C# Class Illusion.SimpleHistoryNode

Represents a node of the doubly linked-list SimpleHistory (StateX in the following diagram:) (State0) --- [Action0] --- (State1) --- [Action1] --- (State2) StateX (e.g. State1) has a link to the previous State, previous Action, next State and next Action. As you move from State1 to State2, an Action1 is executed (Redo). As you move from State1 to State0, an Action0 is un-executed (Undo).
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Public Methods

Method Description
SimpleHistoryNode ( )

Initializes a new instance of the SimpleHistoryNode class.

SimpleHistoryNode ( IAction lastExistingAction, SimpleHistoryNode lastExistingState )

Initializes a new instance of the SimpleHistoryNode class.

Method Details

SimpleHistoryNode() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SimpleHistoryNode class.
public SimpleHistoryNode ( )

SimpleHistoryNode() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SimpleHistoryNode class.
public SimpleHistoryNode ( IAction lastExistingAction, SimpleHistoryNode lastExistingState )
lastExistingAction IAction The last existing action.
lastExistingState SimpleHistoryNode Last state of the existing.