C# Class DZLib.Core.DZInterrupter

Provides information an API regarding interruptable spells.
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
DZInterrupter System
Game_OnGameUpdate void
InitializeSpells void
Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast void
RegisterSpell void
Spellbook_OnStopCast void

Public Methods

Method Description
GetInterruptableTargetData ( Obj_AI_Hero target ) : InterruptableTargetEventArgs

Gets the interruptable target data.

IsCastingInterruptableSpell ( this target, bool checkMovementInterruption = false ) : bool

Determines whether the target is casting an interruptable spell.

Private Methods

Method Description
DZInterrupter ( ) : System

Initializes static members of the DZInterrupter class.

Game_OnGameUpdate ( EventArgs args ) : void

Fired when the game updates.

InitializeSpells ( ) : void

Initializes the spells.

Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast ( Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args ) : void

Fired when the game processes spell casts.

RegisterSpell ( string champName, LeagueSharp.Common.InterruptableSpell spell ) : void

Registers the spell.

Spellbook_OnStopCast ( Spellbook sender, SpellbookStopCastEventArgs args ) : void

Fired when the spellbook stops a cast.

Method Details

GetInterruptableTargetData() public static method

Gets the interruptable target data.
public static GetInterruptableTargetData ( Obj_AI_Hero target ) : InterruptableTargetEventArgs
target Obj_AI_Hero The target.
return InterruptableTargetEventArgs

IsCastingInterruptableSpell() public static method

Determines whether the target is casting an interruptable spell.
public static IsCastingInterruptableSpell ( this target, bool checkMovementInterruption = false ) : bool
target this The target.
checkMovementInterruption bool if set to true checks if movement interrupts.
return bool