C# Class OpenMetaverse.Messages.Linden.ScriptRunningReplyMessage

Inheritance: IMessage
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
Mono bool
Running bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Deserialize ( OSDMap map ) : void

Deserialize the message

Serialize ( ) : OSDMap

Serialize the object

Method Details

Deserialize() public method

Deserialize the message
public Deserialize ( OSDMap map ) : void
map OSDMap An containing the data
return void

Serialize() public method

Serialize the object
public Serialize ( ) : OSDMap
return OSDMap

Property Details

ItemID public property

The Asset ID of the script
public UUID ItemID
return UUID

Mono public property

True of the script is compiled/ran using the mono interpreter, false indicates it uses the older less efficient lsl2 interprter
public bool Mono
return bool

ObjectID public property

The Task containing the scripts UUID
public UUID ObjectID
return UUID

Running public property

true of the script is in a running state
public bool Running
return bool