C# Class Sudoku_Solver.SudokuSolver

Mostra file Open project: dexxa/SudokuSolver Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
Blocks Panel[]
CellUnsolved int
FailedAttemp int
Guesses List
NumberSet System.Boolean
Numbers ].Number[
TestNumbers int[,,]

Public Methods

Method Description
GetNewBlock ( int row, int column ) : Panel
SetupBlocks ( ) : void
SetupCells ( Panel block, int row, int column ) : void
SudokuSolver ( ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Clean up any resources being used.

Private Methods

Method Description
AppendStatus ( string message ) : void
BackgroundWork ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
ClearCellStyle ( CellStyleState StyleState ) : void
ColumnContainsNumber ( int column, int number ) : System.Boolean
DisplayAllPossibleValues ( ) : void
DisplayCellPossibleValues ( int row, int column, List PossibleValues ) : void
FindCellInBlock ( int block, int number ) : Pointx
GetBestGuess ( int GuessNumberCount ) : List
GetBestGuesses ( ) : List
GetBlockHorizontalSiblings ( int block ) : List
GetBlockOriginByIndex ( int block ) : Pointx
GetBlockVerticalSiblings ( int block ) : List
GetCellCoordinateByName ( string name ) : Pointx
GetConflictingValueCoordinates ( int row, int column, int number ) : List
GetPossibleCellsBySiblings ( List CellSiblings, int TargetBlock ) : List
GetPossibleGuess ( ) : System.UInt64
InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

IsGameSolved ( ) : bool
IsLegalValue ( int row, int column, int number ) : System.Boolean
IsLegalValue ( string name, int number ) : System.Boolean
RowContainsNumber ( int row, int number ) : System.Boolean
SetCellStyle ( int row, int column, CellStyleState StyleState ) : void
SetCellValue ( int row, int column, int value, CellState state ) : void
SetCellValue ( int row, int column, string value, CellState state ) : void
SetCellValue ( string name, int value, CellState state ) : void
SetNumbers_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
SetOriginalNumber ( System.Boolean set ) : void
SetTestNumber ( ) : void
ShowPossibleValues_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
SingleSolve_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
SolveByRowColumnAndBlock ( int row, int column ) : List
SolveBySiblingsElimination ( int number, int row, int column ) : List
SolveMultiRun_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
SolveMultiRuns ( ) : System.Boolean
SolveSingleRun ( ) : System.Boolean
StartGuess_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
StartGuessing ( ) : void
SudokuSolver_Load ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
UpdateStatusProgress ( int GuessLeft, int GuessMade, System.UInt64 PossibleGuesses ) : void
UpdateStatusProgressMaximum ( int max ) : void
ValidateTextbox ( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

Dispose() protected method

Clean up any resources being used.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
return void

GetNewBlock() public method

public GetNewBlock ( int row, int column ) : Panel
row int
column int
return Panel

SetupBlocks() public method

public SetupBlocks ( ) : void
return void

SetupCells() public method

public SetupCells ( Panel block, int row, int column ) : void
block Panel
row int
column int
return void

SudokuSolver() public method

public SudokuSolver ( ) : System
return System

Property Details

Blocks protected_oe property

protected Panel[] Blocks
return Panel[]

CellUnsolved protected_oe property

protected int CellUnsolved
return int

FailedAttemp protected_oe property

protected int FailedAttemp
return int

Guesses protected_oe property

protected List Guesses
return List

NumberSet protected_oe property

protected Boolean,System NumberSet
return System.Boolean

Numbers protected_oe property

protected Number[,] Numbers
return ].Number[

TestNumbers protected_oe property

protected int[,,] TestNumbers
return int[,,]