C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.RFX_PROGRESSIVE_BlockManager

The RFX_PROGRESSIVE_BlockManager is responsible for the construct blocks into byte array
Inheritance: Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.BasePDU
Mostra file Open project: Microsoft/WindowsProtocolTestSuites

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
blkList List
maxblkFrameIndex ushort

Public Methods

Method Description
BuildRegionBlock ( bool bReduceExtrapolate, EncodedTile>.Dictionary TileDict, uint tileDataLength, RFXProgCodecBlockType tileBlockType ) : RFX_Progressive_REGION

Create region block.

BuildTileDataBlock ( byte quantIdx, Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.TileIndex tileIdx, Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.EncodedTile tileData, RFXProgCodecBlockType tileBlockType ) : RFX_Progressive_DataBlock

Build tile data blocks(tile simple or tile first or tile upgrade).

CreateBeginBlocks ( bool bSync, bool bContext, bool bSubDiff, ushort regionNum ) : void

Create frame_begin and previous blocks(sync or context block) if needed

CreateContextBlock ( bool bContext, bool bSubDiff ) : void

Create context block if needed.

CreateFrameBeginBlock ( ushort regionNum ) : void

Create frame_begin block

CreateFrameEndBlock ( ) : void

Create frame_end block.

CreateRegionTileBlocks ( bool bReduceExtrapolate, EncodedTile>.Dictionary tileDict, RFXProgCodecBlockType tileBlockType ) : void

Create region blocks and tile data blocks(tile simple or tile first or tile upgrade).

CreateSyncBlock ( bool bSync ) : void

Create sync block if needed

Decode ( Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler marshaler ) : bool

Decode this PDU from the PduMarshaler.

Encode ( Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler marshaler ) : void

Encode this PDU to the PduMarshaler.

GetFrameIndex ( ) : uint

Get frameIndex of fram_begin_block

PackRfxProgCodecDataBlock ( bool bSync, bool bContext, bool bSubDiff ) : byte[]

Return a binary array which is encoded by Rfx Progressive Codec without region/tile data.

PackRfxProgCodecDataBlock ( bool bSync, bool bContext, bool bSubDiff, bool bReduceExtrapolate, EncodedTile>.Dictionary tileDict, RFXProgCodecBlockType tileDataType ) : byte[]

Return a binary array for a tile data which is encoded by Rfx Progressive Codec.

RFX_PROGRESSIVE_BlockManager ( ) : System


ToBytes ( ) : byte[]

Method Details

BuildRegionBlock() public method

Create region block.
public BuildRegionBlock ( bool bReduceExtrapolate, EncodedTile>.Dictionary TileDict, uint tileDataLength, RFXProgCodecBlockType tileBlockType ) : RFX_Progressive_REGION
bReduceExtrapolate bool This is used to indicate if DWT uses the "Reduce Extrapolate" method.
TileDict EncodedTile>.Dictionary
tileDataLength uint This is used to indicate the encoded tile data length.
tileBlockType RFXProgCodecBlockType This is used to indicate the tile data block type(simple, first, or upgrade).
return RFX_Progressive_REGION

BuildTileDataBlock() public method

Build tile data blocks(tile simple or tile first or tile upgrade).
public BuildTileDataBlock ( byte quantIdx, Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.TileIndex tileIdx, Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.EncodedTile tileData, RFXProgCodecBlockType tileBlockType ) : RFX_Progressive_DataBlock
quantIdx byte This is used to indicate index in TS_RFX_CODEC_QUANT array of region block
tileIdx Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.TileIndex This is used to indicate the tile index.
tileData Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.EncodedTile This is used to indicate the encoded tile data.
tileBlockType RFXProgCodecBlockType This is used to indicate the tile data block type(simple, first, or upgrade).
return RFX_Progressive_DataBlock

CreateBeginBlocks() public method

Create frame_begin and previous blocks(sync or context block) if needed
public CreateBeginBlocks ( bool bSync, bool bContext, bool bSubDiff, ushort regionNum ) : void
bSync bool This is used to indicate if sync block needed.
bContext bool This is used to indicate if context block needed.
bSubDiff bool This is used to indicate if subband_diffing flag is enabled in context block.
regionNum ushort This is used to indicate the number of region block followed.
return void

CreateContextBlock() public method

Create context block if needed.
public CreateContextBlock ( bool bContext, bool bSubDiff ) : void
bContext bool This is used to indicate if context block needed.
bSubDiff bool This is used to indicate if subband_diffing flag is enabled in context block.
return void

CreateFrameBeginBlock() public method

Create frame_begin block
public CreateFrameBeginBlock ( ushort regionNum ) : void
regionNum ushort This is used to indicate the number of region block followed.
return void

CreateFrameEndBlock() public method

Create frame_end block.
public CreateFrameEndBlock ( ) : void
return void

CreateRegionTileBlocks() public method

Create region blocks and tile data blocks(tile simple or tile first or tile upgrade).
public CreateRegionTileBlocks ( bool bReduceExtrapolate, EncodedTile>.Dictionary tileDict, RFXProgCodecBlockType tileBlockType ) : void
bReduceExtrapolate bool This is used to indicate if DWT uses the "Reduce Extrapolate" method.
tileDict EncodedTile>.Dictionary This is used to indicate the dictionary of tile index and encoded data.
tileBlockType RFXProgCodecBlockType This is used to indicate the tile data block type(simple, first, or upgrade).
return void

CreateSyncBlock() public method

Create sync block if needed
public CreateSyncBlock ( bool bSync ) : void
bSync bool This is used to indicate if sync block needed.
return void

Decode() public method

Decode this PDU from the PduMarshaler.
public Decode ( Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler marshaler ) : bool
marshaler Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler This is used to decode the fields of this PDU.
return bool

Encode() public method

Encode this PDU to the PduMarshaler.
public Encode ( Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler marshaler ) : void
marshaler Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler This is used to encode the fields of this PDU.
return void

GetFrameIndex() public method

Get frameIndex of fram_begin_block
public GetFrameIndex ( ) : uint
return uint

PackRfxProgCodecDataBlock() public method

Return a binary array which is encoded by Rfx Progressive Codec without region/tile data.
public PackRfxProgCodecDataBlock ( bool bSync, bool bContext, bool bSubDiff ) : byte[]
bSync bool This is used to indicate if sync block needed.
bContext bool This is used to indicate if context block needed.
bSubDiff bool This is used to indicate if subband_diffing flag is enabled in context block.
return byte[]

PackRfxProgCodecDataBlock() public method

Return a binary array for a tile data which is encoded by Rfx Progressive Codec.
public PackRfxProgCodecDataBlock ( bool bSync, bool bContext, bool bSubDiff, bool bReduceExtrapolate, EncodedTile>.Dictionary tileDict, RFXProgCodecBlockType tileDataType ) : byte[]
bSync bool This is used to indicate if sync block needed.
bContext bool This is used to indicate if context block needed.
bSubDiff bool This is used to indicate if subband_diffing flag is enabled in context block.
bReduceExtrapolate bool This is used to indicate if DWT uses the "Reduce Extrapolate" method.
tileDict EncodedTile>.Dictionary This is used to indicate the dictionary of tile index and encoded data.
tileDataType RFXProgCodecBlockType This is used to indicate the tile data type(simple, first, or upgrade).
return byte[]

RFX_PROGRESSIVE_BlockManager() public method

public RFX_PROGRESSIVE_BlockManager ( ) : System
return System

ToBytes() public method

public ToBytes ( ) : byte[]
return byte[]

Property Details

blkList protected_oe property

a list of RFX Progressive Data Blocks.
protected List blkList
return List

maxblkFrameIndex protected_oe property

next available frame index of rfx progressive block
protected ushort maxblkFrameIndex
return ushort