Name |
Description |
AddressValueGenerator |
The AddressValueGenerator class is used to generate postal addressing values. |
AgeValueGenerator |
The AgeValueGenerator class is used to generate numbers that should represent a persons age. |
ArrayTypeCreator |
The ArrayTypeCreator class is used to create an instance from array types. |
BooleanValueGenerator |
The BooleanValueGenerator class is used to generate random bool values. |
BuildConfigurationExtensions |
The Extensions class provides extension methods for the IBuildConfiguration interface. |
BuildException |
BuildStrategyCompiler |
The BuildStrategyCompiler class is used to assist in creating a new IBuildStrategy instance. |
CityValueGenerator |
The CityValueGenerator class is used to generate random city values. |
CompanyValueGenerator |
The CompanyValueGenerator class is used to generate random company name values. |
CountValueGenerator |
The CountValueGenerator class is used to generate numeric values for parameters and properties that look like count or length values. |
CountryValueGenerator |
The CountryValueGenerator class is used to generate random country values. |
CreationRule |
The CreationRule class is used to define simple value creation rules that bypass ITypeCreator and IValueGenerator usages. |
DateOfBirthValueGenerator |
The DateOfBirthValueGenerator class is used to generate random date of birth values. |
DateTimeValueGenerator |
The DateTimeValueGenerator class is used to generate random date time values. |
DefaultBuildLog |
The DefaultBuildLog class provides default implementation for creating a build log when creating types and values. |
DefaultBuildStrategyCompiler |
The DefaultBuildStrategyCompiler class provides a IBuildStrategyCompiler with the default configuration for creating an IBuildStrategy. |
DefaultConstructorResolver |
The DefaultConstructorResolver class is used to resolve a constructor for a type. |
DefaultExecuteStrategy |
The DefaultExecuteStrategy{T} class is used to create types and populate instances. |
DefaultTypeCreator |
The DefaultTypeCreator class is used to create an instance of a type using the constructors that match any arguments supplied. |
DomainNameValueGenerator |
The DomainNameValueGenerator class is used to generate random domain name values. |
EmailValueGenerator |
The EmailValueGenerator class is used to generate strings that should represent an email. |
EnumValueGenerator |
The EnumValueGenerator class is used to generate random enum values. |
EnumerableTypeCreator |
The EnumerableTypeCreator class is used to create an instance from an IEnumerable{T} type. |
ExecuteOrderRule |
The ExecuteOrderRule class is used to define the order of property population. |
FirstNameValueGenerator |
The FirstNameValueGenerator class is used to generate random first name values. |
GenderValueGenerator |
The GenderValueGenerator class is used to generate random gender values. |
GuidValueGenerator |
The GuidValueGenerator class is used to generate Guid values. |
IPAddressValueGenerator |
The IPAddressValueGenerator class is used to generate IP Address values. |
IgnoreRule |
The IgnoreRule class describes a property on a type that should not be set when populating an instance. |
LastNameValueGenerator |
The LastNameValueGenerator class is used to generate random last name values. |
MailinatorEmailValueGenerator |
The MailinatorEmailValueGenerator class is used to generate email addresses that always point to the domain. |
NumericValueGenerator |
The NumericValueGenerator class is used to generate random numeric values. |
ObjectExtensions |
The ObjectExtensions class provides extension methods for object instances. |
PhoneValueGenerator |
The AgeValueGenerator class is used to generate phone numbers. |
PostCodeValueGenerator |
The PostCodeValueGenerator class is used to generate random post code values. |
PropertyExpression |
The PropertyExpression class defines regular expressions for matching values. |
StateValueGenerator |
The StateValueGenerator class is used to generate state addressing values. |
StringValueGenerator |
The StringValueGenerator class is used to generate random string values. |
SuburbValueGenerator |
The SuburbValueGenerator class is used to generate random suburb values. |
TimeZoneValueGenerator |
The TimeZoneValueGenerator class is used to generate IANA time zone values. |
TypeCreatorBase |
The TypeCreatorBase class is used to provide the common implementation of a type creator. |
UriValueGenerator |
The UriValueGenerator class is used to generate random uri values. |
ValueGeneratorBase |
The ValueGeneratorBase class provides the base implementation for generating values. |
ValueGeneratorMatcher |
The ValueGeneratorMatcher class is used to provide the common logic for evaluating whether a generator matches a target to generate for. |