C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_ASCNTC.MS_ASCNTCAdapter

The class provides methods to verify data/operation format in MS-ASCNTC.
Mostra file Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites

Public Methods

Method Description
FolderSync ( FolderSyncRequest request ) : FolderSyncResponse

Synchronizes the collection hierarchy.

Initialize ( TestTools testSite ) : void

Overrides IAdapter's Initialize() and sets default protocol short name of the testSite.

ItemOperations ( ItemOperationsRequest request, DeliveryMethodForFetch deliveryMethod ) : ItemOperationsStore

Retrieves an item from the server by sending ItemOperationsRequest object.

Search ( SearchRequest request ) : SearchStore

Finds entries in an address book, mailbox or document library by sending SearchRequest object.

SendMail ( SendMailRequest request ) : SendMailResponse

Sends a MIME-formatted email message to the server.

SwitchUser ( string userName, string userPassword, string userDomain ) : void

Changes user to call ActiveSync operation.

Sync ( SyncRequest request ) : SyncStore

Synchronizes the changes in a collection between the client and the server by sending SyncRequest object.

Private Methods

Method Description
VerifyAbstractDataModel ( ) : void

This method is used to verify abstract data model related requirements.

VerifyCategory ( string categoryList ) : void

This method is used to verify the Category element.

VerifyChild ( string childList ) : void

This method is used to verify the Child element.

VerifyContactClassElements ( Contact contact ) : void

This method is used to verify the contact item related requirements

VerifyContainer ( ) : void

This method is used to verify the container data type related requirements.

VerifyDateTime ( System.DateTime dateTime ) : void

This method is used to verify the dateTime data type related requirements.

VerifyEmailAddress ( string emailAddress ) : void

This method is used to verify the E-mail address related requirements.

VerifyInteger ( ) : void

This method is used to verify the integer data type related requirement.

VerifyItemOperationsResponse ( ItemOperationsStore itemOperationsStore ) : void

This method is used to verify the ItemOperations command response related requirements.

VerifyMessageSyntax ( ) : void

This method is used to verify the message syntax related requirement.

VerifyRequirementsRelateToCodePage1 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

This method is used to verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 1.

VerifyRequirementsRelateToCodePage12 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 12.

VerifySearchResponse ( SearchStore searchStore ) : void

This method is used to verify the Search command response related requirements.

VerifyString ( ) : void

This method is used to verify the string data type related requirements.

VerifySyncResponse ( SyncStore syncStore ) : void

This method is used to verify the Sync command response related requirements.

VerifyTransport ( ) : void

This method is used to verify transport related requirement.

VerifyWBXMLCapture ( ) : void

This method is used to verify MS-ASWBXML related requirements.

Method Details

FolderSync() public method

Synchronizes the collection hierarchy.
public FolderSync ( FolderSyncRequest request ) : FolderSyncResponse
request FolderSyncRequest A FolderSyncRequest object which contains the request information.
return FolderSyncResponse

Initialize() public method

Overrides IAdapter's Initialize() and sets default protocol short name of the testSite.
public Initialize ( TestTools testSite ) : void
testSite TestTools Transfer ITestSite into adapter, make adapter can use ITestSite's function.
return void

ItemOperations() public method

Retrieves an item from the server by sending ItemOperationsRequest object.
public ItemOperations ( ItemOperationsRequest request, DeliveryMethodForFetch deliveryMethod ) : ItemOperationsStore
request ItemOperationsRequest An ItemOperationsRequest object which contains the request information.
deliveryMethod DeliveryMethodForFetch The delivery method specifies what kind of response is accepted.
return Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.DataStructures.ItemOperationsStore

Search() public method

Finds entries in an address book, mailbox or document library by sending SearchRequest object.
public Search ( SearchRequest request ) : SearchStore
request SearchRequest A SearchRequest object which contains the request information.
return Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.DataStructures.SearchStore

SendMail() public method

Sends a MIME-formatted email message to the server.
public SendMail ( SendMailRequest request ) : SendMailResponse
request SendMailRequest A SendMailRequest object which contains the request information.
return SendMailResponse

SwitchUser() public method

Changes user to call ActiveSync operation.
public SwitchUser ( string userName, string userPassword, string userDomain ) : void
userName string The name of the user.
userPassword string The password of the user.
userDomain string The domain which the user belongs to.
return void

Sync() public method

Synchronizes the changes in a collection between the client and the server by sending SyncRequest object.
public Sync ( SyncRequest request ) : SyncStore
request SyncRequest A SyncRequest object which contains the request information.
return Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.DataStructures.SyncStore