default imelementation of IOptionService.
Parameter Represents a parameter of an ActionMessage.
Parser Parses text into a fully functional set of TriggerBase instances with ActionMessage.
PartBase Base IPart class for various implementations of IPart.
RegExHelper Helper class for encoding strings to regular expression patterns
ResourceService Default implementation of IResourceService, it uses MEF to construct the IResource.
ResultCompletionEventArgs The event args for the Completed event of an IResult.
Screen A base implementation of IScreen.
SetPropertyAction This is a concrete AbstractAction that can change any property on any object It can also undo what it did
SimpleHistory IActionHistory represents a recorded list of actions undertaken by user. This class implements a usual, linear action sequence. You can move back and forth changing the state of the respective document. When you move forward, you execute a respective action, when you move backward, you Undo it (UnExecute). Implemented through a double linked-list of SimpleHistoryNode objects. ====================================================================
SimpleHistoryNode Represents a node of the doubly linked-list SimpleHistory (StateX in the following diagram:) (State0) --- [Action0] --- (State1) --- [Action1] --- (State2) StateX (e.g. State1) has a link to the previous State, previous Action, next State and next Action. As you move from State1 to State2, an Action1 is executed (Redo). As you move from State1 to State0, an Action0 is un-executed (Undo).
ThemeBase Base ITheme class for various implementations of ITheme.
ThemeService Default implementation of IThemeService.
Transaction Transaction class that support transaction to hold multi actions.
TransactionBase Base transaction class.
TypeDescriptor Provides information about the characteristics for a component, such as its attributes, properties, and events. This class cannot be inherited.
TypeMappingConfiguration Class to specify settings for configuring type mappings by the ViewLocator or ViewModelLocator
View Hosts attached properties related to view models.
ViewModelLocator A strategy for determining which view model to use for a given view.
WindowManager A service that manages windows.