C# Class UnityEditor.UIElements.IntegerField

Makes a text field for entering an integer.
Inheritance: TextValueField
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
inputUssClassName string
labelUssClassName string
ussClassName string

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CanTryParse bool

Public Methods

Method Description
ApplyInputDeviceDelta ( Vector3 delta, DeltaSpeed speed, startValue ) : void

Modify the value using a 3D delta and a speed, typically coming from an input device.

IntegerField ( ) : System


IntegerField ( maxLength ) : System


IntegerField ( string label, maxLength = kMaxLengthNone ) : System


Protected Methods

Method Description
StringToValue ( string str ) : int

Converts a string to an integer.

ValueToString ( v ) : string

Converts the given integer to a string.

Private Methods

Method Description
CanTryParse ( string textString ) : bool

Method Details

ApplyInputDeviceDelta() public method

Modify the value using a 3D delta and a speed, typically coming from an input device.
public ApplyInputDeviceDelta ( Vector3 delta, DeltaSpeed speed, startValue ) : void
delta Vector3 A vector used to compute the value change.
speed DeltaSpeed A multiplier for the value change.
startValue The start value.
return void

IntegerField() public method

public IntegerField ( ) : System
return System

IntegerField() public method

public IntegerField ( maxLength ) : System
maxLength Maximum number of characters the field can take.
return System

IntegerField() public method

public IntegerField ( string label, maxLength = kMaxLengthNone ) : System
label string
maxLength Maximum number of characters the field can take.
return System

StringToValue() protected method

Converts a string to an integer.
protected StringToValue ( string str ) : int
str string The string to convert.
return int

ValueToString() protected method

Converts the given integer to a string.
protected ValueToString ( v ) : string
v The integer to be converted to string.
return string

Property Details

inputUssClassName public static property

USS class name of input elements in elements of this type.
public static string inputUssClassName
return string

labelUssClassName public static property

USS class name of labels in elements of this type.
public static string labelUssClassName
return string

ussClassName public static property

USS class name of elements of this type.
public static string ussClassName
return string