C# (CSharp) ModelBuilder Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AddressValueGenerator The AddressValueGenerator class is used to generate postal addressing values.
AgeValueGenerator The AgeValueGenerator class is used to generate numbers that should represent a persons age.
ArrayTypeCreator The ArrayTypeCreator class is used to create an instance from array types.
BooleanValueGenerator The BooleanValueGenerator class is used to generate random bool values.
BuildConfigurationExtensions The Extensions class provides extension methods for the IBuildConfiguration interface.
BuildStrategyCompiler The BuildStrategyCompiler class is used to assist in creating a new IBuildStrategy instance.
CityValueGenerator The CityValueGenerator class is used to generate random city values.
CompanyValueGenerator The CompanyValueGenerator class is used to generate random company name values.
CountValueGenerator The CountValueGenerator class is used to generate numeric values for parameters and properties that look like count or length values.
CountryValueGenerator The CountryValueGenerator class is used to generate random country values.
CreationRule The CreationRule class is used to define simple value creation rules that bypass ITypeCreator and IValueGenerator usages.
DateOfBirthValueGenerator The DateOfBirthValueGenerator class is used to generate random date of birth values.
DateTimeValueGenerator The DateTimeValueGenerator class is used to generate random date time values.
DefaultBuildLog The DefaultBuildLog class provides default implementation for creating a build log when creating types and values.
DefaultBuildStrategyCompiler The DefaultBuildStrategyCompiler class provides a IBuildStrategyCompiler with the default configuration for creating an IBuildStrategy.
DefaultConstructorResolver The DefaultConstructorResolver class is used to resolve a constructor for a type.
DefaultExecuteStrategy The DefaultExecuteStrategy{T} class is used to create types and populate instances.
DefaultTypeCreator The DefaultTypeCreator class is used to create an instance of a type using the constructors that match any arguments supplied.
DomainNameValueGenerator The DomainNameValueGenerator class is used to generate random domain name values.
EmailValueGenerator The EmailValueGenerator class is used to generate strings that should represent an email.
EnumValueGenerator The EnumValueGenerator class is used to generate random enum values.
EnumerableTypeCreator The EnumerableTypeCreator class is used to create an instance from an IEnumerable{T} type.
ExecuteOrderRule The ExecuteOrderRule class is used to define the order of property population.
FirstNameValueGenerator The FirstNameValueGenerator class is used to generate random first name values.
GenderValueGenerator The GenderValueGenerator class is used to generate random gender values.
GuidValueGenerator The GuidValueGenerator class is used to generate Guid values.
IPAddressValueGenerator The IPAddressValueGenerator class is used to generate IP Address values.
IgnoreRule The IgnoreRule class describes a property on a type that should not be set when populating an instance.
LastNameValueGenerator The LastNameValueGenerator class is used to generate random last name values.
MailinatorEmailValueGenerator The MailinatorEmailValueGenerator class is used to generate email addresses that always point to the mailinator.com domain.
NumericValueGenerator The NumericValueGenerator class is used to generate random numeric values.
ObjectExtensions The ObjectExtensions class provides extension methods for object instances.
PhoneValueGenerator The AgeValueGenerator class is used to generate phone numbers.
PostCodeValueGenerator The PostCodeValueGenerator class is used to generate random post code values.
PropertyExpression The PropertyExpression class defines regular expressions for matching values.
StateValueGenerator The StateValueGenerator class is used to generate state addressing values.
StringValueGenerator The StringValueGenerator class is used to generate random string values.
SuburbValueGenerator The SuburbValueGenerator class is used to generate random suburb values.
TimeZoneValueGenerator The TimeZoneValueGenerator class is used to generate IANA time zone values.
TypeCreatorBase The TypeCreatorBase class is used to provide the common implementation of a type creator.
UriValueGenerator The UriValueGenerator class is used to generate random uri values.
ValueGeneratorBase The ValueGeneratorBase class provides the base implementation for generating values.
ValueGeneratorMatcher The ValueGeneratorMatcher class is used to provide the common logic for evaluating whether a generator matches a target to generate for.