Name |
Description |
ActionGameAction |
A game action that execute an Action |
ActiveWaitConditionGameAction |
A game action to wait an event for a time |
BasicGameAction |
A game action to play a sound |
FloatAnimationGameAction |
Game action of a single float value |
GameAction |
Represent a Game Action to perform something |
GameActionFactory |
Extension methods for GameAction class |
GameActionNode |
A game action to continue with other action |
GameActionSet |
Represent a Set of Game Actions |
GameActionUpdaterBehavior |
Behavior that updates the game action |
MoveTo2DGameAction |
Game action which animates an 2D entity |
MoveTo3DGameAction |
Game action which animates an 3D entity |
PlayMusicGameAction |
A game action that play a music |
PlaySoundGameAction |
A game action to play a sound |
PlayVideoGameAction |
A game action that play a video |
QuaternionAnimationGameAction |
Game action of a single float value |
RotateTo2DGameAction |
Game action that performs a rotating animation to a 2D entity |
RotateTo3DGameAction |
Game action that rotates an entity 3D. |
ScaleTo2DGameAction |
Game action that scales a 2D entity |
ScaleTo3DGameAction |
Game action that scales an entity 3D |
SingleAnimationGameAction |
A game action to play a sound |
TapGameAction |
A game action that execute an Action |
UpdatableGameAction |
Game action that is updated |
Vector2AnimationGameAction |
Vector3AnimationGameAction |
Game action of a single float value |
WaitCountGameAction |
A game action to continue with other action |
WaitGameAction |
A game action to wait for a time |