C# Class TSystems.RELOAD.Transport.ReloadMessage

Afficher le fichier Open project: RELOAD-NET/RELOAD.NET Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
forwarding_header ForwardingHeader
reload_message_body RELOAD_MessageBody
security_block SecurityBlock

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddDestinationOverlay ( string resourceName ) : bool
AddViaHeader ( NodeId Node ) : bool
FromBytes ( byte bytes, long &offset, ReadFlags flags ) : ReloadMessage
GetDestListNetLength ( List dest_list ) : int
GetFirstViaHeader ( ) : Destination
IsFragmented ( ) : bool
IsRequest ( ) : bool
IsSingleFragmentMessage ( ) : bool
NeedsReassembling ( ) : bool
PutViaListToDestination ( ) : bool
PutViaListToDestination ( ReloadMessage rmDest ) : bool
ReadDestList ( BinaryReader reader, int Length ) : List
ReadOptionList ( BinaryReader reader, int Length ) : List
ReceiveFragmentedMessage ( MessageFragment>.Dictionary &fragmentedMessageBuffer ) : ReloadMessage

Method is used to retrieve fragmented Messages. Needs to be called for every fragmented Message. Message fragments are stored in the fragmentedMessageBuffer.

ReloadMessage ( ReloadConfig rc ) : System
ReloadMessage ( ReloadConfig rc, NodeId LastHopNodeId ) : System
ReloadMessage ( ReloadConfig rc, NodeId OriginatorNodeID, Destination destination, UInt64 trans_id, RELOAD_MessageBody reload_content ) : System
RemoveFirstDestEntry ( ) : void
ToBytes ( ) : byte[]
ToBytesFragmented ( uint fragmentSize ) : List

Method is used to fragmented a Message into fragments.

WriteDestList ( BinaryWriter writer, List dest_list ) : long
WriteOptionList ( BinaryWriter writer, List option_list ) : long
addOverlayForwardingOptions ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void

Private Methods

Méthode Description
IncrementTransactionID ( ) : void

Method Details

AddDestinationOverlay() public méthode

public AddDestinationOverlay ( string resourceName ) : bool
resourceName string
Résultat bool

AddViaHeader() public méthode

public AddViaHeader ( NodeId Node ) : bool
Node TSystems.RELOAD.Utils.NodeId
Résultat bool

FromBytes() public méthode

public FromBytes ( byte bytes, long &offset, ReadFlags flags ) : ReloadMessage
bytes byte
offset long
flags ReadFlags
Résultat ReloadMessage

GetDestListNetLength() public static méthode

public static GetDestListNetLength ( List dest_list ) : int
dest_list List
Résultat int

GetFirstViaHeader() public méthode

public GetFirstViaHeader ( ) : Destination
Résultat Destination

IsFragmented() public méthode

public IsFragmented ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

IsRequest() public méthode

public IsRequest ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

IsSingleFragmentMessage() public méthode

public IsSingleFragmentMessage ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

NeedsReassembling() public méthode

public NeedsReassembling ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

PutViaListToDestination() public méthode

public PutViaListToDestination ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

PutViaListToDestination() public méthode

public PutViaListToDestination ( ReloadMessage rmDest ) : bool
rmDest ReloadMessage
Résultat bool

ReadDestList() public méthode

public ReadDestList ( BinaryReader reader, int Length ) : List
reader BinaryReader
Length int
Résultat List

ReadOptionList() public méthode

public ReadOptionList ( BinaryReader reader, int Length ) : List
reader BinaryReader
Length int
Résultat List

ReceiveFragmentedMessage() public méthode

Method is used to retrieve fragmented Messages. Needs to be called for every fragmented Message. Message fragments are stored in the fragmentedMessageBuffer.
public ReceiveFragmentedMessage ( MessageFragment>.Dictionary &fragmentedMessageBuffer ) : ReloadMessage
fragmentedMessageBuffer MessageFragment>.Dictionary reference to a buffer for MessageFragments
Résultat ReloadMessage

ReloadMessage() public méthode

public ReloadMessage ( ReloadConfig rc ) : System
rc ReloadConfig
Résultat System

ReloadMessage() public méthode

public ReloadMessage ( ReloadConfig rc, NodeId LastHopNodeId ) : System
rc ReloadConfig
LastHopNodeId NodeId
Résultat System

ReloadMessage() public méthode

public ReloadMessage ( ReloadConfig rc, NodeId OriginatorNodeID, Destination destination, UInt64 trans_id, RELOAD_MessageBody reload_content ) : System
rc ReloadConfig
OriginatorNodeID NodeId
destination Destination
trans_id UInt64
reload_content RELOAD_MessageBody
Résultat System

RemoveFirstDestEntry() public méthode

public RemoveFirstDestEntry ( ) : void
Résultat void

ToBytes() public méthode

public ToBytes ( ) : byte[]
Résultat byte[]

ToBytesFragmented() public méthode

Method is used to fragmented a Message into fragments.
public ToBytesFragmented ( uint fragmentSize ) : List
fragmentSize uint Size at which the Message is spitted into fragments
Résultat List

WriteDestList() public static méthode

public static WriteDestList ( BinaryWriter writer, List dest_list ) : long
writer BinaryWriter
dest_list List
Résultat long

WriteOptionList() public static méthode

public static WriteOptionList ( BinaryWriter writer, List option_list ) : long
writer BinaryWriter
option_list List
Résultat long

addOverlayForwardingOptions() public méthode

public addOverlayForwardingOptions ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void
recmsg ReloadMessage
Résultat void

Property Details

RELOTAG public_oe static_oe property

public static UInt32 RELOTAG
Résultat UInt32

forwarding_header public_oe property

public ForwardingHeader forwarding_header
Résultat ForwardingHeader

reload_message_body public_oe property

public RELOAD_MessageBody reload_message_body
Résultat RELOAD_MessageBody

security_block public_oe property

public SecurityBlock security_block
Résultat SecurityBlock