C# Class UnityEditor.UIElements.IntegerField

Makes a text field for entering an integer.
Inheritance: TextValueField
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
inputUssClassName string
labelUssClassName string
ussClassName string

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CanTryParse bool

Public Methods

Method Description
ApplyInputDeviceDelta ( Vector3 delta, DeltaSpeed speed, startValue ) : void

Modify the value using a 3D delta and a speed, typically coming from an input device.

IntegerField ( ) : System


IntegerField ( maxLength ) : System


IntegerField ( string label, maxLength = kMaxLengthNone ) : System


Protected Methods

Method Description
StringToValue ( string str ) : int

Converts a string to an integer.

ValueToString ( v ) : string

Converts the given integer to a string.

Private Methods

Method Description
CanTryParse ( string textString ) : bool

Method Details

ApplyInputDeviceDelta() public method

Modify the value using a 3D delta and a speed, typically coming from an input device.
public ApplyInputDeviceDelta ( Vector3 delta, DeltaSpeed speed, startValue ) : void
delta Vector3 A vector used to compute the value change.
speed DeltaSpeed A multiplier for the value change.
startValue The start value.
return void

IntegerField() public method

public IntegerField ( ) : System
return System

IntegerField() public method

public IntegerField ( maxLength ) : System
maxLength Maximum number of characters the field can take.
return System

IntegerField() public method

public IntegerField ( string label, maxLength = kMaxLengthNone ) : System
label string
maxLength Maximum number of characters the field can take.
return System

StringToValue() protected method

Converts a string to an integer.
protected StringToValue ( string str ) : int
str string The string to convert.
return int

ValueToString() protected method

Converts the given integer to a string.
protected ValueToString ( v ) : string
v The integer to be converted to string.
return string

Property Details

inputUssClassName public_oe static_oe property

USS class name of input elements in elements of this type.
public static string inputUssClassName
return string

labelUssClassName public_oe static_oe property

USS class name of labels in elements of this type.
public static string labelUssClassName
return string

ussClassName public_oe static_oe property

USS class name of elements of this type.
public static string ussClassName
return string