C# (CSharp) CastleEscape Namespace


Name Description
Battle Takes care of battle screen and the battle procedures Authors: Allyson Sadwin Matt Munns
Dialogue The dialogue state. Authors: Allyson Sadwin :)
DrawableMap A scriptable map that can be drawn to the screen. Author: Dennis Honeyman
Flags For events. Author: Dennis Honeyman
Game1 This is the main type for your game
GameData Used for saving and loading games. Author: Dennis Honeyman
HUD The HUD for the Overworld state. Displays basic player information and the name of the current room. Author: Dennis Honeyman
ItemState A state for viewing and using items. Author: Dennis Honeyman
LevelState This class will handle the player leveling and allow them to increase their stats
MainMenu The initial state. Allows player to start a new game, load a current game, display game info, or exit. Author: Dennis Honeyman
Map Represents a map in the game. Author: Dennis Honeyman
NPE Represents a non-player entity. Author: Dennis Honeyman
Overworld The overworld state. Authors: Dennis Honeyman Matt Munns Allyson Sadwin
PauseState Will draw a pause state !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHANGE THE FONT !! !!!!!!!!!!!! Authors: Matt Munns
ScriptableMap A map that has an associated script. Author: Dennis Honeyman
State Represents a game state. Author: Dennis Honeyman
StateManager Manages the game states. Author: Dennis Honeyman
Store It's a store! You can buy things here! Author(s): Allyson Sadwin
TMXMap A map for the Tiled map format. Author: Dennis Honeyman
TestDialogueState A test class to make sure Dialogue works. Authors: ?? Allyson Sadwin
TestMapState Tests the map state. Author: Dennis Honeyman
TextMenu Allows the user to select from a list of options. Author: Dennis Honeyman