C# (CSharp) Tango Namespace


Name Description
AreaDescription C API wrapper for the Tango area description interface.
AreaDescription.Metadata Easy access to the metadata fields for an Area Description. If you want to look at a specific Area Description's metadata, get it with AreaDescription.GetMetadata and save it with AreaDescription.SaveMetadata. If you want to create a metadata for a not yet saved Area Description, use the default constructor to construct an empty metadata and save it after saving the Area Description.
AreaDescriptionEventListener The Area Description event is responsible for listening the callback from Area Description import and export.
Common This struct holds common global functionality used by this SDK.
Common.ErrorType Codes returned by Tango API functions.
Common.MetaDataKeyType Metadata keys supported by Tango APIs.
DepthListener Marshals Tango depth data between the C callbacks in one thread and the main Unity thread.
DepthProvider C API wrapper for the Tango depth interface.
OrientationManager Manages the orientation of the screen.
PoseListener Abstract base class that can be used to automatically register for onPoseAvailable callbacks from the Tango Service.
PoseProvider Provide pose related functionality.
Tango3DReconstruction Manages a single instance of the Tango 3D Reconstruction library, updating a single 3D model based on depth and color information.
TangoApplication Main entry point for the Tango Service. This component handles nearly all communication with the underlying TangoService. You must have one of these in your scene for Tango to work. Customization of the Tango connection can be done in the Unity editor or by programatically setting the member flags. This sends out events to Components that derive from the ITangoPose, ITangoDepth, etc. interfaces and register themselves via Register. This also sends out events to callbacks passed in through RegisterOnTangoConnect, RegisterOnTangoDisconnect, and RegisterPermissionsCallback. Note: To connect to the Tango Service, you should call InitApplication after properly registering everything.
TangoCloudEventListener Calls back tango cloud event listeners.
TangoEventListener Abstract base class that can be used to automatically register for onEventAvailable callbacks from the Tango Service.
TangoEvents C API wrapper for the Tango events interface.
TangoSupport Contains the Project Tango Support Unity API. The Project Tango Support Unity API provides helper methods useful to external developers for manipulating Project Tango data. The Project Tango Support Unity API is experimental and subject to change.
TangoSupport.DVector3 A double-precision 3D vector.
TangoUnityDepth Like TangoXYZij, but more Unity friendly.
TangoUnityImageData The TangoUnityImageData contains information about a byte buffer holding image data.
VideoOverlayListener Video overlay listener.
VideoOverlayProvider Video Overlay Provider class provide video functions to get frame textures.
VideoOverlayProvider.VideoOverlayAPI Video overlay native function import.
YUVTexture Wraps separate textures for Y, U, and V planes.