C# (CSharp) GooglePlayGames Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
GameInfo File containing information about the game. This is automatically updated by running the platform-appropriate setup commands in the Unity editor (which does a simple search / replace on the IDs in the form "__ID__"). We can check whether any particular field has been updated by checking whether it still retains its initial value - we prevent the constants from being replaced in the aforementioned search/replace by stripping off the leading and trailing "__".
PlayGamesLocalUser Represents the Google Play Games local user.
PlayGamesPlatform Provides access to the Google Play Games platform. This is an implementation of UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform. Activate this platform by calling the Activate method, then authenticate by calling the Authenticate method. After authentication completes, you may call the other methods of this class. This is not a complete implementation of the ISocialPlatform interface. Methods lacking an implementation or whose behavior is at variance with the standard are noted as such.
PlayGamesScore Represents a Google Play Games score that can be sent to a leaderboard.