C# Class NativeUI.MenuPool

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Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( NativeUI.UIMenu menu ) : void

Add your menu to the menu pool.

AddSubMenu ( NativeUI.UIMenu menu, string text ) : NativeUI.UIMenu

Create and add a submenu to the menu pool. Adds an item with the given text to the menu, creates a corresponding submenu, and binds the submenu to the item. The submenu inherits its title from the menu, and its subtitle from the item text.

AddSubMenu ( NativeUI.UIMenu menu, string text, string description ) : NativeUI.UIMenu

Create and add a submenu to the menu pool. Adds an item with the given text and description to the menu, creates a corresponding submenu, and binds the submenu to the item. The submenu inherits its title from the menu, and its subtitle from the item text.

CloseAllMenus ( ) : void

Closes all of your menus.

Draw ( ) : void

Draws all visible menus.

IsAnyMenuOpen ( ) : bool

Checks if any menu is currently visible.

ProcessControl ( ) : void

Processes all of your visible menus' controls.

ProcessKey ( Keys key ) : void

Processes all of your visible menus' keys.

ProcessMenus ( ) : void

Process all of your menus' functions. Call this in a tick event.

ProcessMouse ( ) : void

Processes all of your visible menus' mouses.

RefreshIndex ( ) : void

Refresh index of every menu in the pool. Use this after you have finished constructing the entire menu pool.

ResetKey ( NativeUI.UIMenu menuControl ) : void
SetBannerType ( Sprite bannerType ) : void
SetBannerType ( NativeUI.UIResRectangle bannerType ) : void
SetBannerType ( string bannerPath ) : void
SetKey ( NativeUI.UIMenu menuControl, GTA.Control control ) : void
SetKey ( NativeUI.UIMenu menuControl, GTA.Control control, int controllerIndex ) : void
SetKey ( NativeUI.UIMenu menuControl, Keys control ) : void
ToList ( ) : List

Returns all of your menus.

Method Details

Add() public method

Add your menu to the menu pool.
public Add ( NativeUI.UIMenu menu ) : void
menu NativeUI.UIMenu
return void

AddSubMenu() public method

Create and add a submenu to the menu pool. Adds an item with the given text to the menu, creates a corresponding submenu, and binds the submenu to the item. The submenu inherits its title from the menu, and its subtitle from the item text.
public AddSubMenu ( NativeUI.UIMenu menu, string text ) : NativeUI.UIMenu
menu NativeUI.UIMenu The parent menu to which the submenu must be added.
text string The name of the submenu.
return NativeUI.UIMenu

AddSubMenu() public method

Create and add a submenu to the menu pool. Adds an item with the given text and description to the menu, creates a corresponding submenu, and binds the submenu to the item. The submenu inherits its title from the menu, and its subtitle from the item text.
public AddSubMenu ( NativeUI.UIMenu menu, string text, string description ) : NativeUI.UIMenu
menu NativeUI.UIMenu The parent menu to which the submenu must be added.
text string The name of the submenu.
description string The name of the submenu.
return NativeUI.UIMenu

CloseAllMenus() public method

Closes all of your menus.
public CloseAllMenus ( ) : void
return void

Draw() public method

Draws all visible menus.
public Draw ( ) : void
return void

IsAnyMenuOpen() public method

Checks if any menu is currently visible.
public IsAnyMenuOpen ( ) : bool
return bool

ProcessControl() public method

Processes all of your visible menus' controls.
public ProcessControl ( ) : void
return void

ProcessKey() public method

Processes all of your visible menus' keys.
public ProcessKey ( Keys key ) : void
key Keys
return void

ProcessMenus() public method

Process all of your menus' functions. Call this in a tick event.
public ProcessMenus ( ) : void
return void

ProcessMouse() public method

Processes all of your visible menus' mouses.
public ProcessMouse ( ) : void
return void

RefreshIndex() public method

Refresh index of every menu in the pool. Use this after you have finished constructing the entire menu pool.
public RefreshIndex ( ) : void
return void

ResetKey() public method

public ResetKey ( NativeUI.UIMenu menuControl ) : void
menuControl NativeUI.UIMenu
return void

SetBannerType() public method

public SetBannerType ( Sprite bannerType ) : void
bannerType Sprite
return void

SetBannerType() public method

public SetBannerType ( NativeUI.UIResRectangle bannerType ) : void
bannerType NativeUI.UIResRectangle
return void

SetBannerType() public method

public SetBannerType ( string bannerPath ) : void
bannerPath string
return void

SetKey() public method

public SetKey ( NativeUI.UIMenu menuControl, GTA.Control control ) : void
menuControl NativeUI.UIMenu
control GTA.Control
return void

SetKey() public method

public SetKey ( NativeUI.UIMenu menuControl, GTA.Control control, int controllerIndex ) : void
menuControl NativeUI.UIMenu
control GTA.Control
controllerIndex int
return void

SetKey() public method

public SetKey ( NativeUI.UIMenu menuControl, Keys control ) : void
menuControl NativeUI.UIMenu
control Keys
return void

ToList() public method

Returns all of your menus.
public ToList ( ) : List
return List