C# Class Aura.Channel.Network.Sending.Send

Mostra file Open project: aura-project/aura Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AcquireDyedItemInfo ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, byte selected ) : void

Sends AcquireInfo2 to creature's client.

AcquireEnchantedItemInfo ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, int itemId, int optionSetId ) : void

Sends AcquireInfo2 to creature's client.

AcquireFixedDyedItemInfo ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId ) : void

Sends AcquireInfo2 to creature's client.

AcquireInfo ( Creature creature, string type, int amount ) : void

Sends AcquireInfo to creature's client.

Type can be various things, like "gold", "exp", or "ap".

AcquireInfo2 ( Creature creature, string type, long objectid ) : void

Sends AcquireInfo2 to creature's client.

Type can be various things, like "fishing".

AcquireInfo2Cooking ( Creature creature, long objectid, int classid, bool success ) : void

Sends AcquireInfo2 to creature's client.

Assumingly specific to cooking.

AcquireItemInfo ( Creature creature, int itemId, int amount ) : void

Sends AcquireInfo to creature's client.

AcquireItemInfo ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId ) : void

Sends AcquireInfo to creature's client.

AddKeyword ( Creature creature, ushort keywordId ) : void

Sends AddKeyword to creature's client.

AddTitle ( Creature creature, ushort titleId, TitleState state ) : void

Sends AddTitle(Knowledge) to creature's client, depending on state.

AddToNpcShop ( Creature creature, IList tabs ) : void

Sends AddToNpcShop to creature's client.

AgeUpEffect ( Creature creature, short age ) : void

Sends AgeUpEffect to creature's client.

Notice + Light effect. Effect is only played for ages 1~25.

AssignSittingProp ( Creature creature, long propEntityId, int unk ) : void

Broadcasts AssignSittingProp in range of creature.

Moves creature into position, to sit down on the prop. Pass 0 for the parameters to undo.

BankAddItem ( Creature creature, Item item, string bankId, string tabName ) : void

Sends BankAddItem to creature's client.

BankDepositGoldR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends BankDepositGoldR to creature's client.

BankDepositItemR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends BankDepositItemR to creature's client.

BankLicenseFeeInquiry ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, int sum, int afterFeeSum ) : void

Sends BankLicenseFeeInquiry to creature's client.

BankPostLicenseInquiryDepositR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends BankPostInquiryDepositR to creature's client.

BankRemoveItem ( Creature creature, string tabName, long itemEntityId ) : void

Sends BankRemoveItem to creature's client.

BankTransferInfo ( Creature creature, string tabTitle, Item item ) : void

Sends BankTransferInfo to creature's client.

BankTransferInquiry ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, string bankTitle, int time, int price ) : void

Sends BankTransferInquiry to creature's client.

BankTransferRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends BankTransferRequestR to creature's client.

BankUpdateGold ( Creature creature, int amount ) : void

Sends BankUpdateGold to creature's client.

BankWithdrawGoldR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends BankWithdrawGoldR to creature's client.

BankWithdrawItemR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends BankWithdrawItemR to creature's client.

BlacksmithingMiniGame ( Creature creature, Prop prop, Item item, List dots, int deviation ) : void

Sends BlacksmithingMiniGame to creature's client, which starts the Blacksmithing mini-game.

The position of the dots is relative to the upper left of the field. They land exactly on those spots after "wavering" for a moment. This wavering is randomized on the client side and doesn't affect anything. The time bar is always the same, but the time it takes to fill up changes based on the "time displacement". The lower the value, the longer it takes to fill up. Using values that are too high or too low mess up the calculations and cause confusing results. The official range seems to be between ~0.81 and ~0.98.

CancelMotion ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts CancelMotion in creature's region.

ChangeStance ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts ChangeStance in range of creature.

ChangeStanceRequestR ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends ChangeStanceRequestR to creature's client.

ChangeTitleR ( Creature creature, bool titleSuccess, bool optionTitleSuccess ) : void

Sends ChangeTitleR to creature's client.

ChannelCharacterInfoRequestR ( ChannelClient client, Creature creature ) : void

Sends ChannelCharacterInfoRequestR for creature to client.

ChannelCharacterInfoRequestR_Fail ( ChannelClient client ) : void

Sends negative ChannelCharacterInfoRequestR to client.

CharacterLock ( Creature creature, System.Collections.Generic.Locks type ) : void

Sends CharacterLock to creature's client.

CharacterLockUpdate ( Creature creature, byte unkByte, int unkInt ) : void

Sends CharacterLockUpdate to creature's client.

The name of this op is guessed, based on its position in the op list and its behavior. Originally I thought this might change a lock's timeout time, to, for example, reduce the time until you can move again, after you attacked something, but after testing it, it seems like it actually completely resets the locks. The only known value for the byte is "18" (0x12), which doesn't match a known combination of locks, 0x10 being Run and 0x02 being unknown, however, 0x18 would be Run|Walk, which would match what it's doing.

CharacterUnlock ( Creature creature, System.Collections.Generic.Locks type ) : void

Sends CharacterUnlock to creature's client.

Chat ( Creature creature, string message ) : void

Sends Chat in range of creature.

ClearNpcShop ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends ClearNpcShop to creature's client.

CloseBankR ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends CloseBankR to creature's client.

CollectAnimation ( Creature creature, long entityId, int collectId, Position pos ) : void

Broadcasts CollectAnimation in creature's range.

CollectAnimationCancel ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts CollectAnimationCancel in creature's range.

CollectionRequestR ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends CollectionRequestR to creature's client.

CombatAction ( CombatActionPack pack ) : void

Broadcasts CombatActionPack in range of pack's attacker.

CombatActionEnd ( Creature creature, int combatActionId ) : void

Broadcasts CombatActionEnd in range of creature.

CombatAttackR ( Creature creature, Creature target ) : void

Sends CombatAttackR to creature's client.

Contains creature's and target's position, sent for out of range, so the client knows it has to adjust the creature's position.

CombatAttackR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends CombatAttackR to creature's client.

CombatMessage ( Creature creature, string format ) : void

Sends combat message (special Chat) to creature's client.

CombatSetAimR ( Creature creature, long targetEntityId, SkillId skillId, byte flag ) : void

Broadcasts CombatSetAimR in creature's range, putting it in "aim mode".

CombatTargetUpdate ( Creature creature, long targetEntityId ) : void

Sends CombatTargetUpdate to creature's client.

CombatUsedSkill ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void

Sends CombatUsedSkill to creature's client.

ConditionUpdate ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts ConditionUpdate in range of creature.

ContinentWarpCoolDownR ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends ContinentWarpCoolDownR to creature's client.

On login the first parameter always seems to be a 1 byte. If it's not, after a continent warp for example, the packet has two more date parameters, with times 18 minutes apart from each other. The first date is the time of the last continent warp reset, 00:00 or 12:00. The second date is the time of the next reset. Based on those two times the skill icon cool down is displayed.

CreatePartyR ( Creature creature, Party party ) : void

Response to the party creation request, sends the client the relevant party data.

I feel like I'm the MSDN with that summary.

CreatureBodyUpdate ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts CreatureBodyUpdate in range of creature.

CreatureFaceUpdate ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts CreatureFaceUpdate in range of creature.

CutsceneEnd ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends CutsceneEnd to cutscene's leader.

CutsceneUnk ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends CutsceneUnk to cutscene's leader.

Doesn't seem to be required, but it's usually sent after unlocking the character after watching the cutscene.

DeadFeather ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts DeadFeather in range of creature.

DeadMenuR ( Creature creature, CreatureDeadMenu menu ) : void

Sends DeadMenuR to creature's client.

Disappear ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends Disappear to creature's client.

Should this be broadcasted? What does it even do? TODO.

DressingRoomCloseR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends DressingRoomCloseR to creature's client.

DressingRoomOpenR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends negative DressingRoomOpenR dummy to creature's client.

EndRP ( Creature creature, int regionId ) : void

Send EndRP to creature's client, to end RP session.

EnterDynamicRegion ( Creature creature, int warpFromRegionId, Region warpToRegion, int x, int y ) : void

Sends EnterDynamicRegion to creature's client.

EnterDynamicRegionExtended ( Creature creature, int warpFromRegionId, Region warpToRegion ) : void

Sends EnterDynamicRegionExtended to creature's client.

From the looks of it this basically does the same as EnterDynamicRegion, but it supports the creation of multiple regions before warping to one.

EnterRebirthR ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends EnterRebirthR to creature's client.

EnterRegion ( Creature creature, int regionId, int x, int y ) : void

Sends EnterRegion to creature's client.

EnterRegionRequestR ( ChannelClient client, Creature creature ) : void

Sends EnterRegionRequestR for creature to creature's client.

Negative response doesn't actually do anything, stucks.

EntrustmentAcceptRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends EntrustmentAcceptRequestR to creature's client.

EntrustmentAddItem ( Creature creature, Pocket pocket, Item item ) : void

Sends EntrustmentAddItem to creature's client.

EntrustmentChanceUpdate ( Creature creature, float chance, SkillRank skillRank ) : void

Sends EntrustmentChanceUpdate to creature's client.

EntrustmentClose ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends EntrustmentClose to creature's client.

EntrustmentDisableRequest ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends EntrustmentDisableRequest to creature's client.

EntrustmentEnableRequest ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends EntrustmentEnableRequest to creature's client.

EntrustmentEnd ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends EntrustmentEnd to creature's client.

EntrustmentFinalizeRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends EntrustmentFinalizeRequestR to creature's client.

EntrustmentFinalizing ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends EntrustmentFinalizing to creature's client.

EntrustmentR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends EntrustmentR to creature's client.

EntrustmentR ( Creature creature, bool success, Creature partner ) : void

Sends EntrustmentR to creature's client.

EntrustmentRemoveItem ( Creature creature, Pocket pocket, long itemEntityId ) : void

Sends EntrustmentRemoveItem to creature's client.

EntrustmentRequest ( Creature creature, long partnerEntityId, byte unkByte ) : void

Sends EntrustmentRequest to creature's client.

EntrustmentRequestFinalized ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends EntrustmentRequestFinalized to creature's client.

FishingActionRequired ( Creature creature, CatchSize catchSize, int time, float fishSpeed ) : void

Sends FishingActionRequired to creature's client.

ForceRunTo ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts ForceRunTo in creature's range.

ForceRunTo ( Creature creature, Position to ) : void

Broadcasts ForceRunTo in creature's range.

ForceWalkTo ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts ForceWalkTo in creature's range.

ForceWalkTo ( Creature creature, Position to ) : void

Broadcasts ForceWalkTo in creature's range.

GameEventStateUpdate ( Creature creature, string gameEventId, bool isActive ) : void

Sends GameEventStateUpdate creature's client.

GameEventStateUpdate ( string gameEventId, bool isActive ) : void

Sends GameEventStateUpdate to all clients connected to the channel.

GetPetAiR ( Creature creature, string ai ) : void

Sends GetPetAiR to creature's client.

GuildApplyR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends GuildApplyR to creature's client.

GuildCheckNameR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends GuildCheckNameR to creature's client.

GuildConvertPlayPointsConfirmR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends GuildConvertPlayPointsConfirm to creature's client.

GuildConvertPlayPointsR ( Creature creature, bool success, int amount ) : void

Sends GuildConvertPlayPointsR to creature's client.

GuildCreateGuildRobeR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends GuildCreateGuildRobeR to creature's client.

GuildCreateGuildRobeUpdate ( Creature creature, byte emblemMark, byte emblemOutline, byte stripes, uint robeColor, byte badgeColor, byte emblemMarkColor, byte emblemOutlineColor, byte stripesColor, bool success ) : void

Sends GuildCreateGuildRobeUpdate to creature's client.

GuildCreateRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends GuildCreateRequestR to creature's client.

GuildCreationConfirmRequest ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends GuildCreationConfirmRequest to creature's client.

GuildDonateR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends GuildDonateR to creature's client.

GuildGoldUpdate ( Creature creature, int amount ) : void

Sends GuildGoldUpdate to creature's client.

GuildInfo ( Creature creature, Guild guild ) : void

Sends GuildInfo to creature's client.

GuildInfoApplied ( Creature creature, Guild guild ) : void

Sends GuildInfoApplied to creature's client.

GuildInfoNoGuild ( Creature creature, Guild guild ) : void

Sends GuildInfoNoGuild to creature's client.

GuildMessage ( Creature creature, Guild guild, string format ) : void

Sends GuildMessage to creature's client.

GuildNameAgreeRequest ( Creature creature, long requesteeEntityId, string name ) : void

Sends GuildNameAgreeRequest to creature's client.

GuildNameVote ( Creature creature, string voterName, bool vote ) : void

Sends GuildNameVote to creature's client.

GuildOpenGuildCreation ( Creature creature, long entityId, string guildName, uint color ) : void

Sends GuildOpenGuildRobeCreation to creature's client.

GuildPanel ( Creature creature, Guild guild ) : void

Sends GuildPanel to creature's client.

GuildPermitCheckR ( Creature creature, GuildPermitCheckResult result, long itemEntityId ) : void

Sends GuildPermitCheckR to creature's client.

GuildStoneLocation ( Creature creature, GuildStone stone ) : void

Sends GuildStoneLocation to creature's client.

GuildUpdateMember ( Creature creature, Guild guild, GuildMember member ) : void

Broadcasts GuildUpdateMember in range of creature.

GuildWithdrawGoldR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends GuildWithdrawGoldR to creature's client.

HomesteadEnterRequestR ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends negative HomesteadEnterRequestR dummy to creature's client.

HomesteadInfoRequestR ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends HomesteadInfoRequestR to creature's client.

Inquiry ( Creature creature, byte id, string format ) : void

Sends Inquiry to creature's client.

InquiryResponseR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends InquiryResponseR to creature's client.

Internal_Broadcast ( string message ) : void

Sends Internal.Broadcast to login server.

Internal_ChannelStatus ( ) : void

Sends Internal.ChannelStatus to login server.

Internal_ChannelStatus ( ChannelState state ) : void

Sends Internal.ChannelStatus to login server with specified ChannelState.

Internal_ServerIdentify ( ) : void

Sends Internal.ServerIdentify to login server.

IsNowDead ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts IsNowDead in range of creature.

Creature isn't targetable anymore after this.

LevelUp ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts LevelUp in range of creature.

MailsRequestR ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends MailsRequestR to creature's client.

MotionCancel2 ( Creature creature, byte unkByte ) : void

Broadcasts MotionCancel2 in creature's region.

Move ( Creature creature, Position from, Position to, bool walking ) : void

Broadcasts Running|Walking in range of creature.

MsgBox ( Creature creature, MsgBoxTitle title, MsgBoxButtons buttons, MsgBoxAlign align, string format ) : void

Sends MsgBox to creature's client.

MsgBox ( Creature creature, string format ) : void

Sends MsgBox to creature's client.

MsgBox ( Creature creature, string title, MsgBoxButtons buttons, MsgBoxAlign align, string format ) : void

Sends MsgBox to creature's client.

NaoRevivalEntrance ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends NaoRevivalEntrance to creature's client.

NaoRevivalExit ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends NaoRevivalExit to creature's client.

NewRegens ( Creature creature, StatUpdateType type ) : void

Sends StatUpdatePublic and StatUpdatePrivate to relevant clients, with a list of regens to remove.

Notice ( Creature creature, NoticeType type, int duration, string format ) : void

Sends Notice to creature's client.

Notice ( Creature creature, NoticeType type, string format ) : void

Sends Notice to creature's client.

Notice ( Creature creature, string format ) : void

Sends Notice to creature's client.

Notice ( NoticeType type, int duration, string format ) : void

Broadcasts Notice to every player in any region.

Notice ( NoticeType type, string format ) : void

Broadcasts Notice to every player in any region.

Notice ( Region region, NoticeType type, int duration, string format ) : void

Broadcasts Notice in region.

Notice ( Region region, string format ) : void

Broadcasts Notice in region.

NpcInitiateDialog ( Creature creature, long npcEntityId, string npcName, string npcLocalName ) : void

Sends NpcInitiateDialog to creature's client.

NpcShopBuyItemR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends ShopBuyItemR to creature's client.

NpcShopSellItemR ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends ShopSellItemR to creature's client.

NpcTalk ( Creature creature, string xml ) : void

Sends NpcTalk to creature's client.

NpcTalkEgoR ( Creature creature, bool success, long npcEntityId, string npcName, string description ) : void

Sends NpcTalkEgoR to creature's client.

NpcTalkEndR ( Creature creature, long npcId, string message = null ) : void

Sends NpcTalkEndR to creature's client.

If no message is specified "" is sent, to close the dialog box immediately.

NpcTalkKeywordR ( Creature creature, string keyword ) : void

Sends NpcTalkKeywordR to creature's client.

NpcTalkKeywordR_Fail ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends negative NpcTalkKeywordR to creature's client.

NpcTalkStartR ( Creature creature, long npcId ) : void

Sends NpcTalkStartR to creature's client.

NpcTalkStartR_Fail ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends negative NpcTalkStartR to creature's client.

OpenBank ( Creature creature, BankInventory bank, BankTabRace race, string bankId, string bankTitle ) : void

Sends OpenBank to creature's client.

OpenNpcShop ( Creature creature, IList tabs ) : void

Sends OpenNpcShop to creature's client.

OpenShopRemotelyR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends OpenShopRemotelyR to creature's client.

PartyAdChat ( Party party ) : void

Broadcasts Chat on entire server, with a blue Party Chat, consisting of information about the party.

PartyBoardRequestR ( Creature creature, List parties ) : void

Sends PartyBoardRequestR to creature's client.

PartyChangeExpR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Response to leader changing EXP distribution rule.

Currently only successful

PartyChangeFinishR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Response to leader changing finish rule.

Currently only successful

PartyChangeLeader ( Party party ) : void

Informs all members of a change in leadership.

PartyChangeLeaderR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Response to the leader's request to change leadership.

PartyChangePasswordR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Informing the leader on the status of their password request

PartyChangeSettingR ( Creature creature ) : void

Response to the leader changing party settings.

PartyChat ( Creature creature, string msg ) : void

Broadcasts PartyChat to all party members.

PartyCreateUpdate ( Creature creature ) : void

Sent to clients when a new creature joins.

I'm not entirely sure of the purpose of this packet, I don't think the client would mind if you didn't send it.

PartyExpUpdate ( Party party ) : void

Updates clients on new party EXP distribution settings.

PartyFinishUpdate ( Party party ) : void

Sends new finish rule setting to all clients in the party

PartyJoinR ( Creature creature, PartyJoinResult result ) : void

Sends the correct response to the client sending a party join request, and success grants full party information.

This is also sent when changing channel whilst in a party, upon reaching the new channel.

PartyJoinUpdateMembers ( Creature creature ) : void

Updates all members of the new creature that has joined the party.

PartyLeaveR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Response to a member attempting to leave the party.

PartyLeaveUpdate ( Creature creature, Party party ) : void

Updates remaining party members of a member who has left the party.

PartyMemberWantedRefresh ( Party party ) : void

Updates the party title with new information, such as a change in the total party members, name, type, etc.

PartyRemoveR ( Creature creature, bool canRemove ) : void

Responding whether the leader can (did) or can't (didn't) remove the requested party member.

PartyRemoved ( Creature creature ) : void

Informs a client on their removal from the party.

PartySettingUpdate ( Party party ) : void

Updates members on changes to the party settings

Apparently they only get to know about name changes?

PartyTypeUpdate ( Party party ) : void

Informs party members of a party type change (Dungeon, Normal, Jam, etc)

PartyWantedClosed ( Party party ) : void

Closes the party's Member Wanted window.

PartyWantedClosedR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Response to leader closing the party.

Currently only successful

PartyWantedOpenR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Response to leader opening party.

Currently only successful

PartyWantedOpened ( Party party ) : void

Opens the party's Member Wanted window.

PartyWindowUpdate ( Creature creature, Party party ) : void

I THINK this one is for actually updating the UI element of the party (with leader controls).

PersonalShopAddItem ( Creature creature, Item item ) : void

Sends PersonalShopAddItem to creature's client.

PersonalShopBuyR ( Creature creature, bool success, long itemEntityId ) : void

Sends PersonalShopBuyR to creature's client.

PersonalShopCheckR ( Creature creature, bool success, long bagEntityId, long licenseEntityId ) : void

Sends PersonalShopCheckR to creature's client.

PersonalShopCloseR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends PersonalShopCloseR to creature's client.

PersonalShopCloseWindow ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends PersonalShopCloseWindow to creature's client.

PersonalShopCustomerPriceUpdate ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, int price ) : void

Sends PersonalShopCustomerPriceUpdate to creature's client.

PersonalShopOpenR ( Creature creature, PersonalShop shop ) : void

Sends PersonalShopOpenR to creature's client.

PersonalShopPetProtectRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends PersonalShopPricePetProtectRequestR to creature's client.

PersonalShopPriceUpdate ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, int price ) : void

Sends PersonalShopPriceUpdate to creature's client.

PersonalShopRemoveItem ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, long buyerEntityId ) : void

Sends PersonalShopRemoveItem to creature's client.

PersonalShopSetPriceForAllR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends PersonalShopSetPriceForAllR to creature's client.

PersonalShopSetPriceR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends PersonalShopSetPriceR to creature's client.

PersonalShopSetUpR ( Creature creature, Prop shopProp ) : void

Sends positive PersonalShopSetUpR to creature's client.

PersonalShopSetUpR_Fail ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends negative PersonalShopSetUpR to creature's client.

PersonalShopTakeDownR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends PersonalShopTakeDownR to creature's client.

PersonalShopUpdateBrownie ( Creature creature, long licenseEntityId, long brownieNpcEntityId ) : void

Sends PersonalShopUpdateBrownie to creature's client.

PersonalShopUpdateDescription ( Creature creature, string description ) : void

Sends PersonalShopUpdateDescription to creature's client.

PetMountR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends PetMountR to creature's client.

PetRegister ( Creature creature, Creature pet, SubordinateType type ) : void

Sends PetRegister to creature's client.

TODO: Test, does this tell the client it can control this creature?

PetUnmountR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends PetUnmountR to creature's client.

PetUnregister ( Creature creature, Creature pet ) : void

Sends PetUnregister to creature's client.

PlayCutscene ( Creature creature, Cutscene cutscene ) : void

Sends PlayCutscene to creature's client.

PlayDead ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts PlayDead in range of creature.

PointsUpdate ( Creature creature, int ponsAmount ) : void

Sends PointsUpdate to creature's client.

Points = Pon

ProductionSuccessRequestR ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, float successRate, bool totalSuccess ) : void

Sends ProductionSuccessRequestR to creature's client, informing it about the success rate it requested.

This version of the packet is used for "normal" Production, like Weaving and Handicraft.

ProductionSuccessRequestR ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, float successRate, bool totalSuccess, float unkFloat ) : void

Sends ProductionSuccessRequestR to creature's client, informing it about the success rate it requested.

This version of the packet is used for Tailoring and Blacksmithing.

PutItemIntoPetInvR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends PutItemIntoPetInvR to creature's client.

RankUp ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void

Broadcasts RankUp in range of creature.

The second parameter is the rank, but doesn't seem to be necessary.

RemoveDeathScreen ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts RemoveDeathScreen in range of creature.

Removes black bars and unlocks player. Update: This has to be broadcasted, otherwise other players are visually stuck in death mode. TODO: Maybe change name.

RemoveDynamicRegion ( Creature creature, int regionId ) : void

Sends RemoveDynamicRegion to creature's client.

RemoveKeyword ( Creature creature, ushort keywordId ) : void

Sends RemoveKeyword to creature's client.

RemoveRegens ( Creature creature, StatUpdateType type ) : void

Sends StatUpdatePublic and StatUpdatePrivate to relevant clients, with a list of regens to remove.

RequestClientDisconnect ( int time ) : void

Sends RequestClientDisconnect to creature's client notifying automatic logout.

RequestNpcNamesR ( Creature creature, ICollection npcs ) : void

Sends RequestNpcNamesR to creature's client.

RequestRebirthR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends RequestRebirthR to creature's client.

RequestSecondaryLogin ( Creature creature, long entityId, string channelHost, int channelPort ) : void

Sends RequestSecondaryLogin to creature's client, requesting it to send a login packet for the given entity id.

ResetCooldown ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void

Sends ResetCooldown to creature's client.

Revive_Fail ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends negative Revived to creature's client.

Revived ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends Revived to creature's client.

RiseFromTheDead ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts RiseFromTheDead in range of creature.

Makes creature stand up.

ServerMessage ( Creature creature, string format ) : void

Sends server message (special Chat) to creature's client.

SetBgm ( Creature creature, string file, BgmRepeat type ) : void

Sends SetBgm to creature's client.

SetCombatTarget ( Creature creature, long targetEntityId, TargetMode mode ) : void

Broadcasts SetCombatTarget in range of creature.

SetFinisher ( Creature creature, long finisherEntityId ) : void

Broadcasts SetFinisher in range of creature.

Displays flashing "Finish" if player is finisher.

SetFinisher2 ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts SetFinisher2 in range of creature.

Purpose unknown, sent shortly after SetFinisher.

SetLocation ( Creature creature, int x, int y ) : void

Sends SetLocation to creature's client.

SharpMind ( Creature user, Creature target, SkillId skillId, SharpMindStatus state ) : void

Sends SharpMind to all creatures in range of user.

SimpleAcquireInfo ( Creature creature, string type, float value ) : void

Sends AcquireInfo to creature's client.

Used on level up, for the green stats, floating besides the char. type can be any string, that string will be used as the name: "type +value"

SitDown ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts SitDown in range of creature.

The byte parameter is the rest post to use, 0 being the default. To keep sitting in that position for others, even if they run out of range, CreatureStateEx is required to be set (see Rest). It's unknown which state is the one for Rest R1 though, it might not be implemented at all yet.

SkillAdvance_Fail ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends negative SkillRankUp to creature's client.

SkillCancel ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends SkillCancel to creature's client.

SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.

SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, byte unkByte ) : void

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.

SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int unkInt ) : void

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.

SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, int unkInt ) : void

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.

SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, int unkInt1, int unkInt2 ) : void

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.

SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId1, long entityId2 ) : void

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.

SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, string dict ) : void

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.

SkillCompleteDye ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int part ) : void

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.

SkillCompleteEntity ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId ) : void

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.

SkillCompleteUnk ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, int unkInt, short unkShort ) : void

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.

SkillInfo ( Creature creature, Skill skill ) : void

Sends SkillInfo to creature's client.

SkillPrepare ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int castTime ) : void

Sends SkillPrepare to creature's client.

SkillPrepare ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, string dict ) : void

Sends SkillPrepare to creature's client.

SkillPrepareCancellation ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, byte unkByte ) : void

Sends SkillPrepareCancellation to creature's client.

SkillPrepareSilentCancel ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void

Sends SkillPrepareSilentCancel to creature's client.

SkillRankUp ( Creature creature, Skill skill ) : void

Sends SkillRankUp to creature's client.

SkillReady ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int unkInt ) : void

Sends SkillReady to creature's client.

SkillReady ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, string extra = "" ) : void

Sends SkillReady to creature's client.

SkillReadyDye ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long itemEntityId, long dyeEntityId ) : void

Sends SkillReady to creature's client.

SkillStackSet ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int stacks ) : void

Sends SkillStackSet to creature's client.

SkillStart ( Creature creature, Skill skill, byte unkByte ) : void

Sends SkillStart to creature's client or broadcasts it if skill is of type "BroadcastStartStop".

SkillStart ( Creature creature, Skill skill, string extra ) : void

Sends SkillStart to creature's client or broadcasts it if skill is of type "BroadcastStartStop".

SkillStartSilentCancel ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void

Sends SkillStartSilentCancel to creature's client.

SkillStop ( Creature creature, Skill skill, byte unkByte ) : void

Sends SkillStop to creature's client or broadcasts it if skill is of type "BroadcastStartStop".

SkillStop ( Creature creature, Skill skill, string extra ) : void

Sends SkillStop to creature's client or broadcasts it if skill is of type "BroadcastStartStop".

SkillStopSilentCancel ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void

Sends SkillStopSilentCancel to creature's client.

SkillTeleport ( Creature creature, int x, int y ) : void

Broadcasts SkillTeleport to creature's region.

SkillTrainingUp ( Creature creature, Skill skill, float exp, string bonus = "" ) : void

Sends SkillTrainingUp to creature's client.

SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, byte unkByte ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int unkInt ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, bool unk1, string unk2 ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, int unk1 ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, int unk1, int unk2 ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId1, long entityId2 ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, string dict ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SkillUseDye ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int part, byte unkByte ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SkillUseDye ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int part, short x, short y ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SkillUseEntity ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SkillUsePlayingInstrument ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, InstrumentType instrument, string compressedMML, int rndScore ) : void

Broadcasts Effect in range of creature.

SkillUseSilentCancel ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends SkillUseSilentCancel to creature's client.

SkillUseStun ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int stun, int unk ) : void

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.

SosButtonRequestR ( Creature creature, bool enabled ) : void

Sends SosButtonRequestR to creature's client.

SpinColorWheelR ( Creature creature, float result ) : void
SquadUnkR ( Creature creature, int num ) : void

Sends SquadUnkR to creature's client.

I assume this is a list of missions the squad can do?

StabilityMeterInit ( Creature receiver, Creature creature ) : void

Sends StabilityMeterInit to receiver, containing meter information of creature.

Init is sent officially the first time you get these information, afterwards it sends Update. The only visible difference so far seems to be that Init doesn't work with negative values.

StabilityMeterUpdate ( Creature receiver, Creature creature ) : void

Sends StabilityMeterUpdate to receiver, containing meter information of creature.

StandUp ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts StandUp in range of creature.

StartRP ( Creature creature, long entityId ) : void

Sends StartRP to creature's client, to switch to control to given RP character.

StatUpdate ( Creature creature, StatUpdateType type ) : void

Sends StatUpdatePublic and StatUpdatePrivate to relevant clients, with a list of new stat values.

StatUpdate ( Creature creature, StatUpdateType type, ICollection stats, ICollection regens, ICollection regensRemove, ICollection regensUpdate ) : void

Sends StatUpdatePublic to creature's in range, or StatUpdatePrivate to creature's client.

In private mode this packet has simply 4 lists. - A list of stats and their (new) values. - A list of (new) regens. - A list of regens to remove (by id). - A list of regens to update, with new change and max values. (The last one is speculation.) Since it's private, it's only sent to the creature's client, and they get every stat and regen. In public mode the same information is sent, but limited to stats like life, that's required for displaying life bars for others. It also has 3 more lists, that seem to do almost the same as the last 3 of private, regens, removing, and updating. - Some regens are sent in the first list, some in the second. (Like life vs injuries when using Rest.) - Regens that are to be removed are sent in both lists. - Updates are only sent in the first list. More research is required, to find out what the second lists actually do.

StatUpdateDefault ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends a public and private stat update for various default values, like Life, Mana, Str, Dex, etc.

SummonPetR ( Creature creature, Creature pet ) : void

Sends SummonPetR to creature's client.

SystemMessage ( Creature creature, string format ) : void

Sends system message (special Chat) to creature's client.

SystemMessageFrom ( Creature creature, string from, string format ) : void

Sends system message (special Chat) to creature's client.

System_Broadcast ( string from, string format ) : void
TailoringMiniGame ( Creature creature, Item item, int xOffset, int yOffset, byte deviation, byte deviation2 ) : void

Sends TailoringMiniGame to creature's client to start tailoring minigame.

The offsets specify the distance of the "stitch points" from the center of the 200x200px minigame field. X is 1:1 the distance from the center for each point, while Y gets added up. The point closest to the center is Y/2 px away, the second Y/2+Y, and the third Y/2+Y*2. Deviation is an array of 6 values, one for each point, that specify the amount of pixels your clicks can deviate from the actual position you clicked. For example, if you click on 60x180 for the first point, and the first byte in deviation is 3, the actual position sent to the server is between 57x177 and 63x183, randomized by the client. If the deviation values are too big, the minigame glitches and is likely to fail, the biggest value seen in logs was 4.

TakeItemFromPetInvR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends TakeItemFromPetInvR to creature's client.

TelePetR ( Creature pet, bool success ) : void

Sends TelePetR to pet's client.

TitleUpdate ( Creature creature ) : void

Broadcasts TitleUpdate in creature's range.

TouchMimicR ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends TouchMimicR to creature's client.

TradeAcceptRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends TradeAcceptRequestR to creature's client.

TradeCancelR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends TradeCancelR to creature's client.

TradeComplete ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends TradeComplete to creature's client.

TradeInfo ( Creature creature, long tradeId, long tradePartnerEntityId ) : void

Sends TradeInfo to creature's client.

TradeItemAdded ( Creature creature, Item item ) : void

Sends TradeItemAdded to creature's client.

TradeItemRemoved ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId ) : void

Sends TradeItemRemoved to creature's client.

TradePartnerInfo ( Creature creature, long tradePartnerEntityId, string tradePartnerName ) : void

Sends TradePartnerInfo to creature's client.

TradeReadied ( Creature creature, long entityId ) : void

Sends TradeReadied to creature's client.

TradeReadyR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends TradeReadyR to creature's client.

TradeRequest ( Creature creature, long tradePartnerEntityId, string tradePartnerName ) : void

Sends TradeRequest to creature's client.

TradeRequestCanceled ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends TradeRequestCanceled to creature's client.

TradeStartR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends TradeStartR to creature's client.

TradeWait ( Creature creature, int milliseconds ) : void

Sends TradeWait to creature's client.

TurnTo ( Creature creature, float x, float y ) : void

Broadcasts TurnTo in range of creature.

UnkCombatR ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends UnkCombatR to creature's client.

UnsetBgm ( Creature creature, string file ) : void

Sends UnsetBgm to creature's client.

UnsummonPetR ( Creature creature, bool success, long entityId ) : void

Sends UnsummonPetR to creature's client.

UpdateRegens ( Creature creature, StatUpdateType type ) : void

Sends StatUpdatePublic and StatUpdatePrivate to relevant clients, with a list of new change and max values for the regens.

UseGestureR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void

Sends UseGestureR to creature's client.

UseMotion ( Creature creature, int category, int type, bool loop = false, bool cancel = false ) : void

Broadcasts UseMotion and CancelMotion (if cancel is true) in creature's region.

ViewEquipmentR ( Creature creature, Creature target ) : void

Sends ViewEquipmentR to creature's client.

VisualChat ( Creature creature, string url, short width, short height ) : void

Broadcasts VisualChat to creatures in range.

WarpRegion ( Creature creature ) : void

Sends WarpRegion for creature to creature's client.

Makes client load the region and move the creature there. Uses current position of creature, move beforehand.

WhisperChat ( Creature creature, string sender, string message ) : void

Sends WhisperChat to creature's client, containing whisper message.

Method Details

AcquireDyedItemInfo() public static method

Sends AcquireInfo2 to creature's client.
public static AcquireDyedItemInfo ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, byte selected ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
itemEntityId long
selected byte
return void

AcquireEnchantedItemInfo() public static method

Sends AcquireInfo2 to creature's client.
public static AcquireEnchantedItemInfo ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, int itemId, int optionSetId ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
itemEntityId long
itemId int
optionSetId int
return void

AcquireFixedDyedItemInfo() public static method

Sends AcquireInfo2 to creature's client.
public static AcquireFixedDyedItemInfo ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
itemEntityId long
return void

AcquireInfo() public static method

Sends AcquireInfo to creature's client.
Type can be various things, like "gold", "exp", or "ap".
public static AcquireInfo ( Creature creature, string type, int amount ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
type string
amount int
return void

AcquireInfo2() public static method

Sends AcquireInfo2 to creature's client.
Type can be various things, like "fishing".
public static AcquireInfo2 ( Creature creature, string type, long objectid ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
type string
objectid long
return void

AcquireInfo2Cooking() public static method

Sends AcquireInfo2 to creature's client.
Assumingly specific to cooking.
public static AcquireInfo2Cooking ( Creature creature, long objectid, int classid, bool success ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
objectid long
classid int
success bool
return void

AcquireItemInfo() public static method

Sends AcquireInfo to creature's client.
public static AcquireItemInfo ( Creature creature, int itemId, int amount ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
itemId int
amount int
return void

AcquireItemInfo() public static method

Sends AcquireInfo to creature's client.
public static AcquireItemInfo ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
itemEntityId long
return void

AddKeyword() public static method

Sends AddKeyword to creature's client.
public static AddKeyword ( Creature creature, ushort keywordId ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
keywordId ushort
return void

AddTitle() public static method

Sends AddTitle(Knowledge) to creature's client, depending on state.
public static AddTitle ( Creature creature, ushort titleId, TitleState state ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
titleId ushort
state TitleState
return void

AddToNpcShop() public static method

Sends AddToNpcShop to creature's client.
public static AddToNpcShop ( Creature creature, IList tabs ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
tabs IList
return void

AgeUpEffect() public static method

Sends AgeUpEffect to creature's client.
Notice + Light effect. Effect is only played for ages 1~25.
public static AgeUpEffect ( Creature creature, short age ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
age short
return void

AssignSittingProp() public static method

Broadcasts AssignSittingProp in range of creature.
Moves creature into position, to sit down on the prop. Pass 0 for the parameters to undo.
public static AssignSittingProp ( Creature creature, long propEntityId, int unk ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
propEntityId long
unk int
return void

BankAddItem() public static method

Sends BankAddItem to creature's client.
public static BankAddItem ( Creature creature, Item item, string bankId, string tabName ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
item Item
bankId string
tabName string
return void

BankDepositGoldR() public static method

Sends BankDepositGoldR to creature's client.
public static BankDepositGoldR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
success bool
return void

BankDepositItemR() public static method

Sends BankDepositItemR to creature's client.
public static BankDepositItemR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
success bool
return void

BankLicenseFeeInquiry() public static method

Sends BankLicenseFeeInquiry to creature's client.
public static BankLicenseFeeInquiry ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, int sum, int afterFeeSum ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
itemEntityId long
sum int
afterFeeSum int
return void

BankPostLicenseInquiryDepositR() public static method

Sends BankPostInquiryDepositR to creature's client.
public static BankPostLicenseInquiryDepositR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
success bool
return void

BankRemoveItem() public static method

Sends BankRemoveItem to creature's client.
public static BankRemoveItem ( Creature creature, string tabName, long itemEntityId ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
tabName string
itemEntityId long
return void

BankTransferInfo() public static method

Sends BankTransferInfo to creature's client.
public static BankTransferInfo ( Creature creature, string tabTitle, Item item ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
tabTitle string
item Item
return void

BankTransferInquiry() public static method

Sends BankTransferInquiry to creature's client.
public static BankTransferInquiry ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, string bankTitle, int time, int price ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
itemEntityId long
bankTitle string
time int
price int
return void

BankTransferRequestR() public static method

Sends BankTransferRequestR to creature's client.
public static BankTransferRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
success bool
return void

BankUpdateGold() public static method

Sends BankUpdateGold to creature's client.
public static BankUpdateGold ( Creature creature, int amount ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
amount int
return void

BankWithdrawGoldR() public static method

Sends BankWithdrawGoldR to creature's client.
public static BankWithdrawGoldR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
success bool
return void

BankWithdrawItemR() public static method

Sends BankWithdrawItemR to creature's client.
public static BankWithdrawItemR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
success bool
return void

BlacksmithingMiniGame() public static method

Sends BlacksmithingMiniGame to creature's client, which starts the Blacksmithing mini-game.
The position of the dots is relative to the upper left of the field. They land exactly on those spots after "wavering" for a moment. This wavering is randomized on the client side and doesn't affect anything. The time bar is always the same, but the time it takes to fill up changes based on the "time displacement". The lower the value, the longer it takes to fill up. Using values that are too high or too low mess up the calculations and cause confusing results. The official range seems to be between ~0.81 and ~0.98.
public static BlacksmithingMiniGame ( Creature creature, Prop prop, Item item, List dots, int deviation ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
prop Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Prop
item Item
dots List
deviation int
return void

CancelMotion() public static method

Broadcasts CancelMotion in creature's region.
public static CancelMotion ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
return void

ChangeStance() public static method

Broadcasts ChangeStance in range of creature.
public static ChangeStance ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
return void

ChangeStanceRequestR() public static method

Sends ChangeStanceRequestR to creature's client.
public static ChangeStanceRequestR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
return void

ChangeTitleR() public static method

Sends ChangeTitleR to creature's client.
public static ChangeTitleR ( Creature creature, bool titleSuccess, bool optionTitleSuccess ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
titleSuccess bool
optionTitleSuccess bool
return void

ChannelCharacterInfoRequestR() public static method

Sends ChannelCharacterInfoRequestR for creature to client.
public static ChannelCharacterInfoRequestR ( ChannelClient client, Creature creature ) : void
client ChannelClient
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature Negative response if null
return void

ChannelCharacterInfoRequestR_Fail() public static method

Sends negative ChannelCharacterInfoRequestR to client.
public static ChannelCharacterInfoRequestR_Fail ( ChannelClient client ) : void
client ChannelClient
return void

CharacterLock() public static method

Sends CharacterLock to creature's client.
public static CharacterLock ( Creature creature, System.Collections.Generic.Locks type ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
type System.Collections.Generic.Locks
return void

CharacterLockUpdate() public static method

Sends CharacterLockUpdate to creature's client.
The name of this op is guessed, based on its position in the op list and its behavior. Originally I thought this might change a lock's timeout time, to, for example, reduce the time until you can move again, after you attacked something, but after testing it, it seems like it actually completely resets the locks. The only known value for the byte is "18" (0x12), which doesn't match a known combination of locks, 0x10 being Run and 0x02 being unknown, however, 0x18 would be Run|Walk, which would match what it's doing.
public static CharacterLockUpdate ( Creature creature, byte unkByte, int unkInt ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
unkByte byte
unkInt int
return void

CharacterUnlock() public static method

Sends CharacterUnlock to creature's client.
public static CharacterUnlock ( Creature creature, System.Collections.Generic.Locks type ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
type System.Collections.Generic.Locks
return void

Chat() public static method

Sends Chat in range of creature.
public static Chat ( Creature creature, string message ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature Source, in terms of name and position
message string
return void

ClearNpcShop() public static method

Sends ClearNpcShop to creature's client.
public static ClearNpcShop ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
return void

CloseBankR() public static method

Sends CloseBankR to creature's client.
public static CloseBankR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
return void

CollectAnimation() public static method

Broadcasts CollectAnimation in creature's range.
public static CollectAnimation ( Creature creature, long entityId, int collectId, Position pos ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
entityId long
collectId int
pos Aura.Channel.World.Position
return void

CollectAnimationCancel() public static method

Broadcasts CollectAnimationCancel in creature's range.
public static CollectAnimationCancel ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
return void

CollectionRequestR() public static method

Sends CollectionRequestR to creature's client.
public static CollectionRequestR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
return void

CombatAction() public static method

Broadcasts CombatActionPack in range of pack's attacker.
public static CombatAction ( CombatActionPack pack ) : void
pack CombatActionPack
return void

CombatActionEnd() public static method

Broadcasts CombatActionEnd in range of creature.
public static CombatActionEnd ( Creature creature, int combatActionId ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
combatActionId int
return void

CombatAttackR() public static method

Sends CombatAttackR to creature's client.
Contains creature's and target's position, sent for out of range, so the client knows it has to adjust the creature's position.
public static CombatAttackR ( Creature creature, Creature target ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
target Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
return void

CombatAttackR() public static method

Sends CombatAttackR to creature's client.
public static CombatAttackR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
success bool
return void

CombatMessage() public static method

Sends combat message (special Chat) to creature's client.
public static CombatMessage ( Creature creature, string format ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
format string
return void

CombatSetAimR() public static method

Broadcasts CombatSetAimR in creature's range, putting it in "aim mode".
public static CombatSetAimR ( Creature creature, long targetEntityId, SkillId skillId, byte flag ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
targetEntityId long Set 0 for negative response.
skillId SkillId
flag byte
return void

CombatTargetUpdate() public static method

Sends CombatTargetUpdate to creature's client.
public static CombatTargetUpdate ( Creature creature, long targetEntityId ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
targetEntityId long
return void

CombatUsedSkill() public static method

Sends CombatUsedSkill to creature's client.
public static CombatUsedSkill ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
skillId SkillId
return void

ConditionUpdate() public static method

Broadcasts ConditionUpdate in range of creature.
public static ConditionUpdate ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
return void

ContinentWarpCoolDownR() public static method

Sends ContinentWarpCoolDownR to creature's client.
On login the first parameter always seems to be a 1 byte. If it's not, after a continent warp for example, the packet has two more date parameters, with times 18 minutes apart from each other. The first date is the time of the last continent warp reset, 00:00 or 12:00. The second date is the time of the next reset. Based on those two times the skill icon cool down is displayed.
public static ContinentWarpCoolDownR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
return void

CreatePartyR() public static method

Response to the party creation request, sends the client the relevant party data.
I feel like I'm the MSDN with that summary.
public static CreatePartyR ( Creature creature, Party party ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
party Aura.Channel.World.Party Set null for negative response.
return void

CreatureBodyUpdate() public static method

Broadcasts CreatureBodyUpdate in range of creature.
public static CreatureBodyUpdate ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

CreatureFaceUpdate() public static method

Broadcasts CreatureFaceUpdate in range of creature.
public static CreatureFaceUpdate ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

CutsceneEnd() public static method

Sends CutsceneEnd to cutscene's leader.
public static CutsceneEnd ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

CutsceneUnk() public static method

Sends CutsceneUnk to cutscene's leader.
Doesn't seem to be required, but it's usually sent after unlocking the character after watching the cutscene.
public static CutsceneUnk ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

DeadFeather() public static method

Broadcasts DeadFeather in range of creature.
public static DeadFeather ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

DeadMenuR() public static method

Sends DeadMenuR to creature's client.
public static DeadMenuR ( Creature creature, CreatureDeadMenu menu ) : void
creature Creature
menu CreatureDeadMenu Negative answer if null
return void

Disappear() public static method

Sends Disappear to creature's client.
Should this be broadcasted? What does it even do? TODO.
public static Disappear ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

DressingRoomCloseR() public static method

Sends DressingRoomCloseR to creature's client.
public static DressingRoomCloseR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

DressingRoomOpenR() public static method

Sends negative DressingRoomOpenR dummy to creature's client.
public static DressingRoomOpenR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

EndRP() public static method

Send EndRP to creature's client, to end RP session.
public static EndRP ( Creature creature, int regionId ) : void
creature Creature
regionId int
return void

EnterDynamicRegion() public static method

Sends EnterDynamicRegion to creature's client.
public static EnterDynamicRegion ( Creature creature, int warpFromRegionId, Region warpToRegion, int x, int y ) : void
creature Creature
warpFromRegionId int
warpToRegion Region
x int
y int
return void

EnterDynamicRegionExtended() public static method

Sends EnterDynamicRegionExtended to creature's client.
From the looks of it this basically does the same as EnterDynamicRegion, but it supports the creation of multiple regions before warping to one.
public static EnterDynamicRegionExtended ( Creature creature, int warpFromRegionId, Region warpToRegion ) : void
creature Creature
warpFromRegionId int
warpToRegion Region
return void

EnterRebirthR() public static method

Sends EnterRebirthR to creature's client.
public static EnterRebirthR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

EnterRegion() public static method

Sends EnterRegion to creature's client.
public static EnterRegion ( Creature creature, int regionId, int x, int y ) : void
creature Creature
regionId int
x int
y int
return void

EnterRegionRequestR() public static method

Sends EnterRegionRequestR for creature to creature's client.
Negative response doesn't actually do anything, stucks.
public static EnterRegionRequestR ( ChannelClient client, Creature creature ) : void
client ChannelClient
creature Creature Negative response if null
return void

EntrustmentAcceptRequestR() public static method

Sends EntrustmentAcceptRequestR to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentAcceptRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

EntrustmentAddItem() public static method

Sends EntrustmentAddItem to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentAddItem ( Creature creature, Pocket pocket, Item item ) : void
creature Creature
pocket Pocket
item Item
return void

EntrustmentChanceUpdate() public static method

Sends EntrustmentChanceUpdate to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentChanceUpdate ( Creature creature, float chance, SkillRank skillRank ) : void
creature Creature
chance float
skillRank SkillRank
return void

EntrustmentClose() public static method

Sends EntrustmentClose to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentClose ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

EntrustmentDisableRequest() public static method

Sends EntrustmentDisableRequest to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentDisableRequest ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

EntrustmentEnableRequest() public static method

Sends EntrustmentEnableRequest to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentEnableRequest ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

EntrustmentEnd() public static method

Sends EntrustmentEnd to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentEnd ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

EntrustmentFinalizeRequestR() public static method

Sends EntrustmentFinalizeRequestR to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentFinalizeRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

EntrustmentFinalizing() public static method

Sends EntrustmentFinalizing to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentFinalizing ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

EntrustmentR() public static method

Sends EntrustmentR to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

EntrustmentR() public static method

Sends EntrustmentR to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentR ( Creature creature, bool success, Creature partner ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
partner Creature
return void

EntrustmentRemoveItem() public static method

Sends EntrustmentRemoveItem to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentRemoveItem ( Creature creature, Pocket pocket, long itemEntityId ) : void
creature Creature
pocket Pocket
itemEntityId long
return void

EntrustmentRequest() public static method

Sends EntrustmentRequest to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentRequest ( Creature creature, long partnerEntityId, byte unkByte ) : void
creature Creature
partnerEntityId long
unkByte byte
return void

EntrustmentRequestFinalized() public static method

Sends EntrustmentRequestFinalized to creature's client.
public static EntrustmentRequestFinalized ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

FishingActionRequired() public static method

Sends FishingActionRequired to creature's client.
public static FishingActionRequired ( Creature creature, CatchSize catchSize, int time, float fishSpeed ) : void
creature Creature
catchSize CatchSize
time int The time you have to react.
fishSpeed float Fish speed for manual catching, 0 = no movement, 3+ = pretty challenging.
return void

ForceRunTo() public static method

Broadcasts ForceRunTo in creature's range.
public static ForceRunTo ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

ForceRunTo() public static method

Broadcasts ForceRunTo in creature's range.
public static ForceRunTo ( Creature creature, Position to ) : void
creature Creature
to Position
return void

ForceWalkTo() public static method

Broadcasts ForceWalkTo in creature's range.
public static ForceWalkTo ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

ForceWalkTo() public static method

Broadcasts ForceWalkTo in creature's range.
public static ForceWalkTo ( Creature creature, Position to ) : void
creature Creature
to Position
return void

GameEventStateUpdate() public static method

Sends GameEventStateUpdate creature's client.
public static GameEventStateUpdate ( Creature creature, string gameEventId, bool isActive ) : void
creature Creature
gameEventId string
isActive bool
return void

GameEventStateUpdate() public static method

Sends GameEventStateUpdate to all clients connected to the channel.
public static GameEventStateUpdate ( string gameEventId, bool isActive ) : void
gameEventId string
isActive bool
return void

GetPetAiR() public static method

Sends GetPetAiR to creature's client.
public static GetPetAiR ( Creature creature, string ai ) : void
creature Creature
ai string Negative answer if null
return void

GuildApplyR() public static method

Sends GuildApplyR to creature's client.
public static GuildApplyR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

GuildCheckNameR() public static method

Sends GuildCheckNameR to creature's client.
public static GuildCheckNameR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

GuildConvertPlayPointsConfirmR() public static method

Sends GuildConvertPlayPointsConfirm to creature's client.
public static GuildConvertPlayPointsConfirmR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

GuildConvertPlayPointsR() public static method

Sends GuildConvertPlayPointsR to creature's client.
public static GuildConvertPlayPointsR ( Creature creature, bool success, int amount ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
amount int
return void

GuildCreateGuildRobeR() public static method

Sends GuildCreateGuildRobeR to creature's client.
public static GuildCreateGuildRobeR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

GuildCreateGuildRobeUpdate() public static method

Sends GuildCreateGuildRobeUpdate to creature's client.
public static GuildCreateGuildRobeUpdate ( Creature creature, byte emblemMark, byte emblemOutline, byte stripes, uint robeColor, byte badgeColor, byte emblemMarkColor, byte emblemOutlineColor, byte stripesColor, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
emblemMark byte
emblemOutline byte
stripes byte
robeColor uint
badgeColor byte
emblemMarkColor byte
emblemOutlineColor byte
stripesColor byte
success bool
return void

GuildCreateRequestR() public static method

Sends GuildCreateRequestR to creature's client.
public static GuildCreateRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

GuildCreationConfirmRequest() public static method

Sends GuildCreationConfirmRequest to creature's client.
public static GuildCreationConfirmRequest ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

GuildDonateR() public static method

Sends GuildDonateR to creature's client.
public static GuildDonateR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

GuildGoldUpdate() public static method

Sends GuildGoldUpdate to creature's client.
public static GuildGoldUpdate ( Creature creature, int amount ) : void
creature Creature
amount int
return void

GuildInfo() public static method

Sends GuildInfo to creature's client.
public static GuildInfo ( Creature creature, Guild guild ) : void
creature Creature
guild Guild
return void

GuildInfoApplied() public static method

Sends GuildInfoApplied to creature's client.
public static GuildInfoApplied ( Creature creature, Guild guild ) : void
creature Creature
guild Guild
return void

GuildInfoNoGuild() public static method

Sends GuildInfoNoGuild to creature's client.
public static GuildInfoNoGuild ( Creature creature, Guild guild ) : void
creature Creature
guild Guild
return void

GuildMessage() public static method

Sends GuildMessage to creature's client.
public static GuildMessage ( Creature creature, Guild guild, string format ) : void
creature Creature
guild Guild
format string
return void

GuildNameAgreeRequest() public static method

Sends GuildNameAgreeRequest to creature's client.
public static GuildNameAgreeRequest ( Creature creature, long requesteeEntityId, string name ) : void
creature Creature
requesteeEntityId long
name string
return void

GuildNameVote() public static method

Sends GuildNameVote to creature's client.
public static GuildNameVote ( Creature creature, string voterName, bool vote ) : void
creature Creature
voterName string
vote bool
return void

GuildOpenGuildCreation() public static method

Sends GuildOpenGuildRobeCreation to creature's client.
public static GuildOpenGuildCreation ( Creature creature, long entityId, string guildName, uint color ) : void
creature Creature
entityId long
guildName string
color uint
return void

GuildPanel() public static method

Sends GuildPanel to creature's client.
public static GuildPanel ( Creature creature, Guild guild ) : void
creature Creature
guild Guild
return void

GuildPermitCheckR() public static method

Sends GuildPermitCheckR to creature's client.
public static GuildPermitCheckR ( Creature creature, GuildPermitCheckResult result, long itemEntityId ) : void
creature Creature
result GuildPermitCheckResult
itemEntityId long
return void

GuildStoneLocation() public static method

Sends GuildStoneLocation to creature's client.
public static GuildStoneLocation ( Creature creature, GuildStone stone ) : void
creature Creature
stone GuildStone Removes marker if null.
return void

GuildUpdateMember() public static method

Broadcasts GuildUpdateMember in range of creature.
public static GuildUpdateMember ( Creature creature, Guild guild, GuildMember member ) : void
creature Creature
guild Guild
member GuildMember
return void

GuildWithdrawGoldR() public static method

Sends GuildWithdrawGoldR to creature's client.
public static GuildWithdrawGoldR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

HomesteadEnterRequestR() public static method

Sends negative HomesteadEnterRequestR dummy to creature's client.
public static HomesteadEnterRequestR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

HomesteadInfoRequestR() public static method

Sends HomesteadInfoRequestR to creature's client.
public static HomesteadInfoRequestR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

Inquiry() public static method

Sends Inquiry to creature's client.
public static Inquiry ( Creature creature, byte id, string format ) : void
creature Creature
id byte
format string
return void

InquiryResponseR() public static method

Sends InquiryResponseR to creature's client.
public static InquiryResponseR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

Internal_Broadcast() public static method

Sends Internal.Broadcast to login server.
public static Internal_Broadcast ( string message ) : void
message string
return void

Internal_ChannelStatus() public static method

Sends Internal.ChannelStatus to login server.
public static Internal_ChannelStatus ( ) : void
return void

Internal_ChannelStatus() public static method

Sends Internal.ChannelStatus to login server with specified ChannelState.
public static Internal_ChannelStatus ( ChannelState state ) : void
state ChannelState
return void

Internal_ServerIdentify() public static method

Sends Internal.ServerIdentify to login server.
public static Internal_ServerIdentify ( ) : void
return void

IsNowDead() public static method

Broadcasts IsNowDead in range of creature.
Creature isn't targetable anymore after this.
public static IsNowDead ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

LevelUp() public static method

Broadcasts LevelUp in range of creature.
public static LevelUp ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

MailsRequestR() public static method

Sends MailsRequestR to creature's client.
public static MailsRequestR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

MotionCancel2() public static method

Broadcasts MotionCancel2 in creature's region.
public static MotionCancel2 ( Creature creature, byte unkByte ) : void
creature Creature
unkByte byte
return void

Move() public static method

Broadcasts Running|Walking in range of creature.
public static Move ( Creature creature, Position from, Position to, bool walking ) : void
creature Creature
from Position
to Position
walking bool
return void

MsgBox() public static method

Sends MsgBox to creature's client.
public static MsgBox ( Creature creature, MsgBoxTitle title, MsgBoxButtons buttons, MsgBoxAlign align, string format ) : void
creature Creature
title MsgBoxTitle
buttons MsgBoxButtons
align MsgBoxAlign
format string
return void

MsgBox() public static method

Sends MsgBox to creature's client.
public static MsgBox ( Creature creature, string format ) : void
creature Creature
format string
return void

MsgBox() public static method

Sends MsgBox to creature's client.
public static MsgBox ( Creature creature, string title, MsgBoxButtons buttons, MsgBoxAlign align, string format ) : void
creature Creature
title string
buttons MsgBoxButtons
align MsgBoxAlign
format string
return void

NaoRevivalEntrance() public static method

Sends NaoRevivalEntrance to creature's client.
public static NaoRevivalEntrance ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

NaoRevivalExit() public static method

Sends NaoRevivalExit to creature's client.
public static NaoRevivalExit ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

NewRegens() public static method

Sends StatUpdatePublic and StatUpdatePrivate to relevant clients, with a list of regens to remove.
public static NewRegens ( Creature creature, StatUpdateType type ) : void
creature Creature
type StatUpdateType
return void

Notice() public static method

Sends Notice to creature's client.
public static Notice ( Creature creature, NoticeType type, int duration, string format ) : void
creature Creature
type NoticeType
duration int Ignored if 0
format string
return void

Notice() public static method

Sends Notice to creature's client.
public static Notice ( Creature creature, NoticeType type, string format ) : void
creature Creature
type NoticeType
format string
return void

Notice() public static method

Sends Notice to creature's client.
public static Notice ( Creature creature, string format ) : void
creature Creature
format string
return void

Notice() public static method

Broadcasts Notice to every player in any region.
public static Notice ( NoticeType type, int duration, string format ) : void
type NoticeType
duration int Ignored if 0
format string
return void

Notice() public static method

Broadcasts Notice to every player in any region.
public static Notice ( NoticeType type, string format ) : void
type NoticeType
format string
return void

Notice() public static method

Broadcasts Notice in region.
public static Notice ( Region region, NoticeType type, int duration, string format ) : void
region Region
type NoticeType
duration int
format string
return void

Notice() public static method

Broadcasts Notice in region.
public static Notice ( Region region, string format ) : void
region Region
format string
return void

NpcInitiateDialog() public static method

Sends NpcInitiateDialog to creature's client.
public static NpcInitiateDialog ( Creature creature, long npcEntityId, string npcName, string npcLocalName ) : void
creature Creature
npcEntityId long
npcName string The ident for the NPC, e.g. _duncan.
npcLocalName string The actual NPC name displayed.
return void

NpcShopBuyItemR() public static method

Sends ShopBuyItemR to creature's client.
public static NpcShopBuyItemR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

NpcShopSellItemR() public static method

Sends ShopSellItemR to creature's client.
public static NpcShopSellItemR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

NpcTalk() public static method

Sends NpcTalk to creature's client.
public static NpcTalk ( Creature creature, string xml ) : void
creature Creature
xml string
return void

NpcTalkEgoR() public static method

Sends NpcTalkEgoR to creature's client.
public static NpcTalkEgoR ( Creature creature, bool success, long npcEntityId, string npcName, string description ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
npcEntityId long
npcName string
description string
return void

NpcTalkEndR() public static method

Sends NpcTalkEndR to creature's client.
If no message is specified "" is sent, to close the dialog box immediately.
public static NpcTalkEndR ( Creature creature, long npcId, string message = null ) : void
creature Creature
npcId long
message string Last message before closing.
return void

NpcTalkKeywordR() public static method

Sends NpcTalkKeywordR to creature's client.
public static NpcTalkKeywordR ( Creature creature, string keyword ) : void
creature Creature
keyword string Negative response if null
return void

NpcTalkKeywordR_Fail() public static method

Sends negative NpcTalkKeywordR to creature's client.
public static NpcTalkKeywordR_Fail ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

NpcTalkStartR() public static method

Sends NpcTalkStartR to creature's client.
public static NpcTalkStartR ( Creature creature, long npcId ) : void
creature Creature
npcId long Negative response if 0.
return void

NpcTalkStartR_Fail() public static method

Sends negative NpcTalkStartR to creature's client.
public static NpcTalkStartR_Fail ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

OpenBank() public static method

Sends OpenBank to creature's client.
public static OpenBank ( Creature creature, BankInventory bank, BankTabRace race, string bankId, string bankTitle ) : void
creature Creature
bank BankInventory
race BankTabRace
bankId string
bankTitle string
return void

OpenNpcShop() public static method

Sends OpenNpcShop to creature's client.
public static OpenNpcShop ( Creature creature, IList tabs ) : void
creature Creature
tabs IList
return void

OpenShopRemotelyR() public static method

Sends OpenShopRemotelyR to creature's client.
public static OpenShopRemotelyR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PartyAdChat() public static method

Broadcasts Chat on entire server, with a blue Party Chat, consisting of information about the party.
public static PartyAdChat ( Party party ) : void
party Party
return void

PartyBoardRequestR() public static method

Sends PartyBoardRequestR to creature's client.
public static PartyBoardRequestR ( Creature creature, List parties ) : void
creature Creature
parties List
return void

PartyChangeExpR() public static method

Response to leader changing EXP distribution rule.
Currently only successful
public static PartyChangeExpR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PartyChangeFinishR() public static method

Response to leader changing finish rule.
Currently only successful
public static PartyChangeFinishR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PartyChangeLeader() public static method

Informs all members of a change in leadership.
public static PartyChangeLeader ( Party party ) : void
party Party
return void

PartyChangeLeaderR() public static method

Response to the leader's request to change leadership.
public static PartyChangeLeaderR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PartyChangePasswordR() public static method

Informing the leader on the status of their password request
public static PartyChangePasswordR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PartyChangeSettingR() public static method

Response to the leader changing party settings.
public static PartyChangeSettingR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

PartyChat() public static method

Broadcasts PartyChat to all party members.
public static PartyChat ( Creature creature, string msg ) : void
creature Creature
msg string
return void

PartyCreateUpdate() public static method

Sent to clients when a new creature joins.
I'm not entirely sure of the purpose of this packet, I don't think the client would mind if you didn't send it.
public static PartyCreateUpdate ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

PartyExpUpdate() public static method

Updates clients on new party EXP distribution settings.
public static PartyExpUpdate ( Party party ) : void
party Party
return void

PartyFinishUpdate() public static method

Sends new finish rule setting to all clients in the party
public static PartyFinishUpdate ( Party party ) : void
party Party
return void

PartyJoinR() public static method

Sends the correct response to the client sending a party join request, and success grants full party information.
This is also sent when changing channel whilst in a party, upon reaching the new channel.
public static PartyJoinR ( Creature creature, PartyJoinResult result ) : void
creature Creature
result PartyJoinResult
return void

PartyJoinUpdateMembers() public static method

Updates all members of the new creature that has joined the party.
public static PartyJoinUpdateMembers ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

PartyLeaveR() public static method

Response to a member attempting to leave the party.
public static PartyLeaveR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PartyLeaveUpdate() public static method

Updates remaining party members of a member who has left the party.
public static PartyLeaveUpdate ( Creature creature, Party party ) : void
creature Creature
party Party
return void

PartyMemberWantedRefresh() public static method

Updates the party title with new information, such as a change in the total party members, name, type, etc.
public static PartyMemberWantedRefresh ( Party party ) : void
party Party
return void

PartyRemoveR() public static method

Responding whether the leader can (did) or can't (didn't) remove the requested party member.
public static PartyRemoveR ( Creature creature, bool canRemove ) : void
creature Creature
canRemove bool
return void

PartyRemoved() public static method

Informs a client on their removal from the party.
public static PartyRemoved ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

PartySettingUpdate() public static method

Updates members on changes to the party settings
Apparently they only get to know about name changes?
public static PartySettingUpdate ( Party party ) : void
party Party
return void

PartyTypeUpdate() public static method

Informs party members of a party type change (Dungeon, Normal, Jam, etc)
public static PartyTypeUpdate ( Party party ) : void
party Party
return void

PartyWantedClosed() public static method

Closes the party's Member Wanted window.
public static PartyWantedClosed ( Party party ) : void
party Party
return void

PartyWantedClosedR() public static method

Response to leader closing the party.
Currently only successful
public static PartyWantedClosedR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PartyWantedOpenR() public static method

Response to leader opening party.
Currently only successful
public static PartyWantedOpenR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PartyWantedOpened() public static method

Opens the party's Member Wanted window.
public static PartyWantedOpened ( Party party ) : void
party Party
return void

PartyWindowUpdate() public static method

I THINK this one is for actually updating the UI element of the party (with leader controls).
public static PartyWindowUpdate ( Creature creature, Party party ) : void
creature Creature
party Party
return void

PersonalShopAddItem() public static method

Sends PersonalShopAddItem to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopAddItem ( Creature creature, Item item ) : void
creature Creature
item Item
return void

PersonalShopBuyR() public static method

Sends PersonalShopBuyR to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopBuyR ( Creature creature, bool success, long itemEntityId ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
itemEntityId long
return void

PersonalShopCheckR() public static method

Sends PersonalShopCheckR to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopCheckR ( Creature creature, bool success, long bagEntityId, long licenseEntityId ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
bagEntityId long
licenseEntityId long
return void

PersonalShopCloseR() public static method

Sends PersonalShopCloseR to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopCloseR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PersonalShopCloseWindow() public static method

Sends PersonalShopCloseWindow to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopCloseWindow ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

PersonalShopCustomerPriceUpdate() public static method

Sends PersonalShopCustomerPriceUpdate to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopCustomerPriceUpdate ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, int price ) : void
creature Creature
itemEntityId long
price int
return void

PersonalShopOpenR() public static method

Sends PersonalShopOpenR to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopOpenR ( Creature creature, PersonalShop shop ) : void
creature Creature
shop PersonalShop Null for negative response
return void

PersonalShopPetProtectRequestR() public static method

Sends PersonalShopPricePetProtectRequestR to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopPetProtectRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PersonalShopPriceUpdate() public static method

Sends PersonalShopPriceUpdate to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopPriceUpdate ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, int price ) : void
creature Creature
itemEntityId long
price int
return void

PersonalShopRemoveItem() public static method

Sends PersonalShopRemoveItem to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopRemoveItem ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId, long buyerEntityId ) : void
creature Creature
itemEntityId long
buyerEntityId long
return void

PersonalShopSetPriceForAllR() public static method

Sends PersonalShopSetPriceForAllR to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopSetPriceForAllR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PersonalShopSetPriceR() public static method

Sends PersonalShopSetPriceR to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopSetPriceR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PersonalShopSetUpR() public static method

Sends positive PersonalShopSetUpR to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopSetUpR ( Creature creature, Prop shopProp ) : void
creature Creature
shopProp Prop
return void

PersonalShopSetUpR_Fail() public static method

Sends negative PersonalShopSetUpR to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopSetUpR_Fail ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

PersonalShopTakeDownR() public static method

Sends PersonalShopTakeDownR to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopTakeDownR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PersonalShopUpdateBrownie() public static method

Sends PersonalShopUpdateBrownie to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopUpdateBrownie ( Creature creature, long licenseEntityId, long brownieNpcEntityId ) : void
creature Creature
licenseEntityId long
brownieNpcEntityId long
return void

PersonalShopUpdateDescription() public static method

Sends PersonalShopUpdateDescription to creature's client.
public static PersonalShopUpdateDescription ( Creature creature, string description ) : void
creature Creature
description string
return void

PetMountR() public static method

Sends PetMountR to creature's client.
public static PetMountR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PetRegister() public static method

Sends PetRegister to creature's client.
TODO: Test, does this tell the client it can control this creature?
public static PetRegister ( Creature creature, Creature pet, SubordinateType type ) : void
creature Creature
pet Creature
type SubordinateType
return void

PetUnmountR() public static method

Sends PetUnmountR to creature's client.
public static PetUnmountR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

PetUnregister() public static method

Sends PetUnregister to creature's client.
public static PetUnregister ( Creature creature, Creature pet ) : void
creature Creature
pet Creature
return void

PlayCutscene() public static method

Sends PlayCutscene to creature's client.
public static PlayCutscene ( Creature creature, Cutscene cutscene ) : void
creature Creature
cutscene Cutscene
return void

PlayDead() public static method

Broadcasts PlayDead in range of creature.
public static PlayDead ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

PointsUpdate() public static method

Sends PointsUpdate to creature's client.
Points = Pon
public static PointsUpdate ( Creature creature, int ponsAmount ) : void
creature Creature
ponsAmount int
return void

ProductionSuccessRequestR() public static method

Sends ProductionSuccessRequestR to creature's client, informing it about the success rate it requested.
This version of the packet is used for "normal" Production, like Weaving and Handicraft.
public static ProductionSuccessRequestR ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, float successRate, bool totalSuccess ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId Skill the rate is used for.
successRate float /// Bonus success rate, added to the value calculated by the client, /// or the total success rate to use, if totalSuccess is true. ///
totalSuccess bool /// If true, the client will display the given successRate, if it's false, /// it will calculate the default rate itself and add successRate as bonus. ///
return void

ProductionSuccessRequestR() public static method

Sends ProductionSuccessRequestR to creature's client, informing it about the success rate it requested.
This version of the packet is used for Tailoring and Blacksmithing.
public static ProductionSuccessRequestR ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, float successRate, bool totalSuccess, float unkFloat ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId Skill the rate is used for.
successRate float /// Bonus success rate, added to the value calculated by the client, /// or the total success rate to use, if totalSuccess is true. ///
totalSuccess bool /// If true, the client will display the given successRate, if it's false, /// it will calculate the default rate itself and add successRate as bonus. ///
unkFloat float
return void

PutItemIntoPetInvR() public static method

Sends PutItemIntoPetInvR to creature's client.
public static PutItemIntoPetInvR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

RankUp() public static method

Broadcasts RankUp in range of creature.
The second parameter is the rank, but doesn't seem to be necessary.
public static RankUp ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId Excluded if 0
return void

RemoveDeathScreen() public static method

Broadcasts RemoveDeathScreen in range of creature.
Removes black bars and unlocks player. Update: This has to be broadcasted, otherwise other players are visually stuck in death mode. TODO: Maybe change name.
public static RemoveDeathScreen ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

RemoveDynamicRegion() public static method

Sends RemoveDynamicRegion to creature's client.
public static RemoveDynamicRegion ( Creature creature, int regionId ) : void
creature Creature
regionId int
return void

RemoveKeyword() public static method

Sends RemoveKeyword to creature's client.
public static RemoveKeyword ( Creature creature, ushort keywordId ) : void
creature Creature
keywordId ushort
return void

RemoveRegens() public static method

Sends StatUpdatePublic and StatUpdatePrivate to relevant clients, with a list of regens to remove.
public static RemoveRegens ( Creature creature, StatUpdateType type ) : void
creature Creature
type StatUpdateType
return void

RequestClientDisconnect() public static method

Sends RequestClientDisconnect to creature's client notifying automatic logout.
public static RequestClientDisconnect ( int time ) : void
time int Time in seconds until automatic logout.
return void

RequestNpcNamesR() public static method

Sends RequestNpcNamesR to creature's client.
public static RequestNpcNamesR ( Creature creature, ICollection npcs ) : void
creature Creature
npcs ICollection
return void

RequestRebirthR() public static method

Sends RequestRebirthR to creature's client.
public static RequestRebirthR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

RequestSecondaryLogin() public static method

Sends RequestSecondaryLogin to creature's client, requesting it to send a login packet for the given entity id.
public static RequestSecondaryLogin ( Creature creature, long entityId, string channelHost, int channelPort ) : void
creature Creature
entityId long Entity to log in.
channelHost string Host of channel to log in to.
channelPort int Port of channel to log in to.
return void

ResetCooldown() public static method

Sends ResetCooldown to creature's client.
public static ResetCooldown ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
return void

Revive_Fail() public static method

Sends negative Revived to creature's client.
public static Revive_Fail ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

Revived() public static method

Sends Revived to creature's client.
public static Revived ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

RiseFromTheDead() public static method

Broadcasts RiseFromTheDead in range of creature.
Makes creature stand up.
public static RiseFromTheDead ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

ServerMessage() public static method

Sends server message (special Chat) to creature's client.
public static ServerMessage ( Creature creature, string format ) : void
creature Creature
format string
return void

SetBgm() public static method

Sends SetBgm to creature's client.
public static SetBgm ( Creature creature, string file, BgmRepeat type ) : void
creature Creature
file string
type BgmRepeat
return void

SetCombatTarget() public static method

Broadcasts SetCombatTarget in range of creature.
public static SetCombatTarget ( Creature creature, long targetEntityId, TargetMode mode ) : void
creature Creature
targetEntityId long
mode TargetMode
return void

SetFinisher() public static method

Broadcasts SetFinisher in range of creature.
Displays flashing "Finish" if player is finisher.
public static SetFinisher ( Creature creature, long finisherEntityId ) : void
creature Creature
finisherEntityId long
return void

SetFinisher2() public static method

Broadcasts SetFinisher2 in range of creature.
Purpose unknown, sent shortly after SetFinisher.
public static SetFinisher2 ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

SetLocation() public static method

Sends SetLocation to creature's client.
public static SetLocation ( Creature creature, int x, int y ) : void
creature Creature
x int
y int
return void

SharpMind() public static method

Sends SharpMind to all creatures in range of user.
public static SharpMind ( Creature user, Creature target, SkillId skillId, SharpMindStatus state ) : void
user Creature
target Creature
skillId SkillId
state SharpMindStatus
return void

SimpleAcquireInfo() public static method

Sends AcquireInfo to creature's client.
Used on level up, for the green stats, floating besides the char. type can be any string, that string will be used as the name: "type +value"
public static SimpleAcquireInfo ( Creature creature, string type, float value ) : void
creature Creature
type string
value float
return void

SitDown() public static method

Broadcasts SitDown in range of creature.
The byte parameter is the rest post to use, 0 being the default. To keep sitting in that position for others, even if they run out of range, CreatureStateEx is required to be set (see Rest). It's unknown which state is the one for Rest R1 though, it might not be implemented at all yet.
public static SitDown ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

SkillAdvance_Fail() public static method

Sends negative SkillRankUp to creature's client.
public static SkillAdvance_Fail ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

SkillCancel() public static method

Sends SkillCancel to creature's client.
public static SkillCancel ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

SkillComplete() public static method

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.
public static SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
return void

SkillComplete() public static method

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.
public static SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, byte unkByte ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
unkByte byte
return void

SkillComplete() public static method

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.
public static SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int unkInt ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
unkInt int
return void

SkillComplete() public static method

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.
public static SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, int unkInt ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
entityId long
unkInt int
return void

SkillComplete() public static method

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.
public static SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, int unkInt1, int unkInt2 ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
entityId long
unkInt1 int
unkInt2 int
return void

SkillComplete() public static method

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.
public static SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId1, long entityId2 ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
entityId1 long
entityId2 long
return void

SkillComplete() public static method

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.
public static SkillComplete ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, string dict ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
dict string
return void

SkillCompleteDye() public static method

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.
public static SkillCompleteDye ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int part ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
part int
return void

SkillCompleteEntity() public static method

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.
public static SkillCompleteEntity ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
entityId long
return void

SkillCompleteUnk() public static method

Sends SkillComplete to creature's client.
public static SkillCompleteUnk ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, int unkInt, short unkShort ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
entityId long
unkInt int
unkShort short
return void

SkillInfo() public static method

Sends SkillInfo to creature's client.
public static SkillInfo ( Creature creature, Skill skill ) : void
creature Creature
skill Skill
return void

SkillPrepare() public static method

Sends SkillPrepare to creature's client.
public static SkillPrepare ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int castTime ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
castTime int Not always the cast time.
return void

SkillPrepare() public static method

Sends SkillPrepare to creature's client.
public static SkillPrepare ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, string dict ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
dict string .
return void

SkillPrepareCancellation() public static method

Sends SkillPrepareCancellation to creature's client.
public static SkillPrepareCancellation ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, byte unkByte ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
unkByte byte
return void

SkillPrepareSilentCancel() public static method

Sends SkillPrepareSilentCancel to creature's client.
public static SkillPrepareSilentCancel ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
return void

SkillRankUp() public static method

Sends SkillRankUp to creature's client.
public static SkillRankUp ( Creature creature, Skill skill ) : void
creature Creature
skill Skill
return void

SkillReady() public static method

Sends SkillReady to creature's client.
public static SkillReady ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int unkInt ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
unkInt int
return void

SkillReady() public static method

Sends SkillReady to creature's client.
public static SkillReady ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, string extra = "" ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
extra string
return void

SkillReadyDye() public static method

Sends SkillReady to creature's client.
public static SkillReadyDye ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long itemEntityId, long dyeEntityId ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
itemEntityId long
dyeEntityId long
return void

SkillStackSet() public static method

Sends SkillStackSet to creature's client.
public static SkillStackSet ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int stacks ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
stacks int
return void

SkillStart() public static method

Sends SkillStart to creature's client or broadcasts it if skill is of type "BroadcastStartStop".
public static SkillStart ( Creature creature, Skill skill, byte unkByte ) : void
creature Creature
skill Skill
unkByte byte
return void

SkillStart() public static method

Sends SkillStart to creature's client or broadcasts it if skill is of type "BroadcastStartStop".
public static SkillStart ( Creature creature, Skill skill, string extra ) : void
creature Creature
skill Skill
extra string
return void

SkillStartSilentCancel() public static method

Sends SkillStartSilentCancel to creature's client.
public static SkillStartSilentCancel ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
return void

SkillStop() public static method

Sends SkillStop to creature's client or broadcasts it if skill is of type "BroadcastStartStop".
public static SkillStop ( Creature creature, Skill skill, byte unkByte ) : void
creature Creature
skill Skill
unkByte byte
return void

SkillStop() public static method

Sends SkillStop to creature's client or broadcasts it if skill is of type "BroadcastStartStop".
public static SkillStop ( Creature creature, Skill skill, string extra ) : void
creature Creature
skill Skill
extra string
return void

SkillStopSilentCancel() public static method

Sends SkillStopSilentCancel to creature's client.
public static SkillStopSilentCancel ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
return void

SkillTeleport() public static method

Broadcasts SkillTeleport to creature's region.
public static SkillTeleport ( Creature creature, int x, int y ) : void
creature Creature
x int
y int
return void

SkillTrainingUp() public static method

Sends SkillTrainingUp to creature's client.
public static SkillTrainingUp ( Creature creature, Skill skill, float exp, string bonus = "" ) : void
creature Creature
skill Skill
exp float Exp gained
bonus string
return void

SkillUse() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
return void

SkillUse() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, byte unkByte ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
unkByte byte
return void

SkillUse() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int unkInt ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
unkInt int
return void

SkillUse() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, bool unk1, string unk2 ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
entityId long
unk1 bool
unk2 string
return void

SkillUse() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, int unk1 ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
entityId long
unk1 int
return void

SkillUse() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId, int unk1, int unk2 ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
entityId long
unk1 int
unk2 int
return void

SkillUse() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId1, long entityId2 ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
entityId1 long
entityId2 long
return void

SkillUse() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUse ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, string dict ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
dict string
return void

SkillUseDye() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUseDye ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int part, byte unkByte ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
part int
unkByte byte
return void

SkillUseDye() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUseDye ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int part, short x, short y ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
part int
x short
y short
return void

SkillUseEntity() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUseEntity ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, long entityId ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
entityId long
return void

SkillUsePlayingInstrument() public static method

Broadcasts Effect in range of creature.
public static SkillUsePlayingInstrument ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, InstrumentType instrument, string compressedMML, int rndScore ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
instrument InstrumentType
compressedMML string
rndScore int
return void

SkillUseSilentCancel() public static method

Sends SkillUseSilentCancel to creature's client.
public static SkillUseSilentCancel ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

SkillUseStun() public static method

Sends SkillUse to creature's client.
public static SkillUseStun ( Creature creature, SkillId skillId, int stun, int unk ) : void
creature Creature
skillId SkillId
stun int
unk int
return void

SosButtonRequestR() public static method

Sends SosButtonRequestR to creature's client.
public static SosButtonRequestR ( Creature creature, bool enabled ) : void
creature Creature
enabled bool
return void

SpinColorWheelR() public static method

public static SpinColorWheelR ( Creature creature, float result ) : void
creature Creature
result float
return void

SquadUnkR() public static method

Sends SquadUnkR to creature's client.
I assume this is a list of missions the squad can do?
public static SquadUnkR ( Creature creature, int num ) : void
creature Creature
num int
return void

StabilityMeterInit() public static method

Sends StabilityMeterInit to receiver, containing meter information of creature.
Init is sent officially the first time you get these information, afterwards it sends Update. The only visible difference so far seems to be that Init doesn't work with negative values.
public static StabilityMeterInit ( Creature receiver, Creature creature ) : void
receiver Creature
creature Creature
return void

StabilityMeterUpdate() public static method

Sends StabilityMeterUpdate to receiver, containing meter information of creature.
public static StabilityMeterUpdate ( Creature receiver, Creature creature ) : void
receiver Creature
creature Creature
return void

StandUp() public static method

Broadcasts StandUp in range of creature.
public static StandUp ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

StartRP() public static method

Sends StartRP to creature's client, to switch to control to given RP character.
public static StartRP ( Creature creature, long entityId ) : void
creature Creature
entityId long
return void

StatUpdate() public static method

Sends StatUpdatePublic and StatUpdatePrivate to relevant clients, with a list of new stat values.
public static StatUpdate ( Creature creature, StatUpdateType type ) : void
creature Creature
type StatUpdateType
return void

StatUpdate() public static method

Sends StatUpdatePublic to creature's in range, or StatUpdatePrivate to creature's client.
In private mode this packet has simply 4 lists. - A list of stats and their (new) values. - A list of (new) regens. - A list of regens to remove (by id). - A list of regens to update, with new change and max values. (The last one is speculation.) Since it's private, it's only sent to the creature's client, and they get every stat and regen. In public mode the same information is sent, but limited to stats like life, that's required for displaying life bars for others. It also has 3 more lists, that seem to do almost the same as the last 3 of private, regens, removing, and updating. - Some regens are sent in the first list, some in the second. (Like life vs injuries when using Rest.) - Regens that are to be removed are sent in both lists. - Updates are only sent in the first list. More research is required, to find out what the second lists actually do.
public static StatUpdate ( Creature creature, StatUpdateType type, ICollection stats, ICollection regens, ICollection regensRemove, ICollection regensUpdate ) : void
creature Creature
type StatUpdateType
stats ICollection
regens ICollection
regensRemove ICollection
regensUpdate ICollection
return void

StatUpdateDefault() public static method

Sends a public and private stat update for various default values, like Life, Mana, Str, Dex, etc.
public static StatUpdateDefault ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

SummonPetR() public static method

Sends SummonPetR to creature's client.
public static SummonPetR ( Creature creature, Creature pet ) : void
creature Creature
pet Creature Negative response if null
return void

SystemMessage() public static method

Sends system message (special Chat) to creature's client.
public static SystemMessage ( Creature creature, string format ) : void
creature Creature
format string
return void

SystemMessageFrom() public static method

Sends system message (special Chat) to creature's client.
public static SystemMessageFrom ( Creature creature, string from, string format ) : void
creature Creature
from string
format string
return void

System_Broadcast() public static method

public static System_Broadcast ( string from, string format ) : void
from string
format string
return void

TailoringMiniGame() public static method

Sends TailoringMiniGame to creature's client to start tailoring minigame.
The offsets specify the distance of the "stitch points" from the center of the 200x200px minigame field. X is 1:1 the distance from the center for each point, while Y gets added up. The point closest to the center is Y/2 px away, the second Y/2+Y, and the third Y/2+Y*2. Deviation is an array of 6 values, one for each point, that specify the amount of pixels your clicks can deviate from the actual position you clicked. For example, if you click on 60x180 for the first point, and the first byte in deviation is 3, the actual position sent to the server is between 57x177 and 63x183, randomized by the client. If the deviation values are too big, the minigame glitches and is likely to fail, the biggest value seen in logs was 4.
public static TailoringMiniGame ( Creature creature, Item item, int xOffset, int yOffset, byte deviation, byte deviation2 ) : void
creature Creature
item Item Item that is to be finished.
xOffset int Offset of stitch points on the x-axis.
yOffset int Offset of stitch points on the y-axis.
deviation byte Randomization for the 6 stitch points.
deviation2 byte
return void

TakeItemFromPetInvR() public static method

Sends TakeItemFromPetInvR to creature's client.
public static TakeItemFromPetInvR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

TelePetR() public static method

Sends TelePetR to pet's client.
public static TelePetR ( Creature pet, bool success ) : void
pet Creature
success bool
return void

TitleUpdate() public static method

Broadcasts TitleUpdate in creature's range.
public static TitleUpdate ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

TouchMimicR() public static method

Sends TouchMimicR to creature's client.
public static TouchMimicR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

TradeAcceptRequestR() public static method

Sends TradeAcceptRequestR to creature's client.
public static TradeAcceptRequestR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

TradeCancelR() public static method

Sends TradeCancelR to creature's client.
public static TradeCancelR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

TradeComplete() public static method

Sends TradeComplete to creature's client.
public static TradeComplete ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

TradeInfo() public static method

Sends TradeInfo to creature's client.
public static TradeInfo ( Creature creature, long tradeId, long tradePartnerEntityId ) : void
creature Creature
tradeId long
tradePartnerEntityId long
return void

TradeItemAdded() public static method

Sends TradeItemAdded to creature's client.
public static TradeItemAdded ( Creature creature, Item item ) : void
creature Creature
item Item
return void

TradeItemRemoved() public static method

Sends TradeItemRemoved to creature's client.
public static TradeItemRemoved ( Creature creature, long itemEntityId ) : void
creature Creature
itemEntityId long
return void

TradePartnerInfo() public static method

Sends TradePartnerInfo to creature's client.
public static TradePartnerInfo ( Creature creature, long tradePartnerEntityId, string tradePartnerName ) : void
creature Creature
tradePartnerEntityId long
tradePartnerName string
return void

TradeReadied() public static method

Sends TradeReadied to creature's client.
public static TradeReadied ( Creature creature, long entityId ) : void
creature Creature
entityId long Entity id of the creature that pressed Ready.
return void

TradeReadyR() public static method

Sends TradeReadyR to creature's client.
public static TradeReadyR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

TradeRequest() public static method

Sends TradeRequest to creature's client.
public static TradeRequest ( Creature creature, long tradePartnerEntityId, string tradePartnerName ) : void
creature Creature
tradePartnerEntityId long
tradePartnerName string
return void

TradeRequestCanceled() public static method

Sends TradeRequestCanceled to creature's client.
public static TradeRequestCanceled ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

TradeStartR() public static method

Sends TradeStartR to creature's client.
public static TradeStartR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

TradeWait() public static method

Sends TradeWait to creature's client.
public static TradeWait ( Creature creature, int milliseconds ) : void
creature Creature
milliseconds int
return void

TurnTo() public static method

Broadcasts TurnTo in range of creature.
public static TurnTo ( Creature creature, float x, float y ) : void
creature Creature
x float
y float
return void

UnkCombatR() public static method

Sends UnkCombatR to creature's client.
public static UnkCombatR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

UnsetBgm() public static method

Sends UnsetBgm to creature's client.
public static UnsetBgm ( Creature creature, string file ) : void
creature Creature
file string
return void

UnsummonPetR() public static method

Sends UnsummonPetR to creature's client.
public static UnsummonPetR ( Creature creature, bool success, long entityId ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
entityId long
return void

UpdateRegens() public static method

Sends StatUpdatePublic and StatUpdatePrivate to relevant clients, with a list of new change and max values for the regens.
public static UpdateRegens ( Creature creature, StatUpdateType type ) : void
creature Creature
type StatUpdateType
return void

UseGestureR() public static method

Sends UseGestureR to creature's client.
public static UseGestureR ( Creature creature, bool success ) : void
creature Creature
success bool
return void

UseMotion() public static method

Broadcasts UseMotion and CancelMotion (if cancel is true) in creature's region.
public static UseMotion ( Creature creature, int category, int type, bool loop = false, bool cancel = false ) : void
creature Creature
category int
type int
loop bool
cancel bool
return void

ViewEquipmentR() public static method

Sends ViewEquipmentR to creature's client.
public static ViewEquipmentR ( Creature creature, Creature target ) : void
creature Creature
target Creature
return void

VisualChat() public static method

Broadcasts VisualChat to creatures in range.
public static VisualChat ( Creature creature, string url, short width, short height ) : void
creature Creature
url string
width short
height short
return void

WarpRegion() public static method

Sends WarpRegion for creature to creature's client.
Makes client load the region and move the creature there. Uses current position of creature, move beforehand.
public static WarpRegion ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Creature
return void

WhisperChat() public static method

Sends WhisperChat to creature's client, containing whisper message.
public static WhisperChat ( Creature creature, string sender, string message ) : void
creature Creature
sender string
message string
return void