C# Class UnityEngine.EventSystems.RaycastResult

Mostra file Open project: CarlosHBC/UnityDecompiled Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
depth int
distance float
index float
module BaseRaycaster
screenPosition Vector2
sortingLayer int
sortingOrder int
worldNormal Vector3
worldPosition Vector3

Public Methods

Method Description
Clear ( ) : void

Reset the result.

ToString ( ) : string

Method Details

Clear() public method

Reset the result.

public Clear ( ) : void
return void

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

depth public_oe property

The relative depth of the element.

public int depth
return int

distance public_oe property

Distance to the hit.

public float distance
return float

index public_oe property

Hit index.

public float index
return float

module public_oe property

BaseInputModule that raised the hit.

public BaseRaycaster,UnityEngine.EventSystems module
return BaseRaycaster

screenPosition public_oe property

The screen position from which the raycast was generated.

public Vector2 screenPosition
return Vector2

sortingLayer public_oe property

The SortingLayer of the hit object.

public int sortingLayer
return int

sortingOrder public_oe property

The SortingOrder for the hit object.

public int sortingOrder
return int

worldNormal public_oe property

The normal at the hit location of the raycast.

public Vector3 worldNormal
return Vector3

worldPosition public_oe property

The world position of the where the raycast has hit.

public Vector3 worldPosition
return Vector3