C# (CSharp) BEPUphysics.CollisionShapes Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
CompoundShape Shape composed of multiple other shapes.
CompoundShapeEntry Contains a shape and its local transform relative to its owning compound shape. This is used to construct compound shapes.
EntityShape Superclass of all collision shapes that are used by Entities.
InstancedMeshShape Local space data associated with an instanced mesh. This contains a hierarchy and all the other heavy data needed by an InstancedMesh.
MobileMeshShape Local space data associated with a mobile mesh. This contains a hierarchy and all the other heavy data needed by an MobileMesh.
ShapeDistributionInformation Contains data about the distribution of volume in a shape.
StaticGroupShape The shape information used by a StaticGroup. Unlike most shapes, a StaticGroupShape cannot be shared between multiple StaticGroups; a StaticGroupShape is linked to a single StaticGroup.
StaticMeshShape The local space information needed by a StaticMesh. Since the hierarchy is in world space and owned by the StaticMesh collidable, this is a pretty lightweight object.
TerrainShape The local space data needed by a Terrain collidable. Contains the Heightmap and other information.