C# Class HaloMap.Render.SpawnInfo.BaseSpawn

The base spawn.
Mostrar archivo Open project: troymac1ure/Entity

Public Properties

Property Type Description
TagPath string
TagType string
Type SpawnType
X float
Y float
Z float
bbXDiff float
bbYDiff float
bbZDiff float
frozen bool
offset int

Public Methods

Method Description
Read ( Map map ) : void

Spawns must declare a function for reading their data from the map. It is expected that the given map.BR.BaseStream.Position is set already.

Write ( Map map ) : void

Spawns must declare a function for writing their data to the map. It is expected that this.offset has already been set.

Method Details

Read() public abstract method

Spawns must declare a function for reading their data from the map. It is expected that the given map.BR.BaseStream.Position is set already.
public abstract Read ( Map map ) : void
map HaloMap.Map.Map
return void

Write() public abstract method

Spawns must declare a function for writing their data to the map. It is expected that this.offset has already been set.
public abstract Write ( Map map ) : void
map HaloMap.Map.Map
return void

Property Details

TagPath public_oe property

The tag path.
public string TagPath
return string

TagType public_oe property

The tag type.
public string TagType
return string

Type public_oe property

The type.
public SpawnType Type
return SpawnType

X public_oe property

The x.
public float X
return float

Y public_oe property

The y.
public float Y
return float

Z public_oe property

The z.
public float Z
return float

bbXDiff public_oe property

Bounding Box x difference
public float bbXDiff
return float

bbYDiff public_oe property

Bounding Box y difference
public float bbYDiff
return float

bbZDiff public_oe property

Bounding Box z difference
public float bbZDiff
return float

frozen public_oe property

Indicates if object is frozen.
public bool frozen
return bool

offset public_oe property

The offset.
public int offset
return int