C# Class WarTornLands.Infrastructure.XMLParser

Mostra file Open project: floAr/WarTornLands

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateArea ( DataSet areaMeta, AreaVersion version ) : Area

Creates an Area from a given XML DataSet.

ReadSafegame ( ) : void

Reads a safegame. Not yet implemented

ReadWorld ( ) : void

Searches the Data directory in the content project for XML files ending on _Area.xml. The Level is reseted and a new one created, containing one Area for each file.

ValueOfProperty ( DataRow data, string propertyName ) : string

Searches a propertie structure for a specified propertie.

Private Methods

Method Description
ReadEntityLayer ( Area &area, DataRow data ) : void
ReadEntityTypes ( ) : List

Searches for a directory of the same name as the currently build Area. Creates a list containing the data for each EntityType file (XML ending on _Type.xml) found in the respective 'Types' directory. Said list is meant to be saved in the Area instance for later use.

ReadRoamZones ( DataRow data ) : void
ReadTMX ( Area &area, DataSet data ) : void

Reads the TMX file related to an Area.

XMLParser ( ) : System

Method Details

CreateArea() public method

Creates an Area from a given XML DataSet.
public CreateArea ( DataSet areaMeta, AreaVersion version ) : Area
areaMeta System.Data.DataSet The data.
version AreaVersion
return WarTornLands.World.Area

ReadSafegame() public method

Reads a safegame. Not yet implemented
public ReadSafegame ( ) : void
return void

ReadWorld() public method

Searches the Data directory in the content project for XML files ending on _Area.xml. The Level is reseted and a new one created, containing one Area for each file.
public ReadWorld ( ) : void
return void

ValueOfProperty() public static method

Searches a propertie structure for a specified propertie.
public static ValueOfProperty ( DataRow data, string propertyName ) : string
data System.Data.DataRow The data.
propertyName string Name of the property.
return string