C# Class LeapMotionAPI.LeapMotionConverter

Inheritance: AssimpConverter
Mostrar archivo Open project: loic-lavergne/mckineap Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetNodeBoneName ( string fingerType, string boneType, Leap.Hand hand ) : string
GetNodeHandName ( string handId ) : string
RecordStream ( Frame frame ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AddChildBone ( string fingerType, string boneType, Leap.Hand hand, Assimp.Node parentNode ) : Assimp.Node
AddNewFrame ( Leap.Hand hand, Assimp.Animation anim ) : void

Add a new frame Animation channel

CreateNodeHierarchy ( Leap.Hand hand, Assimp.Scene handScene ) : void

Build a Node hierachy into the scene property 'mainScene' from a Hand object

RecordHand ( Leap.Hand hand ) : void

Take an Hand argument which will be converted and added into one of the animation present in the animList property

VectorToNode ( Leap.Vector posVect, double time ) : QuaternionKey>.Tuple

Method Details

GetNodeBoneName() public static method

public static GetNodeBoneName ( string fingerType, string boneType, Leap.Hand hand ) : string
fingerType string
boneType string
hand Leap.Hand
return string

GetNodeHandName() public static method

public static GetNodeHandName ( string handId ) : string
handId string
return string

RecordStream() public method

public RecordStream ( Frame frame ) : void
frame Frame
return void