Méthode | Description | |
FolderSync ( FolderSyncRequest request ) : FolderSyncResponse |
Synchronizes the collection hierarchy.
Initialize ( TestTools testSite ) : void |
Overrides IAdapter's Initialize() and sets default protocol short name of the testSite.
ItemOperations ( ItemOperationsRequest request, DeliveryMethodForFetch deliveryMethod ) : |
Retrieves an item from the server by sending ItemOperationsRequest object.
Search ( SearchRequest request ) : |
Finds entries in an address book, mailbox or document library by sending SearchRequest object.
SendMail ( SendMailRequest request ) : SendMailResponse |
Sends a MIME-formatted email message to the server.
SwitchUser ( string userName, string userPassword, string userDomain ) : void |
Changes user to call ActiveSync operation.
Sync ( SyncRequest request ) : |
Synchronizes the changes in a collection between the client and the server by sending SyncRequest object.
Méthode | Description | |
VerifyAbstractDataModel ( ) : void |
This method is used to verify abstract data model related requirements.
VerifyCategory ( string categoryList ) : void |
This method is used to verify the Category element.
VerifyChild ( string childList ) : void |
This method is used to verify the Child element.
VerifyContactClassElements ( Contact contact ) : void |
This method is used to verify the contact item related requirements
VerifyContainer ( ) : void |
This method is used to verify the container data type related requirements.
VerifyDateTime ( System.DateTime dateTime ) : void |
This method is used to verify the dateTime data type related requirements.
VerifyEmailAddress ( string emailAddress ) : void |
This method is used to verify the E-mail address related requirements.
VerifyInteger ( ) : void |
This method is used to verify the integer data type related requirement.
VerifyItemOperationsResponse ( |
This method is used to verify the ItemOperations command response related requirements.
VerifyMessageSyntax ( ) : void |
This method is used to verify the message syntax related requirement.
VerifyRequirementsRelateToCodePage1 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void |
This method is used to verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 1.
VerifyRequirementsRelateToCodePage12 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void |
Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 12.
VerifySearchResponse ( |
This method is used to verify the Search command response related requirements.
VerifyString ( ) : void |
This method is used to verify the string data type related requirements.
VerifySyncResponse ( |
This method is used to verify the Sync command response related requirements.
VerifyTransport ( ) : void |
This method is used to verify transport related requirement.
VerifyWBXMLCapture ( ) : void |
This method is used to verify MS-ASWBXML related requirements.
public FolderSync ( FolderSyncRequest request ) : FolderSyncResponse | ||
request | FolderSyncRequest | A FolderSyncRequest object which contains the request information. |
Résultat | FolderSyncResponse |
public Initialize ( TestTools testSite ) : void | ||
testSite | TestTools | Transfer ITestSite into adapter, make adapter can use ITestSite's function. |
Résultat | void |
public ItemOperations ( ItemOperationsRequest request, DeliveryMethodForFetch deliveryMethod ) : |
request | ItemOperationsRequest | An ItemOperationsRequest object which contains the request information. |
deliveryMethod | DeliveryMethodForFetch | The delivery method specifies what kind of response is accepted. |
Résultat |
public Search ( SearchRequest request ) : |
request | SearchRequest | A SearchRequest object which contains the request information. |
Résultat |
public SendMail ( SendMailRequest request ) : SendMailResponse | ||
request | SendMailRequest | A SendMailRequest object which contains the request information. |
Résultat | SendMailResponse |
public SwitchUser ( string userName, string userPassword, string userDomain ) : void | ||
userName | string | The name of the user. |
userPassword | string | The password of the user. |
userDomain | string | The domain which the user belongs to. |
Résultat | void |
public Sync ( SyncRequest request ) : |
request | SyncRequest | A SyncRequest object which contains the request information. |
Résultat |