C# Class OpenMetaverse.Messages.Linden.ScriptRunningReplyMessage

Inheritance: IMessage
Mostra file Open project: N3X15/VoxelSim Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Mono bool
Running bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Deserialize ( OSDMap map ) : void

Deserialize the message

Serialize ( ) : OSDMap

Serialize the object

Method Details

Deserialize() public method

Deserialize the message
public Deserialize ( OSDMap map ) : void
map OSDMap An containing the data
return void

Serialize() public method

Serialize the object
public Serialize ( ) : OSDMap
return OSDMap

Property Details

ItemID public_oe property

The Asset ID of the script
public UUID ItemID
return UUID

Mono public_oe property

True of the script is compiled/ran using the mono interpreter, false indicates it uses the older less efficient lsl2 interprter
public bool Mono
return bool

ObjectID public_oe property

The Task containing the scripts UUID
public UUID ObjectID
return UUID

Running public_oe property

true of the script is in a running state
public bool Running
return bool