C# Class OpenBve.MainLoop

Mostrar archivo Open project: leezer3/OpenBVE Class Usage Examples

Private Methods

Method Description
AddControlRepeat ( int controlIndex ) : void

Adds a control to be repeated

CheckForOpenGlError ( string Location ) : void

Checks whether an OpenGL error has occured this frame

InitializeMotionBlur ( ) : void
OpenTKQuit ( object sender, System.CancelEventArgs e ) : void
ProcessControls ( double TimeElapsed ) : void

The ProcessControls function should be called once a frame, and updates the simulation accordingly

ProcessKeyboard ( ) : void
RemoveControlRepeat ( int controlIndex ) : void

Removes a control repeat

RestoreCameraSettings ( ) : void
SaveCameraSettings ( ) : void
StartLoopEx ( formMain result ) : void
UpdateControlRepeats ( double timeElapsed ) : void

Should be called once a frame, to update the status of all repeating controls

UpdateViewport ( ViewPortChangeMode Mode ) : void
keyDownEvent ( object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e ) : void

Called when a KeyDown event is generated

keyUpEvent ( object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e ) : void

Called when a KeyUp event is generated

mouseDownEvent ( object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e ) : void
mouseMoveEvent ( object sender, MouseMoveEventArgs e ) : void