C# Class Box2DX.Dynamics.PulleyJointDef

Pulley joint definition. This requires two ground anchors, two dynamic body anchor points, max lengths for each side, and a pulley ratio.
Inheritance: JointDef
Mostra file Open project: KrugerHeavyIndustries/box2d-unity Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
GroundAnchor1 System.Vector2
GroundAnchor2 System.Vector2
Length1 float
Length2 float
LocalAnchor1 System.Vector2
LocalAnchor2 System.Vector2
MaxLength1 float
MaxLength2 float
Ratio float

Public Methods

Method Description
Initialize ( Body body1, Body body2, System.Vector2 groundAnchor1, System.Vector2 groundAnchor2, System.Vector2 anchor1, System.Vector2 anchor2, float ratio ) : void
PulleyJointDef ( ) : System

Method Details

Initialize() public method

public Initialize ( Body body1, Body body2, System.Vector2 groundAnchor1, System.Vector2 groundAnchor2, System.Vector2 anchor1, System.Vector2 anchor2, float ratio ) : void
body1 Body
body2 Body
groundAnchor1 System.Vector2
groundAnchor2 System.Vector2
anchor1 System.Vector2
anchor2 System.Vector2
ratio float
return void

PulleyJointDef() public method

public PulleyJointDef ( ) : System
return System

Property Details

GroundAnchor1 public_oe property

The first ground anchor in world coordinates. This point never moves.
public Vector2,System GroundAnchor1
return System.Vector2

GroundAnchor2 public_oe property

The second ground anchor in world coordinates. This point never moves.
public Vector2,System GroundAnchor2
return System.Vector2

Length1 public_oe property

The a reference length for the segment attached to body1.
public float Length1
return float

Length2 public_oe property

The a reference length for the segment attached to body2.
public float Length2
return float

LocalAnchor1 public_oe property

The local anchor point relative to body1's origin.
public Vector2,System LocalAnchor1
return System.Vector2

LocalAnchor2 public_oe property

The local anchor point relative to body2's origin.
public Vector2,System LocalAnchor2
return System.Vector2

MaxLength1 public_oe property

The maximum length of the segment attached to body1.
public float MaxLength1
return float

MaxLength2 public_oe property

The maximum length of the segment attached to body2.
public float MaxLength2
return float

Ratio public_oe property

The pulley ratio, used to simulate a block-and-tackle.
public float Ratio
return float