C# Class Unity.Platform.Windows.WindowsSystem

Inheritance: Unity.Core.System.AbstractSystem
Mostra file Open project: Appverse/appverse-mobile Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CopyToClipboard ( string text ) : bool
DismissApplication ( ) : void

Dismisses the current application.

DismissSplashScreen ( ) : bool

Dismisses the splash screen.

GetCPUInfo ( ) : Unity.Core.System.CPUInfo

Returns current CPU information.

GetDisplayInfo ( int displayNumber ) : Unity.Core.System.DisplayInfo

Returns the information for the given display number. Display array starts at 1 (primary display).

GetDisplays ( ) : int

Returns the number of screens connected to the device.

GetInputButtons ( ) : InputButton[]
GetInputGestures ( ) : InputGesture[]
GetInputMethodCurrent ( ) : InputCapability

GetInputMethods ( ) : InputCapability[]

Returns input methods supported by the device.

GetLocaleCurrent ( ) : Locale

Returns the current Culture Information (current locale).

GetLocaleSupported ( ) : Locale[]

Returns the supported locales. List ordered by the "LanguageISOCode-CountryISOCode".

GetMemoryAvailable ( MemoryUse use ) : long

Returns memory available for the given use (application or storage).

GetMemoryAvailable ( MemoryUse use, MemoryType type ) : long

Returns memory available for the given use (application or storage) and type. In this case, only one type is available, so method is returning memory status depending on use.

GetMemoryAvailableTypes ( ) : MemoryType[]

Returns windows memory types. In this case, only Main type is available.

GetMemoryStatus ( ) : Unity.Core.System.MemoryStatus

Returns TOTAL memory status information.

GetMemoryStatus ( MemoryType type ) : Unity.Core.System.MemoryStatus

Returns memory info for the given type. In this case, only one type is available, so method is returning total memory status.

GetOSHardwareInfo ( ) : Unity.Core.System.HardwareInfo

Returns current Hardware information.

GetOSInfo ( ) : Unity.Core.System.OSInfo

Returns current Operating System information.

GetOrientationSupported ( int displayNumber ) : DisplayOrientation[]

All displays will accept the two available orientations: portrait and landscape.

GetPowerInfo ( ) : Unity.Core.System.PowerInfo

Returns current battery information.

GetUnityContext ( ) : Unity.Core.System.UnityContext
LaunchApplication ( Unity application, string query ) : void
ShowSplashScreen ( ) : bool

Shows the splash screen.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetApplicationMemoryStatus ( ) : Unity.Core.System.MemoryStatus

Returns memory information for the physical memory.

GetDiskMemoryStatus ( ) : Unity.Core.System.MemoryStatus

Returns space infroamtion for the local disk.

GetDisplayInfoList ( ) : Unity.Core.System.DisplayInfo[]

Provides information of screens connected to the device. Display 1 is the primary.

Method Details

CopyToClipboard() public method

public CopyToClipboard ( string text ) : bool
text string
return bool

DismissApplication() public method

Dismisses the current application.
public DismissApplication ( ) : void
return void

DismissSplashScreen() public method

Dismisses the splash screen.
public DismissSplashScreen ( ) : bool
return bool

GetCPUInfo() public method

Returns current CPU information.
public GetCPUInfo ( ) : Unity.Core.System.CPUInfo
return Unity.Core.System.CPUInfo

GetDisplayInfo() public method

Returns the information for the given display number. Display array starts at 1 (primary display).
public GetDisplayInfo ( int displayNumber ) : Unity.Core.System.DisplayInfo
displayNumber int
return Unity.Core.System.DisplayInfo

GetDisplays() public method

Returns the number of screens connected to the device.
public GetDisplays ( ) : int
return int

GetInputButtons() public method

public GetInputButtons ( ) : InputButton[]
return InputButton[]

GetInputGestures() public method

public GetInputGestures ( ) : InputGesture[]
return InputGesture[]

GetInputMethodCurrent() public method

public GetInputMethodCurrent ( ) : InputCapability
return InputCapability

GetInputMethods() public method

Returns input methods supported by the device.
public GetInputMethods ( ) : InputCapability[]
return InputCapability[]

GetLocaleCurrent() public method

Returns the current Culture Information (current locale).
public GetLocaleCurrent ( ) : Locale
return Locale

GetLocaleSupported() public method

Returns the supported locales. List ordered by the "LanguageISOCode-CountryISOCode".
public GetLocaleSupported ( ) : Locale[]
return Locale[]

GetMemoryAvailable() public method

Returns memory available for the given use (application or storage).
public GetMemoryAvailable ( MemoryUse use ) : long
use MemoryUse Memory use.
return long

GetMemoryAvailable() public method

Returns memory available for the given use (application or storage) and type. In this case, only one type is available, so method is returning memory status depending on use.
public GetMemoryAvailable ( MemoryUse use, MemoryType type ) : long
use MemoryUse Memory use.
type MemoryType Memory type.
return long

GetMemoryAvailableTypes() public method

Returns windows memory types. In this case, only Main type is available.
public GetMemoryAvailableTypes ( ) : MemoryType[]
return MemoryType[]

GetMemoryStatus() public method

Returns TOTAL memory status information.
public GetMemoryStatus ( ) : Unity.Core.System.MemoryStatus
return Unity.Core.System.MemoryStatus

GetMemoryStatus() public method

Returns memory info for the given type. In this case, only one type is available, so method is returning total memory status.
public GetMemoryStatus ( MemoryType type ) : Unity.Core.System.MemoryStatus
type MemoryType Memory type.
return Unity.Core.System.MemoryStatus

GetOSHardwareInfo() public method

Returns current Hardware information.
public GetOSHardwareInfo ( ) : Unity.Core.System.HardwareInfo
return Unity.Core.System.HardwareInfo

GetOSInfo() public method

Returns current Operating System information.
public GetOSInfo ( ) : Unity.Core.System.OSInfo
return Unity.Core.System.OSInfo

GetOrientationSupported() public method

All displays will accept the two available orientations: portrait and landscape.
public GetOrientationSupported ( int displayNumber ) : DisplayOrientation[]
displayNumber int Display Number
return DisplayOrientation[]

GetPowerInfo() public method

Returns current battery information.
public GetPowerInfo ( ) : Unity.Core.System.PowerInfo
return Unity.Core.System.PowerInfo

GetUnityContext() public method

public GetUnityContext ( ) : Unity.Core.System.UnityContext
return Unity.Core.System.UnityContext

LaunchApplication() public method

public LaunchApplication ( Unity application, string query ) : void
application Unity
query string
return void

ShowSplashScreen() public method

Shows the splash screen.
public ShowSplashScreen ( ) : bool
return bool